Manager responsible for the preparation of the corporate financial documents

At the meeting of August 3, 2023, the Board of Directors of the Company has confirmed the appointment of the Executive Vice President Administration, Planning & Controlling Fabio Bocchio , as Manager responsible for the preparation of the corporate financial documents for the term of the mandate of the Company's Board of Directors.
The Manager in charge has the following main tasks:

  1. to prepare adequate administrative and accounting procedures for the preparation of the annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements as well as any other financial communications;
  2. to issue a written statement attesting that the Company's documents and communications provided to the market and pertaining to the same Company's accounting, asset or financial reporting, including interim reports, truly reflect the documents, books and accounting records;
  3. to certify with a special report based on the CONSOB regulation model, to be attached to the annual financial statements, the simplified half-yearly financial statements and the consolidated financial statements confirming:
    1. the suitability and effective application of the procedures in letter a) above during the period to which the documents refer to;
    2. that the documents are prepared in compliance with the applicable international accounting principles recognised in the European Community under Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002;
    3. that the documents comply with the results of the accounting books and records;
    4. that the documents provide a truthful and accurate picture of the operating results and financial position of the Company and all the companies covered by the consolidated financial statements;
    5. for the annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements, that the management report includes a reliable analysis of the operational progress and  results and of the situation of the Company and all of the companies covered by the consolidation, together with a description of the main risks and uncertainties to which they are exposed;
    6. for the simplified half-yearly financial statements, that the interim management report includes a reliable analysis of the information as per paragraph 4 of Article 154-ter of the Consolidated Financial Act (TUF).

The Manager in charge is also granted with all the organizational and management powers required to perform the duties granted by current legislation, the Bylaws and the Board of Directors. Full spending power is given to exercise the granted powers.
The Manager in charge:

  • is expected to attend Company Board of Director’s meetings with examination of the Company's economic-financial data on the Agenda;
  • shall without delay inform the delegated management body, the Board of Directors, also via the ad hoc board committee, of any significant matters of relevance which it considers to be, if incorrect, to be stated in the declaration reqiored by Article 154-bis of the TUF;
  • has direct access to all the necessary information for the production of the accounting data, without the need for any authorization; he participates in the internal accounting flows and approves all the company procedures that impact on the Company's financial situation;
  • reports, at least once a year, to the Board of Directors either directly or via the ad hoc internal board committee and to the Board of Statutory Auditors.

The Board of Directors must make sure the Manager in Charge avails of the proper means and powers to exercise the duties conferred and ensure effective compliance with administrative and accounting procedures.

Last revised: 3 Aug 2023