Pirelli Corporate Governance Pillars
corporate governance structure aligned
with the best practices, as set in the art. 3.4 of the By-laws
Please click here to discover the Corporate Governance Report
Role of
Board of
- Adequate balance of executive, non-executive and independent directors
- Number of non-executive directors shall ensure that their vote has a significant impact on the BoD decisions
- High presence of independent directors (the majority of the BoD)
Diversity Balance of managerial skills, taking into account the benefit that could stem from the presence of different genders, age and seniorities
Set-up of internal committees mainly composed of independent directors
- Audit, Risks and Corporate Governance Committee
- Remuneration Committee
- Appointment and Succession Committee
- Committee for Transactions with Related-Parties
- Strategies Commitee
- Sustainability Commitee