Work with us
Pirelli is open to the best people. It looks for talent both inside and outside the Company, encouraging and developing potential.
Every year the company hires new graduates from around the world who will train with Pirelli and develop within the Company: some of the current senior managers started at the Company as interns.
At Pirelli you will be working with professionals at the top of their game. We are a global company drawing on talent, where people are encouraged to develop their skills and perform to the best of their abilities – whether you join as graduates or later in your career. We are dynamic, international and multicultural environment, which values collaboration and strong working relationships.
This is an exciting time to work for Pirelli as it undertakes a digital transformation process, making the company more agile and flexible and introducing a new dynamism to the workplace. Working at Pirelli is an opportunity to develop your skills and professional knowledge.
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Recruiting
- Breuberg
- Personnel and Organization
- no experience
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Recruiting
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Das könnte Dich bewegen:
- Bewerbermanagement für Festangestellte & Praktikanten, schriftliche & telefonische Korrespondenz sowie Teilnahme an Interviews bzw. eigenständiges Führen von Vorstellungsgesprächen
- Eingabe & Verwaltung von Stellen in den Internet-Jobbörsen und Erstellung der Verträge für Praktikanten und Abschlussarbeiten
- Vorbereitung von & Teilnahme an Hochschulmessen & Hochschulmarketingveranstaltungen
- Begleitung eines eigenverantwortlichen Projekts
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre oder Wirtschaftspsychologie, o.ä.
- gute Englischkenntnisse
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Elektriker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d)
- Breuberg
- Operation
- < 1 year
An unserem Standort in Breuberg suchen wir
Elektriker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d)
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Störungssuche und -behebung an Produktionsanlagen und Maschinen
- Analyse von Systemfehlern sowie dauerhafte Beseitigung von Störungen
- Unterstützung aller Planned-Maintenance-Aktivitäten
- Reparatur von Ersatz- und Austauschteilen
- Erarbeitung und Durchführung einfacher Änderungen und Instandhaltungsarbeiten an Produktionsanlagen und Maschinen
- Mitarbeit bei Projekten (Montage, Inbetriebnahme) sowie allgemeine Installationsarbeiten
Ihr Profil:
- Sie verfügen über eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Elektriker (m/w/d) für Betriebstechnik oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung.
- Sie haben Erfahrung im Bereich Instandhaltung und der Montage elektrischer Schaltanlagen.
- Sie arbeiten sicher mit den gängigen MS Office-Anwendungen.
- Kenntnisse in SPS Programmierung, Antriebstechnik und Messtechnik sind von Vorteil.
- Sie überzeugen durch Ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeit.
- Sie sind integrations- und teamfähig.
- Eigeninitiative, Flexibilität und Belastbarkeit runden Ihr Profil ab.
Arbeitszeit: 7-Tage- Woche im 3-Schicht-Rhythmus
Ihre Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 30
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 74
Geben Sie Ihrer Zukunft Profil!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre aussagefähige Bewerbung mit Angaben zu Ihrer Kündigungsfrist sowie Ihren Gehaltsvorstellungen.
Apply Now
Ausbildung bei Pirelli
- Breuberg
- General Management
- no experience
Allgemeine Informationen zur Dualen Ausbildung
Die duale Ausbildung verknüpft die praktische Berufsausbildung im Unternehmen mit der ausbildungsrelevanten Theorie in der Berufsschule. So können die erlernten Kenntnisse der Schule ideal in der betrieblichen Praxis angewandt und vertieft werden.
Voraussetzungen für die Ausbildung:
Um eine Ausbildung bei Pirelli zu beginnen ist, je nach Ausbildungsberuf, ein guter Hauptschulabschluss oder ein guter Realschulabschluss vorausgesetzt. Ein besonderes Augenmerk richten wir auf Themen wie beispielweise Arbeits- und Sozialverhalten.
Beginn der Ausbildung ist für alle von Pirelli angebotenen Ausbildungsberufe jeweils der 1. September eines Jahres. Der Beginn der Berufsschule richtet sich nach dem Ende der Hessischen Sommerferien. Die Ausbildung dauert, je nach Ausbildungsberuf, 3 bzw. 3,5 Jahre. Der Unterricht in der Berufsschule findet in der Regel an 1,5 Tagen pro Woche im Beruflichen-Schulzentrum-Odenwaldkreis“ in Michelstadt statt. Ausnahme: Die Verfahrensmechaniker/ -innen für Kunststoff- und Kautschuktechnik besuchen an 1,5 Tagen pro Woche die Erasmus-Kittler-Schule in Darmstadt. Die Fachinformatiker/ -innen werden im einwöchigen Blockunterricht in der Heinrich-Emmanuel-Merck-Schule ebenfalls in Darmstadt beschult. Die übrige wöchentliche Ausbildungszeit findet am Pirelli-Standort in Breuberg statt.
- Industriekaufleute
- Kaufleute für Büromanagement
- Mechatroniker/in
- Elektrotechniker/in für Betriebs- oder Automatisierungstechnik
- Industriemechaniker/in
- Zerspanungsmechaniker/in Fachrichtung Drehtechnik
- Kautschuktechnolog/in
- Fachinformatiker/in für Anwendungsentwicklung
- Maschinen- und Anlagenführer
- WICHTIG: Interessierte sollten sich frühzeitig, ca. 1 Jahr vor Ausbildungsbeginn im Unternehmen bewerben.
Ihre Bewerbung sollte folgende Unterlagen enthalten: Anschreiben, vollständigen tabellarischen Lebenslauf, Kopien der letzten drei aufeinander folgenden Zeugnisse. Bitte achten Sie hierbei unbedingt auf die Vollständigkeit der Bewerbungsunterlagen.
Nutzen Sie für Ihre Bewerbung in unserem Haus, egal ob per Post oder per Mail, bitte folgende Kontaktdaten:
Pirelli Deutschland GmbH
PB/B– Christian Heckmann / Lena Ostheimer
Höchster Straße 48-60
64747 Breuberg
Tel.: 06163/ 71-2630
Fax: 06163/ 71-3100
Wenn Sie detailliertere Informationen zum Thema „Ausbildung bei Pirelli“ wünschen, dann folgen Sie uns auf „pirelli_ausbildung“ auf Instagram. Hier gibt es alles Wichtige zu den einzelnen Ausbildungsberufen, dem Auswahlverfahren, wichtigen Terminen und vieles mehr.
Apply NowJunior Reifenentwickler (m/w/d)
- Breuberg
- Operation
- 1 - 3 years
Mit Pirelli auf der richtigen Spur. Als Marktführer im Premium- und Prestigesegment zählen wir zu den weltweit führenden Reifenherstellern. Unser traditionsreiches Unternehmen mit italienischen Wurzeln blickt dabei auf eine langjährige und erfolgreiche Geschichte zurück.
Dennoch richten wir unseren Blick stets in die Zukunft und investieren kontinuierlich in Forschung & Entwicklung. Unser Fokus liegt auf der Förderung von Gleichberechtigung, einem respektvollen Verhältnis und Fairness sowie einem verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit den natürlichen Ressourcen. All dies erfolgt im Einklang mit unserer Verantwortung für sichere, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und Nachhaltigkeit.
An unserem Standort in Breuberg suchen wir
Junior Reifenentwickler (m/w/d)
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Entwicklung von Prestige-Reifen für die Erstausrüstung (Sommer-, Winter- und All Seasonreifen) gemäß Lastenheft in allen erforderlichen Dimensionen unter Einhaltung vorgegebener Termine sowie Kostenziele
- Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Simulationen nach Kundenanforderungen
- Festlegung und Umsetzung der allgemeinen gültigen Entwicklungsrichtlinien in Reifenspezifikationen
- Bewertung von Reifenabschnitten unter Berücksichtigung von Konzernrichtlinien mit dem Ziel der Erstausrüster-Homologation
- Erstellung von Konstruktionszeichnungen
- Festlegung des Prüfumfangs und Auswertung der Prüfergebnisse in Abstimmung/Zusammenarbeit mit dem technischen Accountmanagement und der Prüfabteilung
- Mitarbeit in Konzernprojekten zur Verbesserung der Produktperformance
Ihr Profil:
- Sie haben ein technisches Studium abgeschlossen und haben erste Erfahrungen in der Erstellung von Simulationsmodellen und im Bereich Entwicklung sowie im Projektmanagement.
- Sie verfügen über gute Produkt- und Prozesskenntnisse.
- Sie kennen sich im Bereich der Reifentechnologie aus.
- Weiterhin verfügen Sie über Kenntnisse im Bereich Fahrzeugdynamik, Kenntnisse hinsichtlich NVH sind von Vorteil.
- Sie überzeugen durch Ihre Zielstrebigkeit und Ergebnisorientierung, ebenso ist Ihre Problemlösungsfähigkeit sehr ausgeprägt.
- Sie verfügen über eine sehr gute Planungs- und Organisationsfähigkeit.
- Sie haben erste Erfahrung in der Programmierung mit Visual Basic.
- Sie verfügen über gute Englischkenntnisse, Italienischkenntnisse sind von Vorteil.
- Ihre ausgeprägte Teamfähigkeit rundet Ihr Profil ab.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten sowie individuelle Smart Working Möglichkeiten an.
- Vereinbarkeit und Förderung von Familie und Beruf
- Faire Bezahlung, inklusive einigen Zusatzleistungen wie zum Beispiel 30 Tage Urlaub, Urlaubsgeld und Belegschaftsverkauf.
- Umfassende Sozialleistungen wie z.B. Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Sport- und Freizeitmöglichkeiten und ein eigenes Fitnessangebot
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Ihre Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 30
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 74
Geben Sie Ihrer Zukunft Profil!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre aussagefähige Bewerbung mit Angaben zu Ihrer Kündigungsfrist sowie Ihren Gehaltsvorstellungen.
Apply Now
Praktikum Materialentwicklung
- Breuberg
- R&D
- no experience
Praktikum Materialentwicklung
Deine Verantwortlichkeiten:
- Neu- und Weiterentwicklung von Prozessspezifikationen für die Mischungsherstellung.
- praktische Durchführung von Experimenten und Versuchen unter Nutzung modernster analytischer Messmethoden sowie der Zuhilfenahme von zeitgemäßen Versuchsplanmethoden
- Entwicklung von Thesen/ Modellen zur wissenschaftlichen Beschreibung von Untersuchungsergebnissen sowie deren Verifikation
- Dokumentation der Ergebnisse in Form von Technischen Reports (Zwischenreports)
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Ingenieurstudium (Verfahrenstechnik, Kunststoff- / Kautschuktechnik, Werkstoffkunde o.ä.) oder Studium der Naturwissenschaften (Physik, Chemie o.ä.)
- Englischkenntnisse von Vorteil
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Werkfeuerwehrmann/-frau (m/w/d)
- Breuberg
- General Services
- 1 - 3 years
An unserem Standort in Breuberg suchen wir
Werkfeuerwehrmann/-frau (m/w/d)
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Durchführung von vorbeugenden und abwehrenden Brandschutzmaßnahmen
- Überprüfung und Wartung der ortsfesten Löschanlagen, Feuerlöscher und brandschutztechnischen Einrichtungen
- Werkschutztätigkeiten und Tordienste
- Bedienen der Telefonzentrale einschließlich Brandmeldeanlage in der Gefahrenabwehrzentrale
Ihr Profil:
- Sie verfügen über eine uneingeschränkte Feuerwehrtauglichkeit nach G26/III und einer Ausbildung nach APVO-WFw B-II.
- Eine Berufsausbildung im Bereich Elektrotechnik oder Metalltechnik sowie eine Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Schutz und Sicherheit sind wünschenswert.
- Alternativ ist auch möglich Sie bei Bereitschaft zur/m hauptberuflichen Werkfeuerwehrfrau/-mann auszubilden, wenn Sie über eine Ausbildung nach FwDV 2 mit der Qualifikation „Atemschutzgeräteträger sowie Zugführer oder Gruppenführer“ verfügen.
- Sie haben einen Führerschein der Klassen C oder C/E.
- Bereitschaft zum 12 Std. Schichtdienst (2 Tag, 2 Nacht, 4 Frei)
- Sie besitzen ein einwandfreies polizeiliches Führungszeugnis.
- Sie arbeiten sicher mit den gängigen MS-Office Anwendungen.
- Erfahrung im Werkschutz von Vorteil
- Sie überzeugen durch Ihre Eigeninitiative und Ihre Belastbarkeit.
- Ihre starke Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit runden Ihr Profil ab.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Vereinbarkeit und Förderung von Familie und Beruf
- Faire Bezahlung, inklusive einigen Zusatzleistungen wie zum Beispiel Urlaubsgeld und Belegschaftsverkauf.
- Umfassende Sozialleistungen wie z.B. Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Sport- und Freizeitmöglichkeiten und ein eigenes Fitnessangebot
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Ihre Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 30
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 74
Geben Sie Ihrer Zukunft Profil!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre aussagefähige Bewerbung mit Angaben zu Ihrer Kündigungsfrist sowie Ihren Gehaltsvorstellungen.
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Einkauf (Lieferantenmanagement und Bestellprozess)
- Breuberg
- Purchasing
- no experience
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Einkauf (Lieferantenmanagement und Bestellprozess)
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Das könnte Dich bewegen:
- Optimierung des Bestellwesens für lagerhaltig geführte Güter inclusive der Durchführung der bestandsorientierten Bestellautomatik im Bereich "Maintenance, Repair und Operations"
- eigenverantwortliches Führen von Verhandlungsgesprächen mit nationalen und internationalen Lieferanten, sowie Kontakt zu internen Kunden und Evaluation von Angeboten
- eigenständige Bearbeitung und Überwachung von Bestellvorgängen sowie Durchführung aller Tätigkeiten im SAP-Bestellwesen
- Koordination und Überwachung von Lieferterminen
Hierfür bringst mit:
- Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre oder eines vergleichbaren Studiengangs
- sicherer Umgang mit MS-Excel
- gute Englischkenntnisse
- Fließendes Deutsch
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Marketing Car
- München
- Marketing
- no experience
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Marketing Car
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Das könnte Dich bewegen:
- Gestaltung, Umsetzung und Reporting von nationalen und zielgruppenindividuellen Marketing-Aktivitäten (z.B. Events, Social Media, Gewinnspiele)
- Unterstützung bei der Vorbereitung, Planung und Durchführung von Veranstaltungen & Messen
- Entwicklung von Inhalten, Pflege und Kontrolle der eigenen und Handelspartner-Webseiten
- Betreuung unseres internen Werbemittelshops und Online-Systemen zur Unterstützung der Marketingaktivitäten (z.B. Buchung von Großflächenplakaten, Anzeigen, Online-Werbung, Händlersuche)
- Erstellung und Koordination der internen und externen Kommunikation (z.B. Mitarbeiterzeitschrift, Newsletter)
- Bearbeitung von Händler- und Endkundenanfragen
- Auftragserstellung und -abrechnung über das interne SAP Bestellsystem
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Studium im Bereich Wirtschaft, Medien/Kommunikation, Eventmanagement oder vergleichbar
- erste praktische Erfahrungen im Bereich Trade-/ Online-Marketing von Vorteil
- sicherer Umgang mit MS Excel, PowerPoint
- fließendes Deutsch und Englisch
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Praktikum Marketing Motorradreifen
- München
- Marketing
- no experience
Praktikum Marketing Motorradreifen
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum.
Das könnte Dich bewegen:
Du unterstützt unsere Marketingspezialisten in einem der folgenden Bereiche:
Trade Marketing/ Event Management
- Unterstützung bei der Vorbereitung, Planung und Durchführung von Veranstaltungen und Messen (Marken Metzeler & Pirelli)
- Mitgestaltung von Messekonzepten
- Unterstützung des Teilnehmermanagements
- Handling und Pflege des internen Merchandising-Artikel Shops
- Mitwirkung bei verschiedenen Promotion- und Endkundenaktionen
Online Marketing/ Social Media
- Mitgestaltung von Kommunikationskonzepten für Veranstaltungen
- Planung und eigenständige Umsetzung von Social Media Kommunikationsstrategien, sowie Online-Marketing-Kampagnen (Marken Metzeler & Pirelli)
- Nachbereitung und KPI-Analyse von Online-Marketing-Aktivitäten
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Studium im Bereich Wirtschaft oder Medien/ Kommunikation oder vergleichbar
- sicherer Umgang mit MS Excel und PowerPoint
- gute Englischkenntnisse
- Deutsch fließend
- Affinität für Motorräder und den Motorsport
- Führerschein der Klasse B
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum Marketing & Sales Operations Zweirad (Cycling & Motorrad)
- München
- Marketing
- no experience
Praktikum Marketing & Sales Operations Zweirad (Cycling & Motorrad)
Pflicht- oder frewilliges Praktikum.
Das könnte Dich bewegen:
- Support beim Aufbau der Retail-Vertriebs-Struktur in Deutschland
- Unterstützung bei der Vorbereitung, Planung und Durchführung von Veranstaltungen und Messen
- Mitgestaltung von Kommunikationskonzepten für Veranstaltungen
- Eigenverantwortliche Betreuung von Teilprojekten aus dem Bereich Zweirad
- Unterstützung bei der Erstellung der Vertriebsreportings sowie Markt- und Wettbewerbsanalysen
- Handling und Pflege des internen Merchandising-Artikel Shops
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Studium im Bereich Marketing, Wirtschaft, Kommunikation oder einem vergleichbaren Studienschwerpunkt
- Sicherer Umgang mit MS Office (Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
- Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
- Affinität zum Themenbereich Cycling/ Motorrad ist wünschenswert
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Einkauf (Analysen und Prozessoptimierung)
- Breuberg
- Purchasing
- no experience
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Einkauf (Analysen und Prozessoptimierung)
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Das könnte Dich bewegen:
- Organisation von Im- und Exporten
- Projektarbeit zur Kosten- und Prozessoptimierung
- Sammlung und Aufbereitung von Daten und Analysen in den Bereichen indirekter und direkter Einkauf
- Durchführung aller Tätigkeiten im SAP Bestellwesen
- Kontakt zu Lieferanten und internen Kunden
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre oder eines vergleichbaren Studiengangs
- sicherer Umgang mit MS Excel
- gute Englischkenntnisse
- Fließendes Deutsch
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Automation&Systems Maintenance Engineer Slatina
- Slatina
- Operation
- 1 - 3 years
Automation&Systems Maintenance Engineer Slatina
The position is responsible for troubleshooting automatic systems, performing improvements on systems to minimize downtime, while keeping safety as a priority.
• Troubleshoot automatic systems, using knowledge of microprocessors, programmable controllers, electronics, circuit analysis, mechanics, sensor or feedback systems, hydraulics, or pneumatics.
• Determine causes of operational problems or failures.
• Perform improvements on systems or components.
• Maintain electromechanical equipment
• Install, program, or repair programmable controllers, robot controllers, end-of-arm tools, or conveyors.
• Program robotic equipment.
• Develop robotic path motions to maximize efficiency, safety, and quality.
• Train customers or other personnel to install, use, or maintain robots and automatic systems.
• Train personnel on proper operational procedures.
Education: Bachelor (4-year) degree, with a technical major, such as electronic, electromechanical or mechatronic engineer
Competences: Good knowledge of Siemens Step 7 and TIA Portal
Experience: 3-5 years of experience and exposure to industrial/automotive environment
Others: Flexibility, Dynamic person, Both results and process oriented, Independence with a ‘hand-on” initiative, English advanced level
Operator productie Slatina
- Slatina
- Operation
- --
Daca esti in cautarea unui loc de munca, vrei sa ai un program bine definit, perspective de calificare profesionala si dezvoltare in cadrul unei companii de top, aplica acum!
Ce iti oferim:
- Salariu de incadrare;
- Spor de 100% pentru orele suplimentare;
- Spor de noapte si bonus de tura continua;
- Spor de vechime;
- Bonus de performanta;
- Tichete de masa;
- Tichete de vacanta;
- Subventie pentru transport;
- Asigurare de viata si accidente
- Minim studii medii;
- Disponibilitate lucru in 3 schimburi;
- Atentie la detalii;
- Seriozitate si implicare
Inginer Industrial (Process Improvement Engineer) Slatina
- Slatina
- Operation
- 1 - 3 years
Inginer Industrial (Process Improvement Engineer) Slatina
Analizeaza si optimizeaza costurile de fabricatie prin eficientizarea activitatii industriale din sectiile de productie.
• Analizeaza fluxul de materiale si procesele de lucru;
• Calculeaza si analizeaza posibile reduceri de costuri si/sau resurse in functie de volumul productiei;
• Propune proiecte de optimizare a standardelor (layout locuri de munca, procese, diagrame, proiectarea fluxului de materiale etc);
• Planifica si implementeaza proiecte agreate cu managerul departamentului;
• Se asigura de coerenta datelor inregistrate in sistemele informatice ale departamentului Inginerie Industriala;
• Aplica standardele 5S in aria sa de responsabilitate;
• Intocmeste si verifica documentele si rapoartele specifice departamentului (rapoarte privind masurile de imbunatatire in caz de deviatii de la standarde, alte rapoarte dupa caz).
Cerinte profil
Educatie: Facultate cu profil tehnic
Competente : Lucru facil cu date/informatii complexe, fiabilitate in manipularea cifrelor;
Buna capacitate de analiza si atentie la detalii;
Creativ, capabil sa vina cu idei noi;
Capacitate buna de sinteza, capacitate de a convinge;
Experienta : Proaspat absolventi de Facultate/Master sau cu 2-3 ani experienta in industrie.
Altele: Flexibilitate, Dispus la relocare
Apply NowProcess Quality Engineer Slatina
- Slatina
- Quality
- 1 - 3 years
Process Quality Engineer Slatina
The person will ensure implementation of quality systems. Verifies frequent the production ensuring implementation of quality standards and customer specific requirement. He/she will be like support in the audit process, member of the improvement processes.
- Controls and periodic inspections of the process;
- Solving the inconsistencies regarding the specifications of process/product;
- Changes and adjustments of the process/product in order to eliminate the quality defects in the finished product;
- Preparing and updating quality documents;
- Participate in internal and external audits of the process;
- Audits on various topics/projects;
- Involvement/ participation in defined teams within various continuous improvement projects.
Education: Faculty of Mechanical, Engineering and Technological Systems Management, Quality Management
Competences: Analysis and attention to detail, ability to notify defects, teamwork, skill, accuracy, perseverance, using specialized terminology, holding communication skills and problem solving.
Experience: Newly graduates of Faculty/Master ; any experience in the field will be an advantage
Others: English & Romanian at a good level, Flexibility, Dynamic person
Apply NowElektriker (m/w/d) Instandhaltung
- Breuberg
- Operation
- no experience
An unserem Standort in Breuberg suchen wir
Elektriker (m/w/d) Instandhaltung
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Instandhaltung der Energieversorgung und -verteilanlagen, Mittel- und Niederspannung, in den Bereichen Schutz-, Steuerungs-, Mess- und Überwachungstechnik
- Durchführung der Wartungs- und Prüftätigkeiten in diesen Bereichen
- Störungssuche und -behebung an unseren Energie-versorgungsanlagen
- Analyse von Systemfehlern sowie die dauerhafte Beseitigung von Störungen
- Koordinierung und Überwachung von Dienstleistern in diesem Bereich
- Unterstützung aller Planned-Maintenance-Aktivitäten
- Bereitschaft zum Schichtdienst
Ihr Profil:
- Sie haben eine Ausbildung zum Elektroniker Betriebstechnik oder ähnlich (m/w/d) im Bereich Elektrotechnik abgeschlossen.
- Sie sind mit den entsprechenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, Verordnungen und technischen Regeln vertraut.
- Sie verfügen über gute Kenntnisse im Bereich Mess-, Steuer- und Regelungstechnik im industriellen Umfeld, idealerweise
im Bereich der Energieerzeugung und Energieverteilung. - Sie überzeugen durch Ihre Eigenmotivation und -initiative.
- Weiterhin zeichnen Sie sich durch Ihre Lernbereitschaft und Flexibilität aus.
- Sie verfügen über sehr gute kommunikative Fähigkeiten.
- Sie arbeiten und handeln äußerst verantwortungsbewusst und selbständig.
- Sie sind ein Teamplayer.
- Ihre ausgeprägte Kundenorientierung rundet Ihr Profil ab.
Wir bieten:
- eine abwechslungsreiche, teamorientierte Tätigkeit
- einen sicheren, unbefristeten Arbeitsplatz
- attraktive Fortbildungsangebote
- leistungsgerechte Vergütung entsprechend
der fachlichen Kenntnisse und der Berufserfahrungen
Ihr Kontakt:
Kai Seiwert
Technischer Betriebsleiter
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 2242
Geben Sie Ihrer Zukunft Profil!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre aussagefähige Bewerbung mit Angaben zu Ihrer Kündigungsfrist sowie Ihren Gehaltsvorstellungen.
Apply Now
- Breuberg oder München
- Administration and control
- no experience
Sollte sich in unserem Portal für Sie zurzeit keine offene Stelle befinden, die Ihren Wünschen und Fähigkeiten entspricht, können Sie sich gerne initiativ bewerben.
In Breuberg und München:
Initiativbewerbung für unseren Standort in Breuberg für die Bereiche:
- Produktion
- R&D
- Qualität
- Administration
- Finanzen
- Human Ressources
- Supply Chain
Initiativbewerbung für unseren Standort in München für die Bereiche:
- Marketing
- Vertrieb (Standort je nach Einsatzgebiet)
Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie Ihr Profil sowie Ihre Bewerbung für einen Direkteinstieg in unserem Portal hochladen.
Wir werden Ihre Profil sorgfältig prüfen und mit möglichen Einsatzbereichen abgleichen.
Falls sich entsprechende Einstiegsmöglichkeiten für Sie abzeichnen, kommen wir gerne auf Ihre Bewerbung zurück und nehmen Kontakt zu Ihnen auf.
Damit Sie keine neuen Ausschreibungen verpassen, können Sie sich Stellenbenachrichtigungen senden lassen und dann direkt auf die einzelnen Positionen bewerben.
Dazu gehen Sie in der Rubrik "Stellenverwaltung" auf "Gespeicherte Suchen/ Benachrichtigungen". Hier finden Sie einen Button mit der Aufschrift "Neue Stellenbenachrichigung anlegen". Dort können Sie dann Ihre individuellen Stellenbenachrichtigungen aktivieren.
Hinweis: Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen können innerhalb der am Standort Breuberg ansässigen Pirelli-Gesellschaften weitergeleitet werden.
Ihre Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 30
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 74
Apply NowDuales Studium bei Pirelli
- Breuberg
- General Management
- no experience
Allgemeine Information zu Bachelor Studiengängen
Ein duales Studium verbindet ein wissenschaftliches Studium mit einer Ausbildung in einem Unternehmen. Durch den ständigen Wechsel von Theorie (an der Hochschule) und Praxisphasen (im Unternehmen) können die an der Hochschule erlernten theoretischen Kenntnisse unmittelbar in der betrieblichen Praxis angewandt und erweitert werden.
Zulassungsvoraussetzung – Hochschulreife (Abitur):
Zulassungsvoraussetzung für ein duales Studium, ist die allgemeine Hochschulreife oder die der gewählten Fachrichtung entsprechende fachgebundene Hochschulreife. Die Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur) reicht zur Zulassung nicht.
Studium (DHBW):
Beginn der Ausbildung ist für die kaufmännischen Fachrichtungen jeweils der 1. September eines Jahres. Für die technischen Fachrichtungen der 1. Juli (zwei Monate Vorpraktikum). Das Studium dauert 3 Jahre und ist in 6 Studienhalbjahre mit jeweils 12 Wochen Theorie und 12 Wochen Praxis unterteilt. An der DHBW wird in kleinen Studiengruppen von ca. 30 Studierenden unterrichtet. Dadurch wird eine intensive Betreuung der einzelnen Schüler möglich, es wird großen Wert auf den Einsatz modernster Lehrund Lernmethoden gelegt. Die dadurch erreichte Vermittlung von Schlüsselqualifikationen und Persönlichkeitsbildung sind wichtige Elemente der Ausbildung, die sowohl an der DHBW, wie auch bei der Pirelli Deutschland GmbH einen hohen Stellenwert einnehmen.
Der theoretische Lernstoff ist in inhaltlich aufeinander abgestimmte Module (1 Modul = 2 Semester) aufgeteilt, welche innerhalb eines Semesters oder Studienjahres mit einer Prüfung abgeschlossen werden. In den ersten beiden Modulen wird jeweils eine Projektarbeit im Unternehmen geschrieben, die im Rahmen einer Präsentation an der DHBW geprüft wird. Im 3. Modul wird eine Bachelor-Arbeit erstellt. Die theoretischen und praktischen Arbeitsleistungen der Studierenden werden mit sogenannten „Credit Points“ nach dem European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) bewertet. Dieses System garantiert die europäische Vergleichbarkeit der Studiengänge und ermöglicht eine anschließende Weiterqualifizierung zum Master.
Für den Ausbildungsbereich Wirtschaft erhält der Student nach erfolgreicher dreijähriger Ausbildung. in der Fachrichtung Industrie die Bezeichnung „Bachelor of Arts“, in der Fachrichtung Wirtschaftsinformatik die Bezeichnung „Bachelor of Science“, für den Ausbildungsbereich Technik erhält der Student nach erfolgreicher dreijähriger Ausbildung die Bezeichnung „Bachelor of Engineering“. Die Bachelor-Abschlüsse der Dualen Hochschule sind denen von Universitäten und Fachhochschulen hochschulrechtlich gleichgestellt. Zudem sind sie international anerkannt, aufgrund der Akkreditierung der Studiengänge und deren Ausrichtung nach europäischen Standards.
Noch Fragen zu Studienablauf und Studienplänen?
Die folgenden dualen Studiengänge werden in Zusammenarbeit mit der Dualen Hochschule Mannheim (DHBW) angeboten:
- Bachelor of Arts Studiengang BWL, Fachrichtung Industrie
- Bachelor of Arts Studiengang BWL, Fachrichtung Digital Business Management
- Bachelor of Science Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Bachelor of Engineering Studiengang Informationstechnik
- Bachelor of Engineering Studiengang Maschinenbau
- Bachelor of Engineering Studiengang Mechatronik
- Bachelor of Engineering Studiengang Elektrotechnik
- WICHTIG: Interessierte sollten sich frühzeitig, ca. 1 Jahr vor Studienbeginn im Unternehmen bewerben.
- Bewerbung: Ihre Bewerbung sollte folgende Unterlagen enthalten: Anschreiben, vollständigen tabellarischen Lebenslauf, Kopien der letzten drei aufeinander folgenden Zeugnisse oder das Abiturzeugnis Bitte achten Sie hierbei unbedingt auf die Vollständigkeit der Bewerbungsunterlagen.
Alternative duale Studiengänge:
an der technischen Hochschule Aschaffenburg:
- Bachelor of Engineering Studiengang Mechatronik
- Bachelor of Engineering Studiengang Elektro- und Informationstechnik
an der Hochschule Darmstadt:
- Bachelor of Engineering Studiengang Kunststofftechnik
- Bachelor of Engineering Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
an der technischen Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt:
- Bachelor of Engineering Kunststoff- und Elastomertechnik
Nutzen Sie für Ihre Bewerbung in unserem Haus, egal ob per Post oder per Mail, bitte folgende Kontaktdaten:
Pirelli Deutschland GmbH
PB/E – Christian Heckmann / Lena Ostheimer
Höchster Straße 48-60
64747 Breuberg
Tel.: 06163/ 71-2630
Fax: 06163/ 71-3100
Wenn Sie detailliertere Informationen zum Thema „Ausbildung bei Pirelli“ wünschen, dann folgen Sie uns auf „pirelli_ausbildung“ auf Instagram. Hier gibt es alles Wichtige zu den einzelnen Ausbildungsberufen, dem Auswahlverfahren, wichtigen Termin und vieles mehr.
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Praktikum / Werkstudent - Business Intelligence
- Breuberg
- Administration and control
- no experience
Praktikum / Werkstudent Business Intelligence
Deine Verantwortlichkeiten:
Wir suchen einen motivierten Praktikanten (m/w/d), der unser Team im Bereich Erstausrüstung und Technisches Accountmanagement unterstützt. In dieser Rolle wirst Du eng mit verschiedenen Teams zusammenarbeiten, um durch die Erstellung von Dashboards mit Qlik unsere Arbeitsprozesse effizienter zu gestalten und unsere Datenanalysekapazitäten zu erweitern.
Dein Aufgabenbereich umfasst unter anderem:
- Entwicklung und Implementierung von Dashboards in Qlik, um die Effizienz der Teams im Bereich Erstausrüstung und Technisches Accountmanagement zu steigern.
- Analyse der im Unternehmen gesammelten Daten
- Erarbeitung von Strategien, wie diese Daten genutzt werden können, um bessere Entscheidungsprozesse zu unterstützen.
- Enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Teams, um Anforderungen zu verstehen und individuelle Dashboard-Lösungen zu entwickeln.
- Unterstützung bei der Datenanalyse und -visualisierung
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Studium der Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Statistik, Ingenieurwissenschaften oder eines verwandten Fachbereichs
- Gute Kenntnisse in SQL
- Grundkenntnisse in einer Programmiersprache wünschenswert (z.B. Python, Java, C++)
- Starke analytische Fähigkeiten und Erfahrung mit Datenvisualisierungstools, insbesondere Qlik.
- Selbstständige Arbeitsweise und Teamfähigkeit.
- Interesse an der Automobilindustrie und an technischen Prozessen.
- Gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, Deutsch fließend
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum / Abschlussarbeit PR und Social Media
- Breuberg
- Personnel and Organization
- no experience
Praktikum / Abschlussarbeit PR und Social Media
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Lerne den Berufsalltag im Kommunikationsteam in den Bereichen Presse, Social Media, Kommunikation und Events kennen.
Das könnte Dich bewegen:
- Unterstützung von Social Media-Aktionen
- Bearbeiten von Presseanfragen
- Interne Kommunikation (Intranet etc.)
- Organisation, Durchführung und Nachbereitung von Messen und Veranstaltungen zwecks kommunikativer Realisierung
- Diverse Kommunikationsprojekte
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Immatrikulierte/r Student/in
- Erste praktische Erfahrungen sind von Vorteil
- Sicherer Umgang mit MS-Office
- Gute Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch, fließendes Deutsch
- Kommunikationsfähigkeit und Engagement
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Demand Planning, Marketing Intelligence & Produktmanagement
- München
- Commercial&Sales
- no experience
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Demand Planning, Marketing Intelligence & Produktmanagement
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Das könnte Dich bewegen:
- Mitentwicklung von Produkt- und Vertriebsunterlagen
- Mitgestaltung der Konzeption und Umsetzung von Verkaufsförderungsaktivitäten
- Unterstützung bei der bedarfsorientierten Steuerung des Produktportfolios
- Erstellung von Vertriebsreportings, Ad-Hoc Analysen sowie Markt-, Wettbewerbs- & Lageranalysen
- eigenverantwortliche Betreuung von Teilprojekten
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- kaufmännisches oder technisches Studium
- sicherer Umgang mit MS Excel erforderlich
- sehr gute Englischkenntnisse
- gute Deutschkenntnisse
- Affinität für den Bereich Automotive und ein Grundverständnis für technologisch anspruchsvolle Produkte
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Pricing
- München
- Commercial&Sales
- no experience
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Pricing
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Das könnte Dich bewegen:
- Durchführung von kontinuierlichen Preisvergleichen, Wettbewerbs- & Marktanalysen
- Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Abteilungen z.B. mit unserem Pricing HQ und Vertrieb
- Analyse von allen Pricing-Aktivitäten des B2B Marktes
- Betreuung strategischer Sonderprojekte und Aufgaben
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Studium im Bereich der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Management, Mathematik oder einer vergleichbaren Fachrichtung
- sicherer Umgang mit MS Excel erforderlich
- sehr gute Englischkenntnisse
- Affinität für den Bereich Automotive und ein Grundverständnis für technologisch anspruchsvolle Produkte
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Qualität Pkw- oder Motorradreifen
- Breuberg
- Quality
- no experience
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Qualität PKW- oder Motorradreifen
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Deine Verantwortlichkeiten:
- Neu- und Weiterentwicklung von Prozessspezifikationen für die Reifenfertigung
- methodische Erarbeitung von Problemursachen, sowie Definition von Gegenmaßnahmen für alle Prozessschritte
- praktische Durchführung von Prozessversuchen unter Nutzung analytischer Messmethoden
- Diskussion und Bewertung der Ergebnisse im Team sowie Dokumentation durch technische Reports
- Entwicklung und Verifikation von Modellen zur wissenschaftlichen Beschreibung von Versuchsergebnissen
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Ingenieurstudiengang
- sicherer Umgang mit MS Excel und Access
- Kenntnisse der Programmiersprachen Python und SQL wünschenswert
- gute Englischkenntnisse
- Fließendes Deutsch
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Produktion
- Breuberg
- Industrial Property
- no experience
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Produktion
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Deine Verantwortlichkeiten im Rahmen eines eigenständigen Projektes:
- Reduzierung von Produktions- und Qualitätsverlusten in der Fertigung anhand KPI's (OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness, ...) sowie Begleitung aktueller Projekte
- Optimierung von Produktionsabläufen
- Ermittlung der Ursachen unter Anwendung der Kaizen-Methoden, Erarbeitung und Bewertung von Standards, Erstellung von Trainingsdokumenten und Applikationen
- enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Fachbereichen
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- technischer oder IT Studiengang
- Begeisterung für Produktionsabläufe und Fertigungsprozesse
- sicherer Umgang mit MS Excel
- Programmierkenntnisse (Python etc.) von Vorteil
- Deutschkenntnisse zwingend erforderlich
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Digitalisierung der Personalprozesse
- Breuberg
- Information Technology
- no experience
Praktikum / Abschlussarbeit Digitalisierung der Personalprozesse
Das könnte Dich bewegen:
- Nichtautomatisierte Abläufe dokumentieren und trennen nach "technischen" Elementen und "fachlichen" Elementen
- Elektronische Abläufe definieren für technische Schritte
- Die Aktivierung der fachlichen Aufgaben durch die elektronischen Abläufe mit den Anwendern definieren, zum Beispiel:
- Elektronische Schnittstellen zum Anwender des Abwicklungssystems
- Vollautomatische Durchführung von Schritten im Abwicklungssystem
- Revisionssichere Ablage der Schritte und Aktivitäten festlegen und umsetzen
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Sie studieren Wirtschaftsinformatik oder einen anderen Studiengang im Informatikbereich
- Sie verfügen über gute Englischkenntnisse
- Sie haben erste Erfahrungen in der Sharepoint-Entwicklung
- Kenntnisse im SAP-Personalwesen wünschenswert
- Sie haben die Fähigkeit fachliche Anforderungen aufzunehmen und in Zusammenhänge zu technischen Schritten der Automatisierung zu bringen.
Mögliche Thesis-Themen:
- Excel-Formular für Personalmaßnahmen digitalisieren
- Smart Working Genehmigungs-Fluss (funktionsübergreifend)
- Fahrzeugbeschaffung (funktionsübergreifend)
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
gewünschtes Eintrittsdatum: ab sofort
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Compliance & Sustainability
- Breuberg
- Administration and control
- no experience
Du bist neugierig wie ein Compliance Management System in der Praxis aussieht?
Du kannst Dir unter ESG etwas vorstellen?
Du hast Lust, Einblicke in unsere Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie und -ziele zu bekommen und einen Beitrag zu leisten?
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Compliance & Sustainability
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit für 5-6 Monate.
Deine Verantwortlichkeiten:
- Mitarbeit bei und ggf. eigene Durchführung von Projekten im Bereich Compliance & Nachhaltigkeit
- Management unserer Unternehmenensrichtlinien (u.a. Überleitung globaler Konzernrichtlinien in den deutschen Unternehmenskontext, sowie Mitarbeit bei der Erstellung lokaler deutscher Richtlinien)
- Unternehmenskommunikation zu Compliance & Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
- Mitwirken bei der Erstellung von Reports sowie Monitoring in den Bereichen Compliance & Nachhaltigkeit
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Studium in Wirtschafts-, Rechts- oder Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften (oder vergleichbare Studiengänge)
- Interesse an Corporate Governance sowie Nachhaltigkeitsthemen
- eigenständige und strukturierte Arbeitsweise sowie Kommunikationsstärke
- sicherer Umgang mit MS Office (PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Outlook, Teams)
- gute Englischkenntnisse
- Deutsch fließend
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Sales Operations
- München
- Commercial&Sales
- no experience
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Sales Operations
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Das könnte Dich bewegen:
- Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung von Vertriebsunterlagen
- Mitgestaltung der Konzeption und Umsetzung von Verkaufsförderungsaktivitäten
- eigenverantwortliche Betreuung von Teilprojekten aus dem Bereich Vertrieb
- Unterstützung bei der Erstellung der Vertriebsreportings und Ad-Hoc Analysen
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- kaufmännisches oder technisches Studium
- erste praktische Erfahrungen im Bereich Marketing von Vorteil
- sicherer Umgang mit MS Excel
- gute Englischkenntnisse
- Analysefähigkeit und eine gewisse Zahlenaffinität
- Affinität für den Motorsport und ein Grundverständnis für technologisch anspruchsvolle Produkte
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Marketing und Vertriebsunterstützung
- Breuberg
- Marketing
- no experience
Die Driver Reifen und KFZ-Technik GmbH ist seit 1994 Teil der weltweit bekannten PIRELLI Gruppe. Mit über 70 Betrieben und 190 Kooperationspartnern in Deutschland ist das DRIVER Händlernetzwerk eine nationale, feste Größe im Bereich Reifen- und KFZ-Dienstleistungen. Unser Leistungsspektrum umfasst KFZ-Meisterservice, Reifen, Felgen, KFZ-Zubehör und Dienstleistungen für fast alle Arten von Fahrzeugen in höchster Qualität.
Wir bieten interessante, abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeiten für junge Menschen, die sich voller Elan Ihrer Herausforderung stellen wollen.
Wir legen großen Wert auf qualifizierte und engagierte Mitarbeiter, die weiterdenken – für unsere Kunden und unser Unternehmen.
Hier gibt es weitere Informationen zur Driver Reifen und KFZ-Technik GmbH:
In der Zentrale von DRIVER in Breuberg bieten wir
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Marketing und Vertriebsunterstützung
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Das kannst Du bewegen:
- Unterstützung im operativen Tagesgeschäft
- Vorbereitung, Planung und Durchführung von Tagungen
- Handling sowie Pflege unseres Werbemittel Shops & der Internetauftritte
- Erstellung von internen und externen Marketingunterlagen
- Auswertungen und Vertriebsstatistiken
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Studium im Bereich Wirtschaft, Marketing/Kommunikation oder vergleichbar
- gute Englischkenntnisse
- erste praktische Erfahrungen von Vorteil
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Dein Kontakt:
Driver Reifen und KFZ-Technik GmbH
Rainer Kempf
Telefon 0173 9010335
Apply Now
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Prozessentwicklung
- Breuberg
- R&D
- no experience
Praktikum/ Abschlussarbeit Prozessentwicklung
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit.
Zur Erreichung von Zielvorgaben in der Produktion ist es notwendig neue Reifenkonstruktionen vor Beginn der Serienfertigung hinsichtlich ihrer Machbarkeit im Rahmen der vorhandenen Produktionsprozesse zu bewerten und zu optimieren.
Hierbei ist eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Funktionsbereichen Reifenentwicklung, Produktion, Qualität und Effizienz notwendig.
Das könnte Dich im Rahmen eines eigenständigen Projektes bewegen:
- Analyse bestehender Produktionsverfahren wie auch die Bewertung deren technischen und wirtschaftlichen Machbarkeit (Gesamtheitliche Prozessbewertung "Maschine & Mensch")
- Durchführung von Prozess-Simulationen und Video-Analysen
- Planung, Vorbereitung und Durchführung sowie statistische Auswertung von Versuchen
- Ableitung von Folgemaßnahmen auf Basis der Versuchsergebnisse
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- ingenieurwissenschaftlicher oder vergleichbarer Studiengang
- sicherer Umgang mit MS Excel
- gute Englischkenntnisse
- erste Erfahrungen in der Anwendung statistischer Methoden sind wünschenswert
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Praktikum / Abschlussarbeit Gesundheitsmanagement
- Breuberg
- Personnel and Organization
- no experience
Praktikum / Abschlussarbeit Gesundheitsmanagement
Deine Verantwortlichkeiten:
- Bearbeitung von operativen Themen im Abwesenheits- und Gesundheitsmanagement
- Auswertung und Berichterstattung von standortspezifischen Kenzzahlen
- Unterstützung beim Erstellen von themenbezogenen Reports und Präsentationen
- Unterstützung bei der Weiterentwicklung des betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements
- Organisation und Umsetzung von internen Veranstaltungen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Betriebsmedizin und örtlichen
Kooperationspartnern - Mediengestaltung und interne Kommunikation im Bereich BGM (Intranet, Aushänge)
- Unterstützung bei der Organisation, Betreuung und Nachbereitung von Gesundheitsmaßnahmen
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Du studierst einen betriebswirtschaftlichen oder wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiengang oder etwas Vergleichbares
- Dich zeichnet eine strukturierte, genaue und gewissenhafte Arbeitsweise aus. Darüber hinaus bist du diskret im Umgang mit vertraulichen Informationen
- Du hast Interesse an HR-Themen und möchtest die Arbeitswelt von morgen mitgestalten
- Du arbeitest gerne mit Zahlen und Daten, hast ein Auge für Details und arbeitest gerne in einem jungen Team
- Erste Erfahrungen mit den gängigen MS-Office Programmen (insbesondere Excel) sind wünschenswert
- Fließendes Deutsch und gutes Englisch runden dein Profil ab (Türkisch von Vorteil).
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply NowPraktikum/Abschlussarbeit Smart Manufacturing Data Scientist
- Breuberg
- Operation
- no experience
Praktikum/Abschlussarbeit Smart Manufacturing Data Scientist
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit
Deine Verantwortlichkeiten:
- Erschließung neuer Datenquellen, Konsolidierung, Analyse und Darstellung relevanter Daten für die Nutzung in „SMART Apps“ und Verbesserungsprojekten
- Planung und Umsetzung von Effizienz- und Kostenoptimierungsmaßnahmen
- Aktive Teilnahme an Verbesserungsprojekten und Bereitstellung tiefer Datenanalysen zu der jeweiligen Problemstellung
- Betreuung der Einführung von neuen Funktionalitäten in bestehenden Systemen (MES, …)
- Ad-hoc Analysen nach Aufkommen im Produktionsumfeld
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Erfahrungen im Datenmanagement
- IT-Kenntnisse, sowie Methoden zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung
- sicherer Umgang mit den Prozessen, sowie Fähigkeit zur Analyse und Optimierung der Prozesse
- Teamfähigkeit und organisierte Arbeitsweise, sowie effektive Problemlösung
- Gute Kenntnisse in Deutsch und Englisch
- Gute Kenntnisse in MS-Office und SAP
- Gute Kenntnisse in Python, SQL, Data-Science
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Internship Data Analytics - Settimo Torinese
- Settimo Torinese
- R&D
- no experience
La risorsa sarà inserita all’interno del dipartimento R&D dello stabilimento di Settimo Torinese e si focalizzerà su raccolta, analisi ed interpretazione dei dati di processo all’interno di un flusso incentrato sulla produzione dei prototipi.
L'attività necessita di preparazione dei dati e di programmazione semplice per facilitare l'analisi dei medesimi.
Nelle fasi di approfondimento sarà necessario studiare modelli di correlazione e di multi-correlazione per analisi incrociate.
I temi che saranno trattati riguarderanno la gestione della complessità dei dati, lo sviluppo di algoritmi efficaci atti al miglioramento del processo e di modelli di anomaly detection etc.
Laurea Magistrale in Matematica, Fisica, Ingegneria Meccanica, Aeronautica;
Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese;
Conoscenze di Python, Office, Database, MatLab o strumenti simili;
Si ricerca un profilo dinamico con una forte propensione ad attività sul campo in realtà manufacturing;
Completano il profilo il forte interesse nel data analytics ed un approccio proattivo.
Software Data Engineer
- Bari
- Digital Solutions Center Bari
- 3 - 5 years
Fondata nel 1872, Pirelli è uno dei principali produttori di pneumatici al mondo. È l'unica azienda di pneumatici di puro consumo che comprende pneumatici per auto, moto e biciclette, oltre ai servizi associati.
Pirelli ha un posizionamento distinto nei pneumatici di alto valore, caratterizzati da una tecnologia avanzata con oltre 3.600 omologazioni ottenute, grazie a partnership con le più prestigiose case automobilistiche del mondo. Per raggiungere i massimi livelli di prestazioni, sicurezza e contenimento dell'impatto ambientale, Pirelli è da sempre fortemente impegnata in attività di ricerca e sviluppo, in cui ha investito il 6% del fatturato dei prodotti ad alto valore nel 2020.
Coinvolta nel motorsport dal 1907, è partner ufficiale esclusivo dei pneumatici del Campionato del Mondo di Formula 1 dal 2011 e ha rinnovato l'accordo fino al 2024.
L'impegno di Pirelli nella creazione di valore sostenibile, caratteristica della gestione responsabile dell'azienda e delle sue performance economiche, sociali e ambientali, ha portato alla sua inclusione in alcuni dei più prestigiosi indici borsistici di sostenibilità al mondo, come il Dow Jones World e Europe Sustainability Indices e il Global Compact LEAD delle Nazioni Unite.
Nel 2022 Pirelli ha aperto a Bari il Pirelli Digital Solutions Center, il primo centro di sviluppo interamente focalizzato sull'innovazione digitale, nato con l'obiettivo di arricchire le competenze interne nelle aree più strategiche per Pirelli. I dipendenti del Pirelli Digital Center sono impegnati nello sviluppo di software e algoritmi destinati ai più avanzati processi di progettazione, produzione e commercializzazione dei pneumatici del gruppo in tutto il mondo.
Tra i progetti chiave in fase di sviluppo presso il Pirelli Digital Solutions Center, c'è l'ulteriore rafforzamento della piattaforma Big Data per la raccolta, la trasformazione e l'analisi di tutti i dati provenienti dai vari ecosistemi dell'azienda. Questo strumento consente l'elaborazione di algoritmi per accelerare i tempi di sviluppo del prodotto, migliorarne ulteriormente la qualità, massimizzare l'efficienza delle macchine, ottimizzare l'efficacia commerciale e creare nuovi servizi digitali. Inoltre, grazie ai nuovi algoritmi - che supportano tutte le funzioni aziendali e di fabbrica - Pirelli sarà in grado di condurre studi direttamente sul “Digital Twin” del pneumatico, la replica digitale del prodotto fisico che consente di progettare e sviluppare nuove analisi prestazionali su prototipi virtuali. Inoltre, grazie all'Industrial Internet of Things sarà possibile ottimizzare la supply chain attraverso la modellazione predittiva della domanda e migliorare i processi produttivi, prevedere la manutenzione dei macchinari con benefici in termini di costi e tempi di sviluppo e risparmio di consumi energetici e costi di trasformazione.
Il centro può contare su una serie di tecnologie tra cui quelle dell'Innovation room, uno spazio che consente un vero e proprio co-working digitale tra i dipendenti di Bari e le circa 500 persone del Digital Team Pirelli nel mondo. Permetterà inoltre di interagire con l'Headquarter Pirelli, i 18 stabilimenti Pirelli nel mondo, i fornitori, i clienti e i vari poli universitari con cui l'azienda collabora in progetti di open innovation e scambio di competenze.
La risorsa sarà inserita all’interno del progetto di Data Platform con l’obiettivo di sviluppare i processi di alimentazione tramite Kafka e integrare tutti i sistemi di manufacturing presenti nei plant. Si occuperà di analisi e implementazione di soluzioni big data specialmente in ambiente cloud. In particolare i progetti riguarderanno tematiche di digital transformation a partire da soluzioni tradizionali e legacy, verso soluzioni di gestione e analisi del dato in linea con una data strategy data-driven. Collaborerà con il team di Milano alla condivisione dei requisiti, progettazione e modellazione delle loading chain.
Si occuperà inoltre della stesura della documentazione degli sviluppi, integration test e deploy in ambiente AWS e gestirà l’handover della soluzione implementata al team di supporto per la governance della soluzione
Sono richieste:
•Laurea in discipline tecniche/scientifiche;
•Conoscenza approfondita di S3, Aurora , RDS e postgres per configurazione e gestione database nei processi di loading dati;
•Esperienza programmazione con Phyton, Spark, Node.js, Scala;
•Esperienza in ambienti cloud preferibilmente AWS(msk, Kafka);
•Esperienza di progettazione, sviluppo, gestione di pipeline scalabili (ETL);
•Capacità analitiche per la gestione di grandi quantità di dati (Big Data);
•Conoscenza delle tematiche di data integration e data streaming e di almeno un paio di strumenti/framework (Spark, Apache Beam, Kafka, databricks, ecc..) con esperienza di almeno 1 anno nell’utilizzo di questi tool;
•Conoscenza delle architetture e tecnologie big data più diffuse (Hadoop, MapReduce, HBase, Oozie, Hive, Flume, MongoDB, Cassandra, Pig, ecc.).
•Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese;
•Buona propensione all'analisi, al problem solving e al teamworking;
•Dinamismo e proattività.
Sono un plus:
•Conoscenza linguaggi di scripting Web, Design e UX;
•Certificazioni tecniche AWS;
•Esperienza in ambito simile di almeno 2 anni.
Ruolo da ricoprire:
•Sviluppo pipeline di caricamento sistemi di fabbrica in data platform;
•Performance tuning;
•Scrittura di codice PL/SQL;
•Scrittura e manutenzione della documentazione tecnica a supporto delle implementazioni ETL;
•Manutenzione ed interventi su flussi ETL esistenti;
•Interfaccia con i settori del Business per la raccolta dei requisiti;
•Predisposizione di sistemi di alert, monitoring tramite Cloudwatch, Phyton.
Sede: la posizione sarà basata presso il nuovo ufficio Pirelli di Bari (BA), Italia.
Internship Quality Systems
- Milano
- Quality
- no experience
Key Accountabilities:
The candidate will join within the Quality System team, within the Quality department, and will support the tutor and the team in the following activities:
• Study, preparation and drafting of procedures, rules and flows necessary for the Quality Management System (both HQ and Global perimeter);
• Coordination of plants regarding the activities of the Quality Management System;
• Planning, coordination and execution of internal/external audits (both HQ and Global perimeter);
• Monitoring of the status of corrective and preventive actions and related reporting (both HQ and Global perimeter).
Skills & Competencies
• Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
• Excellent capacity for synthesis and organization.
• Knowledge of ISO 9001/19011 is considered a plus.
Studies & Degree
Master’s degree in a STEM discipline.
Fluency in English (C1).
Digital / IT Skills
Proficiency in using Microsoft Office, in particular Excel.
Internship Privacy Compliance
- Milano
- Legal
- no experience
Internship Privacy Compliance
Key Accountabilities
The Compliance Intern (Privacy) will support the tutor in the following activities:
• Studying and Monitoring Compliance with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other data protection laws issued in countries where Pirelli is present;
• Supporting in the provision of legal advice regarding data protection impact assessment, personal data breach, record of processing activities, procedures on privacy topic;
• Verifying relevant privacy documentation such as Contractual Clauses or Data Processing Agreements;
• Identifying any critical issues and risks related to business processes from a Compliance perspective, supporting in identifying the corrective actions.
Skills & Competencies
• Good communicative skills;
• Strong written and comprehension skills;
• Interpersonal, teamwork and organisational skills.
Studies & Degree
Master’s Degree in Law or legal background
Fluent English
Good knowledge of Microsoft Office.
Internship Industrial engineering and Continuous improvement - Settimo Torinese
- Settimo Torinese
- Operation
- no experience
Fondata nel 1872, Pirelli è un’azienda dalle profonde radici italiane, un brand riconosciuto in tutto il mondo per le sue tecnologie all’avanguardia, la sua capacità di innovazione e la qualità dei suoi prodotti.
Con 18 stabilimenti produttivi in 12 Paesi, una presenza commerciale in oltre 160 Paesi, circa 31.300 dipendenti e un fatturato pari a circa 6,6 miliardi di euro (dati 2023), è tra i principali produttori mondiali di pneumatici e di servizi a questi collegati e l’unico interamente dedicato al mercato Consumer, che comprende pneumatici per auto, moto e biciclette.
Principali attività:
- Analisi dell’efficienza degli impianti;
- Raccolta e analisi dei KPI;
- Miglioramento logiche distribuzione articoli;
- Ottimizzazione setup.
- Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria gestionale/industrial/ meccanica (già conseguita)
- Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese
- Buona conoscenza di Python, Excel, Powerpoint
- L'interesse per le tendenze emergenti della sostenibilità e una certa conoscenza delle scienze ambientali costituiscono un vantaggio;
- Un'apertura ad abbracciare nuove sfide e ad adattarsi a un ambiente di lavoro dinamico;
- Forti capacità interpersonali, lavoro di squadra e capacità organizzative;
- Capacità di parlare in pubblico.
Internship - Marketing Analyst
- Milan
- Marketing
- no experience
Fondata nel 1872, Pirelli è un’azienda dalle profonde radici italiane, un brand riconosciuto in tutto il mondo per le sue tecnologie all’avanguardia, la sua capacità di innovazione e la qualità dei suoi prodotti.
Con 18 stabilimenti produttivi in 12 Paesi, una presenza commerciale in oltre 160 Paesi, circa 31.300 dipendenti e un fatturato pari a circa 6,6 miliardi di euro (dati 2023), è tra i principali produttori mondiali di pneumatici e di servizi a questi collegati e l’unico interamente dedicato al mercato Consumer, che comprende pneumatici per auto, moto e biciclette.
La posizione è inserita all’interno della Funzione Marketing Italia, nel team Pricing.
Lavorando in questo contesto parteciperai attivamente ai processi di analisi dei dati, gestione delle vendite e reporting, che sono fondamentali per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di business.
Le tue mansioni all’interno del team saranno a diretto supporto delle seguenti attività:
- Creazione della proposizione commerciale, tramite approfondimenti numerici dei dati interni, analisi di mercato e confronto diretto con le altre funzioni aziendali
- Monitoraggio e valutazione dell’efficacia delle campagne di vendita, con conseguente calcolo ed erogazione delle premialità maturate dai clienti
- Attività di pianificazione delle vendite, creazione dei target e monitoraggio con reporting settimanale
- Attività di supporto alla funzione commerciale tramite analisi e problem solving
- Presidio del processo di raccolta degli ordini, valutazione e monitoraggio delle vendite effettuate, e supporto attivo nel processo di fatturazione
- Gestione operativa delle condizioni commerciali di vendita e della contrattualistica legata ai target per la clientela
- Utilizzo di strumenti di analisi e gestione aziendale come MsExcel, MsPowerpoint, SAP, Salesforce e Qlik Sense.
Il nostro candidato ideale possiede una forte inclinazione analitica e una passione per i numeri, ma anche doti relazionali e comunicative.
Stiamo cercando una persona cooperativa, precisa e in grado di lavorare in autonomia, che sia pronta a cogliere con entusiasmo le sfide che le si presentano davanti. La proattività e le capacità di seguire più attività in parallelo sono dei requisiti fondamentali per lo svolgimento del lavoro.
La conoscenza del mondo automotive sarà considerata un importante punto di forza.
- Laurea Magistrale in Economia o Ingegneria
- Conoscenza madrelingua Lingua Italiana, conoscenza avanzata Lingua Inglese
- Conoscenza approfondita del pacchetto Office, in particolare di MsExcel
Internship Maintenance Process Kaizen - Settimo Torinese
- Settimo Torinese
- Operation
- no experience
Internship Maintenance Process Kaizen
Fondata nel 1872, Pirelli è un’azienda dalle profonde radici italiane, un brand riconosciuto in tutto il mondo per le sue tecnologie all’avanguardia, la sua capacità di innovazione e la qualità dei suoi prodotti.
Con 18 stabilimenti produttivi in 12 Paesi, una presenza commerciale in oltre 160 Paesi, circa 31.300 dipendenti e un fatturato pari a circa 6,6 miliardi di euro (dati 2023), è tra i principali produttori mondiali di pneumatici e di servizi a questi collegati e l’unico interamente dedicato al mercato Consumer, che comprende pneumatici per auto, moto e biciclette.
Il candidato, inserito all'interno dell’area Ingegneria di Manutenzione lavorerà all’interno del team di Manutenzione, svolgendo le seguenti attività:
• Identifica e facilita i processi per i progetti di miglioramento, formazione e workshop per supportare la cultura del miglioramento continuo;
• Conduce le analisi guasto di causa alla radice per determinare metriche, risolvere i problemi di Manutenzione/Business, planning dei progetti, capacità e crea Procedure Tecniche Standard di Manutenzione;
• Svolge data collection avanzate e analisi per mappare i processi oggetto di miglioramento, sviluppa proposte di budget e analisi costo per determinare fattibilità di progetto;
• Guida la Value Stream Mapping sul processo di manutenzione per definire l’Analisi As-Is e la fase di transizione per il tendere allo stato To-be.
Skills & Competencies
• Proattività
• Comunicazione
• Gestione sul campo produttivo
Studies & Degree
Laurea Magistrale, breve o laureando in Ingegneria Gestionale, Meccanica, Elettronica o affine tecnica
Italiano e Inglese
Digital / IT Skills
Office - Autocad - Excel - Powerpoint – Database
Conoscenza di base del disegno tecnico industriale e schemi fluidici ed elettrici, indicatori di performance (KPI) di manutenzione; Conoscenza di base della legislazione e normativa tecnica nel campo di sicurezza e igiene del lavoro; Conoscenza degli strumenti di diagnosi.
Spezialist Compliance (m/w/d)
- Breuberg
- Legal
- no experience
An unserem Standort in Breuberg suchen wir
Spezialist Compliance
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Förderung der Compliance Kultur und Einhaltung von Gesetzen und Verordnungen sowie interner Unternehmensgrundsätze und Unternehmensrichtlinien in unserem Unternehmen
- Aktive Mitwirkung bei der Gestaltung der lokalen Compliance Strategie im Unternehmen
- Koordination und Bearbeitung von konzernweiten und lokalen Unternehmensgrundsätze und Unternehmensrichtlinien in Zusammenarbeit mit der Konzernzentrale und den lokalen Fachbereichen
- Aktive Mitarbeit bei der Umsetzung von Compliance Initiativen der Konzernzentrale
- Einhaltung von Sanktionen und Embargos gem. aktueller Gesetze und Verordnungen sowie gemäß den internen Regelungen für Pirelli in Deutschland in Zusammenarbeit mit den relevanten Funktionsbereichen koordinieren
- Aufbau und Weiterentwickeln von lokalen Compliance-Risikomanagement-Systemen, wie z.B. das Risikomanagement System im Rahmen des Anti-Corruption Compliance Programms
- Regulatorische Anforderungen analysieren und geeignete Maßnahmen zur Erfüllung der Anforderungen mit den jeweiligen Fachbereichen entwickeln und als Compliance Experte über Neuerungen informiert sein
- Ansprechpartner bei externen sowie internen Audits
- Anfragen unserer Stakeholder (Kunden, Lieferanten, Regierung, Institutionen, NGOs…) zu Compliance Themen bearbeiten
- Interne Kontrollprozesse für Pirelli in Deutschland im Rahmen des konzernweiten „Internal Control Systems“ des Pirelli Konzerns begleiten
- Erstellung von Präsentationen, Informations- und Kommunikationsmaterial zum Thema Compliance
- Interne Unternehmenskommunikation zu Compliance Themen erstellen sowie unseren lokalen Compliance Intranet-Auftritt begleiten
- Trainings und Trainingsmaterialien zu Compliance Themen konzeptionieren, erstellen und im Unternehmen ausrollen, wie z.B. E-Learning oder Podcasts
Ihr Profil:
- Sie verfügen über ein abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder Rechtswissenschaften mit mehrjähriger, relevanter Berufserfahrung.
- Sie haben bereits erste Erfahrungen im Compliance-Bereich eines Industrieunternehmens gesammelt.
- Networking und funktionsübergreifende Kommunikation fällt Ihnen leicht.
- Sie sind ein Teamplayer mit Hands-on Mentalität.
- sehr gute MS-Office Kenntnisse, MS Sharepoint und SAP Kenntnisse von Vorteil
- gute Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten sowie individuelle Smart Working Möglichkeiten an.
- Vereinbarkeit und Förderung von Familie und Beruf
- Faire Bezahlung, inklusive einigen Zusatzleistungen wie zum Beispiel 30 Tage Urlaub, Urlaubsgeld und Belegschaftsverkauf.
- Umfassende Sozialleistungen wie z.B. Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Sport- und Freizeitmöglichkeiten und ein eigenes Fitnessangebot
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Ihre Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 30
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 74
Geben Sie Ihrer Zukunft Profil!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre aussagefähige Bewerbung mit Angaben zu Ihrer Kündigungsfrist sowie Ihren Gehaltsvorstellungen.
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Internship Material Testing R&D - Settimo Torinese
- Settimo Torinese
- R&D
- no experience
Internship Material Testing R&D - Settimo Torinese
Fondata nel 1872, Pirelli è un’azienda dalle profonde radici italiane, un brand riconosciuto in tutto il mondo per le sue tecnologie all’avanguardia, la sua capacità di innovazione e la qualità dei suoi prodotti.
Con 18 stabilimenti produttivi in 12 Paesi, una presenza commerciale in oltre 160 Paesi, circa 31.300 dipendenti e un fatturato pari a circa 6,6 miliardi di euro (dati 2023), è tra i principali produttori mondiali di pneumatici e di servizi a questi collegati e l’unico interamente dedicato al mercato Consumer, che comprende pneumatici per auto, moto e biciclette.
Key Accountabilities
Il candidato sarà inserito nel dipartimento R&D dello stabilimento di Settimo Torinese e si focalizzerà su strumenti e relative misurazioni di proprietà fisico / chimiche / viscoelastiche dei materiali in produzione. In particolare dovrà
1) caratterizzare le caratteristiche dei materiali per le fasi transitorie di processo
2) familiarizzare e documentare le attività di metrologia fatte sulle varie strumentazioni del laboratorio e relativi studi / misurazioni di MSA
In caso di Tesi di Laurea: Variazione delle proprietà dei materiali lungo la fase di processo di confezione dei pneumatici. Transitori e Stazionari.
In caso di stage curriculare pre-laurea magistrale, la focalizzazione andrà principalmente sul punto 2
Skills & Competencies
Profilo dinamico, con propensione ad attività sul campo in realtà manufacturing.
Precedente esperienza in ambito aziendale (es.stage curricolare), preferibile se in realtà di stabilimento.
Studies & Degree
Ingegneria Materiali; Chimica, Fisica , Matematica
Digital / IT Skills
Office, Database, propensione alla programmazione (preferenziale)
Internship Production Department Engineer - Settimo Torinese
- Settimo Torinese
- Operation
- no experience
Internship Production Department Engineer
Fondata nel 1872, Pirelli è un’azienda dalle profonde radici italiane, un brand riconosciuto in tutto il mondo per le sue tecnologie all’avanguardia, la sua capacità di innovazione e la qualità dei suoi prodotti.
Con 18 stabilimenti produttivi in 12 Paesi, una presenza commerciale in oltre 160 Paesi, circa 31.300 dipendenti e un fatturato pari a circa 6,6 miliardi di euro (dati 2023), è tra i principali produttori mondiali di pneumatici e di servizi a questi collegati e l’unico interamente dedicato al mercato Consumer, che comprende pneumatici per auto, moto e biciclette.
Key Accountabilities
• Monitoring the main production KPIs, OEE and cycle time of the production lines
• Analyzing production data and providing support in reaching goals of continuous improvement
• Reporting activities on daily/weekly/monthly volumes and analysing main gap to the target
• Supporting the interfunctional project (Quality, R&D, HSE)
Skills & Competencies
• An openness to embrace new challenges and adapt to a dynamic work environment;
• Proactivity and problem solving
• Strong interpersonal skills, teamwork, and organizational capabilities;
• Public speaking skills;
• Knowledge of Python or SQL would be considered as a plus
Studies & Degree
Master’s degree in Economics, Marketing, Management or in Sustainability-related topics,
Fluency in English and Italian
Digital / IT Skills
Proficiency in using Microsoft Office, particular PowerPoint;
Internship - Corporate Affairs
- Milano
- Legal
- no experience
Company Profile
Established in 1872, Pirelli is among the world’s leading tyre producers. It is the only pure consumer tyre company that includes car, motorbike, and bicycle tyres as well as associated services.
Pirelli has a distinct positioning in high value tyres, characterised by an advanced technology with more than 2,700 homologations obtained, thanks to partnerships with the most prestigious car manufacturers in the world. In order to achieve the highest levels of performance, safety and containment of environmental impact, Pirelli has always been strongly committed to research and development, in which it invested 6.1% of revenue from high-value products in 2019.
Involved in motorsport since 1907, Pirelli has been the exclusive official tyre partner of the Formula 1™ World Championship since 2011 and has just renewed the agreement until 2023.
Main Activities
The candidate will be included in Pirelli's Corporate Affairs department and will focus on issues of Italian Corporate Law.
The candidate will support the team in the following activities:
• Managing the organization of all the Corporate Bodies (Board of Directors, Shareholders' Meeting, Board of Statutory Auditors and Committees)
• Preparation of documents necessary for the conduct of corporate events
• Minutes all the meetings of the Corporate Bodies
M.Sc. in Law
Excellent knowledge of English
International mindset
Internship Sustainability Analysis
- Milano
- Marketing
- no experience
Internship Sustainability Analysis (Plant)
Pirelli was founded in Milan in 1872 and today stands as a global brand known for its cutting-edge technology, high-end production excellence and passion for innovation that draws heavily on its Italian roots. With 18 production plants in 12 countries and a commercial presence in over 160, Pirelli has around 31,300 employees and had a turnover of about 6.6 billion euro in 2022. It is among the world’s major producers of tyres and associated services and the only one focused solely on the Consumer tyre market, which includes tyres for cars, motorcycles and bicycles.
As a Corporate Sustainability Awareness Intern, you will play a pivotal role in informing and educating our employees, stakeholders, and the wider community about our sustainability initiatives. You will help craft and deliver engaging content that inspires and empowers individuals to take part in our sustainability journey.
Key Responsibilities:
Content Creation: Develop compelling and educational materials, including articles, social media posts, infographics, and videos, that highlight our sustainability efforts and achievements.
Community Engagement: Organize and participate in events, workshops, and webinars to promote awareness and understanding of corporate sustainability.
Research: Conduct research on the latest sustainability trends, best practices, and industry standards to ensure our messaging is current and impactful.
Collaboration: Work closely with various departments to gather information and stories about our sustainability projects and initiatives.
Feedback Collection: Gather feedback from employees and stakeholders to continuously improve our sustainability communication strategies.
What We’re Looking For:
Master in Economics with focus in Sustainability
Passion for Sustainability: A genuine interest in environmental issues and corporate sustainability.
Excellent Communication Skills: Strong written and verbal communication skills with the ability to convey complex ideas in a simple and relatable manner.
Creativity: Innovative thinking and the ability to create engaging and visually appealing content.
Team Player: Ability to work collaboratively with different teams and departments.
Proactive Attitude: Self-motivated and able to take initiative in driving projects forward.
Spezialist Zollabwicklung (m/w/d)
- Breuberg
- Operation
- no experience
An unserem Standort in Breuberg suchen wir
Spezialist Zollabwicklung (m/w/d)
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Koordination der operativen Abwicklung der Zollverfahren in den Bereichen Import und Export unter Einhaltung aller Zollgesetze, Zollbestimmungen, Vorgaben und Anweisungen
- Koordination aller Zollaktivitäten mit den operativen Abteilungen und Schnittstelle zu unseren Kunden und Lieferanten, Logistikprovidern, den Zollbehörden etc.
- Verantwortlich für die fachgerechte und rechtskonforme Erledigung aller Zollformalitäten, die bei der Ein- und Ausfuhr von Gütern und Waren anfallen
- Kontrolle aller anfallenden Dokumente für Im- und Export und der korrekten Verzollung
- Durchführung zollrelevanter Vertragsprüfungen mit der Rechtsabteilung
- Koordination von Zollprüfungen und Ansprechpartner für Zollbehörden
- Koordination und Durchführung von bereichs- und länderübergreifenden Projekten zur Umsetzung von betrieblichen und/oder rechtlichen Anforderungen im Fachgebiet Zoll
- Sicherstellen der rechtskonformen Abwicklung aller Zollformalitäten im Rahmen der Trade Compliance bei Importen und Exporten
- Erkennen von Potentialen zur Prozessverbesserung und Implementierung neuer Standards
- Koordination bei Meldepflichten nach dem CBAM und Abgabe des Berichts
- Bearbeitung von Anfragen zur Beendigung von Unionsversandverfahren/ zum Verbleib der Waren
- Aktive Mitarbeit bei der Einführung/ Weiterentwicklung des Tax Compliance Management Systems
- Schnittstelle zum HQ bei der Implementierung neuer Anforderungen im Bereich der Zollabwicklung
- Übernahme der Funktion des Zollbeauftragten
Ihr Profil:
- Abgeschlossenes Studium oder Ausbildung im Bereich Spedition und Logistik/ Planung
- Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in der Zollabwicklung und den dazugehörigen Formalitäten
- Sie sind eine kommunikationsstarke Persönlichkeit mit ausgeprägtem Organisationstalent.
- Sie zeichnen sich durch ein team- und kundenorientiertes Denken und Handeln aus, arbeiten selbstständig, exakt und zuverlässig.
- Sie verfügen über ein ausgeprägtes Prozessdenken & Prozessorientierung.
- Die Zusammenarbeit in einem Cross-Functional Team bereitet Ihnen Freude.
- Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse
- Sehr gute MS-Office Kenntnisse, idealerweise auch mit dem Zollprogramm ATLAS
- SAP R3 Kenntnisse wünschenswert
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten sowie individuelle Smart Working Möglichkeiten an.
- Vereinbarkeit und Förderung von Familie und Beruf
- Faire Bezahlung, inklusive einigen Zusatzleistungen wie zum Beispiel 30 Tage Urlaub, Urlaubsgeld und Belegschaftsverkauf.
- Umfassende Sozialleistungen wie z.B. Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Sport- und Freizeitmöglichkeiten und ein eigenes Fitnessangebot
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Ihre Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 30
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 74
Geben Sie Ihrer Zukunft Profil!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre aussagefähige Bewerbung mit Angaben zu Ihrer Kündigungsfrist sowie Ihren Gehaltsvorstellungen.
Apply Now
Tax Specialist (m/w/d)
- Breuberg
- Operation
- no experience
An unserem Standort in Breuberg suchen wir einen
Tax Specialist (m/w/d)
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Als Teil des Teams sind Sie verantwortlich für die Bearbeitung und Sicherstellung steuerlicher Berichte, Meldungen und Erklärungen
- Mitwirkung bei der monatlichen Steuerberechnung und -bilanzierung sowie Steuerplanung für alle deutschen Pirelli-Gesellschaften
- Unterstützung bei Monats-, Quartals- und Jahresabschlüssen nach HGB und IFRS
- Unterstützung anderer Fachbereiche bei steuerlichen und buchhalterischen Fragestellungen
- Mitwirkung bei der Implementierung, Betreuung und Weiterentwicklung des Tax Compliance Management Systems im deutschen Pirelli Konzern
- Mitarbeit bei Projekten
- Ansprechpartner im Rahmen der steuerlichen Außenprüfung, für externe Berater, Behörden, Wirtschaftsprüfer und die Steuerabteilung der Konzernzentrale
Ihr Profil:
- betriebswirtschaftliches Studium mit Schwerpunkt Rechnungswesen/ Steuern oder vergleichbare Ausbildung im kaufmännischen Bereich mit Zusatzqualifikation Bilanzbuchhalter/Steuerfachwirt mit Berufserfahrung in vergleichbarer Position
- Sie verfügen über gute Rechnungslegungskenntnisse nach HGB und IFRS sowie über Kenntnisse im Steuerrecht
- Sie gehen an Aufgaben strukturiert und analytisch heran und sehen keine Probleme, sondern Herausforderungen
- Sie sind bereit, (Unternehmens-) Prozesse kennenzulernen und diese aktiv mitzugestalten
- Sie zeigen jederzeit Initiative und Engagement
- sehr gute Englisch- und MS Office-Kenntnisse, Erfahrungen mit SAP (SAP/FI) wünschenswert
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten sowie individuelle Smart Working Möglichkeiten an.
- Vereinbarkeit und Förderung von Familie und Beruf
- Faire Bezahlung, inklusive einigen Zusatzleistungen wie zum Beispiel 30 Tage Urlaub, Urlaubsgeld und Belegschaftsverkauf.
- Umfassende Sozialleistungen wie z.B. Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Sport- und Freizeitmöglichkeiten und ein eigenes Fitnessangebot
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Ihre Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 30
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 74
Geben Sie Ihrer Zukunft Profil!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre aussagefähige Bewerbung mit Angaben zu Ihrer Kündigungsfrist sowie Ihren Gehaltsvorstellungen.
Apply Now
Internship Supply Chain
- Milano
- Supply Chain
- no experience
Pirelli was founded in Milan in 1872 and today stands as a global brand known for its cutting-edge technology, high-end production excellence and passion for innovation that draws heavily on its Italian roots. With 18 production plants in 12 countries and a commercial presence in over 160, Pirelli has around 31,300 employees and had a turnover of about 6.6 billion euro in 2022. It is among the world’s major producers of tyres and associated services and the only one focused solely on the Consumer tyre market, which includes tyres for cars, motorcycles and bicycles.
Supply Chain Intern
Key Accountabilities
The candidate will join the Supply Chain team, and will support his/her tutor in the following activities:
• Support in the creation of regular reports on KPIs, using data analysis software such as Excel or business intelligence tools like Qlik
• Collaborate with other teams (Purchasing, Quality, R&D, Manufacturing), to ensure data integration and alignment with business objectives
• Support in planning and controlling flows from suppliers to Pirelli plants and/or from factory warehouses (FW) to regional distribution warehouses (RDW).
• Support in ensuring the correct balance of stocks and guaranteeing set product availability targets
• Collaborate in managing the relationship with the supplier and the international flows of monthly and weekly planning
• Collaborate in product availability analysis and monthly result estimation
Skills & Competencies
• An openness to embrace new challenges and adapt to a dynamic work environment;
• Ability to work in a dynamic and changing environment
• Problem solving
• Ability to work independently and as part of a team
• Genuine interest in supply-chain and logistics
Studies & Degree
Master’s degree in engineering or economics, preferably with specialization in Supply Chain Management
Fluency in English and Italian
Proficiency in using Microsoft Office, (Excel, Access, Power point).
Internship Junior Buyer
- Milano
- Purchasing
- no experience
Pirelli was founded in Milan in 1872 and today stands as a global brand known for its cutting-edge technology, high-end production excellence and passion for innovation that draws heavily on its Italian roots. With 18 production plants in 12 countries and a commercial presence in over 160, Pirelli has around 31,300 employees and had a turnover of about 6.6 billion euro in 2022. It is among the world’s major producers of tyres and associated services and the only one focused solely on the Consumer tyre market, which includes tyres for cars, motorcycles and bicycles.
Internship Purchasing Analyst
Key Accountabilities
The candidate will join the Purchasing team, and will support his/her tutor in the following activities:
• Collaborate in the identification of spending areas and organization of buying processes with the goal of identifying cost savings
• Collaborate in activities like cost analysis and set of appropriate benchmarks
• Collaborate to Supplier Management and continuous evaluation/assessment of supplier performance
• Supporting the internal reporting of results
• Cooperate with all Regions' procurement teams and other internal functions (e.g., Legal, Tax, Administration, etc.)
Skills & Competencies
• Ability to work in a dynamic and changing environment
• Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
• Ability to work independently and as part of a team
• Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
Master degree in economics or a related field
Language Fluency in English and Italian
Digital / IT Skills
Good knowledge of Microsoft Office (Excel, Access, Power point)
Apply NowData Analytics
- Bari
- Digital Solutions Center Bari
- 1 - 3 years
Fondata nel 1872, Pirelli è uno dei principali produttori di pneumatici al mondo. È l'unica azienda di pneumatici di puro consumo che comprende pneumatici per auto, moto e biciclette, oltre ai servizi associati.
Pirelli ha un posizionamento distinto nei pneumatici di alto valore, caratterizzati da una tecnologia avanzata con oltre 3.600 omologazioni ottenute, grazie a partnership con le più prestigiose case automobilistiche del mondo. Per raggiungere i massimi livelli di prestazioni, sicurezza e contenimento dell'impatto ambientale, Pirelli è da sempre fortemente impegnata in attività di ricerca e sviluppo, in cui ha investito il 6% del fatturato dei prodotti ad alto valore nel 2020.
Coinvolta nel motorsport dal 1907, è partner ufficiale esclusivo dei pneumatici del Campionato del Mondo di Formula 1 dal 2011 e ha rinnovato l'accordo fino al 2024.
L'impegno di Pirelli nella creazione di valore sostenibile, caratteristica della gestione responsabile dell'azienda e delle sue performance economiche, sociali e ambientali, ha portato alla sua inclusione in alcuni dei più prestigiosi indici borsistici di sostenibilità al mondo, come il Dow Jones World e Europe Sustainability Indices e il Global Compact LEAD delle Nazioni Unite.
Nel 2022 Pirelli ha aperto a Bari il Pirelli Digital Solutions Center, il primo centro di sviluppo interamente focalizzato sull'innovazione digitale, nato con l'obiettivo di arricchire le competenze interne nelle aree più strategiche per Pirelli. I dipendenti del Pirelli Digital Center sono impegnati nello sviluppo di software e algoritmi destinati ai più avanzati processi di progettazione, produzione e commercializzazione dei pneumatici del gruppo in tutto il mondo.
Tra i progetti chiave in fase di sviluppo presso il Pirelli Digital Solutions Center, c'è l'ulteriore rafforzamento della piattaforma Big Data per la raccolta, la trasformazione e l'analisi di tutti i dati provenienti dai vari ecosistemi dell'azienda. Questo strumento consente l'elaborazione di algoritmi per accelerare i tempi di sviluppo del prodotto, migliorarne ulteriormente la qualità, massimizzare l'efficienza delle macchine, ottimizzare l'efficacia commerciale e creare nuovi servizi digitali. Inoltre, grazie ai nuovi algoritmi - che supportano tutte le funzioni aziendali e di fabbrica - Pirelli sarà in grado di condurre studi direttamente sul “Digital Twin” del pneumatico, la replica digitale del prodotto fisico che consente di progettare e sviluppare nuove analisi prestazionali su prototipi virtuali. Inoltre, grazie all'Industrial Internet of Things sarà possibile ottimizzare la supply chain attraverso la modellazione predittiva della domanda e migliorare i processi produttivi, prevedere la manutenzione dei macchinari con benefici in termini di costi e tempi di sviluppo e risparmio di consumi energetici e costi di trasformazione.
Il centro può contare su una serie di tecnologie tra cui quelle dell'Innovation room, uno spazio che consente un vero e proprio co-working digitale tra i dipendenti di Bari e le circa 500 persone del Digital Team Pirelli nel mondo. Permetterà inoltre di interagire con l'Headquarter Pirelli, i 18 stabilimenti Pirelli nel mondo, i fornitori, i clienti e i vari poli universitari con cui l'azienda collabora in progetti di open innovation e scambio di competenze.
La risorsa sarà inserita all’interno del progetto di Data Platform con l’obiettivo di sviluppare i processi di alimentazione tramite Talend e realizzare applicazioni di reporting tramite Qliksense/Tableau. Collaborerà con il team di Milano alla condivisione dei requisiti, progettazione e modellazione, sviluppo di soluzioni Qlik, analisi dei dati (profiling/discovery), ETL e deploy applicativi.
Si occuperà della stesura della documentazione degli sviluppi, integration test e deploy in ambiente AWS e gestirà l’handover della soluzione implementata al team di supporto per la governance della soluzione.
Sono richieste:
•Laurea in discipline tecniche/scientifiche;
•Competenze di UX design per dashboard;
•Buona conoscenza del linguaggio Java;
•Esperienza di sviluppo su piattaforma QlikSense, Nprinting, Tableau, Qliksense SAS;
•Esperienza su Data Modeling e Operation su DB Oracle, Microsoft, Redshift, Aurora, rds, postgresql;
•Esperienza comprovata pregressa di almeno 1 anno nell’utilizzo di tool ETL (Talend for data Integration) rappresenta un plus;
•Esperienza pregressa di almeno 1 anno nell’utilizzo di tool Qliksense rappresenta un plus;
•Esperienza programmazione con Phyton, Spark, Node.js;
•Esperienza in ambienti cloud preferibilmente AWS;
•Conoscenza delle tematiche di data management e data governance (data preparation, data lineage, data quality, data cleansing, data masking, ecc.);
•Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.
Soft skills:
•Buona propensione all'analisi, al problem solving e al teamworking
•Dinamismo e proattività.
Sono un plus:
•Conoscenza linguaggi di scripting Web, Design e UX;
•Certificazioni tecniche Qlik, Talend, Tableau;
•Esperienza in ambito simile di almeno 2 anni.
Ruolo da ricoprire: Developer backend/fronted:
•Sviluppo di job ETL con Talend;
•Sviluppo applicazioni Qliksense/nprinting;
•Scrittura di codice PL/SQL;
•Scrittura e manutenzione della documentazione tecnica a supporto delle implementazioni ETL;
•Manutenzione ed interventi su flussi ETL esistenti;
•Interfaccia con i settori del Business per la raccolta dei requisiti.
Sede: la posizione sarà basata presso il nuovo ufficio Pirelli di Bari (BA), Italia.
Sachbearbeiter(in) im Verkauf Innendienst (100%)
- Basel
- Commercial&Sales
- 1 - 3 years
Sachbearbeiter(in) im Verkauf Innendienst (100%)
Deine Motivation
- Du bist eine offene Persönlichkeit und hast Freude am täglichen Kundenkontakt (B2B) mit unseren Geschäftspartnern der Automobilbranche.
- Du möchtest die Abläufe von der Vermarktung bis zur Auslieferung unserer Produkte kennenlernen.
- Du möchtest das SAP-System bei den verschiedenen Phasen des Verkaufs anwenden.
- Du möchtest in ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen mit grossen Ambitionen eintreten, in dem Du wachsen kannst.
Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!
Deine Aufgaben
- Dir werden interne Key-Account-Tätigkeiten zugewiesen, um die Produktberatung, die professionelle Abwicklung der Bestellungen bis hin zur Lieferung zu gewährleisten. Ziel ist es, die Vertriebsmitarbeiter im Aussendienst bei der Erreichung der Verkaufsziele zu unterstützen.
- Die Position ist sehr dynamisch und fördert die funktionsübergreifende Unterstützung und die enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Supply Chain & Logistik Abteilung, aber auch mit dem externen Verkaufsteam und der operativen Marketing Abteilung.
- Begleitende Back-office Tätigkeiten wie z.B. Reporting und Statistik sowie die verschiedenen Digitalisierungsprojekte (B2B, CRM, B2B Order Management Hub) und des Quality Managements.
Dein Profil
- Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung oder vergleichbare Qualifikation
- Sichere PC-Kenntnisse (Microsoft Office, SAP von Vorteil)
- Sehr gute mündliche Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch
- Gute Französisch oder Italienisch Kenntnisse sind erforderlich
- Lernbereitschaft, Gewissenhaftigkeit und Flexibilität
- Selbständige und proaktive teamorientierte Persönlichkeit
- Kundenorientierung und hohe Dienstleistungsbereitschaft
- Digitale Affinität und Interesse an der Automotive Branche
Wir bieten
- Eine interessante Tätigkeit in einem dynamischen Unternehmen
- Ein kollegiales und wertschätzendes Arbeitsumfeld
- Verantwortungsvolle, selbstständige Aufgaben
- Förderung und stetiges Angebot interner Schulungen
- Attraktive Konditionen wie z.B. 26 Tage Ferien, überdurchschnittliche Pensionskasse, Home-Office Möglichkeit
- Eine verkehrsgünstige Lage und Beteiligung am ÖV- sowie Fitness-/Sportabonnement
- Team Events und diverse wellfare Massnahmen
Haben wir Dein Interesse geweckt?
Wir suchen jemanden, der mit Leidenschaft und Engagement unser Team im Verkaufsinnendienst verstärkt. Wenn du Dich in dieser Beschreibung wiederfindest und gerne in einem innovativen Unternehmen arbeiten möchtest, freuen wir uns auf Deine Bewerbung!
Dann bewirb Dich jetzt über unser Online-Portal: Lege ein Bewerberkonto an und lade deine vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen hoch (Lebenslauf, Arbeitszeugnisse und Foto).
Bitte beachte, dass wir ausschliesslich Online-Bewerbungen berücksichtigen können.
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Kaufmännischer Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) (538,- Euro Basis)
- Dieburg
- Logistics
- no experience
An unserem Standort in Dieburg suchen wir
Kaufmännischer Mitarbeiter Logistik (m/w/d) (538,- Euro Basis)
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Dateneingabe/Datenpflege von Retouren in SAP
- Abstimmung mit Logistikdienstleister
- Erfassung und Zuordnung von Dokumenten in SAP
- Unterstützung bei Service - Aufgaben oder einfach allgemeine administrative Tätigkeiten
Ihr Profil:
- Sie haben eine kaufmännische Ausbildung abgeschlossen.
- SAP- und MS-Office Kenntnisse, MS Office und Englischkenntnisse sind von Vorteil.
- Sie überzeugen durch Ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeit.
- Sie sind integrations- und teamfähig.
- Eigeninitiative, Flexibilität und Belastbarkeit runden Ihr Profil ab
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten sowie individuelle Smart Working Möglichkeiten an.
- Vereinbarkeit und Förderung von Familie und Beruf
- Faire Bezahlung, inklusive einigen Zusatzleistungen wie zum Beispiel 30 Tage Urlaub, Urlaubsgeld und Belegschaftsverkauf.
- Umfassende Sozialleistungen wie z.B. Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Sport- und Freizeitmöglichkeiten und ein eigenes Fitnessangebot
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Ihre Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 30
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 74
Geben Sie Ihrer Zukunft Profil!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre aussagefähige Bewerbung mit Angaben zu Ihrer Kündigungsfrist sowie Ihren Gehaltsvorstellungen.
Apply Now
Internship Operational Technology Specialist
- Milano
- Operation
- no experience
Pirelli was founded in Milan in 1872 and today stands as a global brand known for its cutting-edge technology, high-end production excellence and passion for innovation that draws heavily on its Italian roots. With 18 production plants in 12 countries and a commercial presence in over 160, Pirelli has around 31,300 employees and had a turnover of about 6.6 billion euro in 2022. It is among the world’s major producers of tyres and associated services and the only one focused solely on the Consumer tyre market, which includes tyres for cars, motorcycles and bicycles.
Key Accountabilities
The candidate will operate within the Manufacturing Intelligence department, and he/she will work on subjects related to Operational Technology, focusing on connectivity, data collection, and their presentation to IT systems.
Starting from day one, the candidate will collaborate with the Tutor in the following activities:
• Managing the analysis, technical definition, planning, subsequent development, and release of systems aimed at integrating machinery into Pirelli’s processes;
• Managing sharing and alignment meetings with internal stakeholders;
• Handling external software suppliers from both a technical and organizational standpoint;
• Maintaining and monitoring the currently installed OT software within the company and formally validating the data;
• Preparing technical documentation, activity reports, functional and technical specifications (software).
Skills & Competencies
The ideal candidate is a recent graduate in Computer Science or Computer Engineering who has delved into topics related to the management and integration of machinery from an Industry 4.0 perspective.
• Strong interpersonal relationship skills and ability to work in a team;
• Ability to focus on defined priorities;
• Strong synthesis and communication skills;
• Analytical capabilities and problem-solving attitude.
Studies & Degree
Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related fields.
Fluency in English
Digital / IT Skills
• Knowledge of operating systems: Windows, Windows Server, Ubuntu, and Debian.
• Basic knowledge of major programming languages: C#, Java, Python.
• Knowledge of DBMS systems (both relational and non-relational) and their implementations: SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, AWS Cloud (S3).
• Basic knowledge of major PLC programming systems: Siemens, Allen Bradley.
• Knowledge of communication protocols with PLCs: OPC, S7, OPC-UA, TCP.
Complementary characteristics:
• Knowledge of IIOT platforms: Ignition, Kepware.
• Knowledge of network-related topics.
• Basic knowledge of AWS cloud.
• Basic knowledge of dashboarding systems: QlikView
Automation Engineer
- Milano
- Operation
- 3 - 5 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
Why Join Us
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment
• Global onboarding process
• Bespoke training and development programs accessible to all
• Competitive welfare and benefits package
• International mobility opportunities
Drive Your Future
The candidate will be involved as Automation Engineer for Building and Semifinishing areas. He/She will contribute to the programming, simulation, testing and installation of automated/semiautomated machinery for all the Pirelli’s factories in the world. Depending on the category and complexity of projects, he/she may act as project member or project leader
Your Core Activities
• Supporting the design, procurement, commissioning, testing and validation of the electrical equipment for machinery both internally and externally manufactured
• For assembled production lines, coordinating external suppliers supports the accomplishment of the complete electrical engineering (e.g. cable trays layout, cables dimensioning and distribution) according to electrical standards and directives
• Supporting the development of new functionalities for process and product traceability
• Applying predefined hardware/software standards to new electrical equipment
• Document verification, approval and archiving in compliance with quality standards
• Offering technical support during installation, commissioning, start-up and following lifecycle phases in all the Pirelli factories worldwide
• Participating, together with purchasing department, in the scouting of new suppliers
What We Are Looking For
• Secondary school degree or Bachelor’s Degree in Automation Engineering
• 3+ years in automation installation and commissioning
• Basics of industrial engineering techniques
• Fluency in English and Italian
• Travelling flexibility (international and domestic)
What Puts You In Pole Position
• Knowledge of data analysis and DB management tools (query, script, etc.)
• Good knowledge of PLC programming languages (especially for Siemens PLCs)
• Ability to work in international teams
• Strong communication skills
• Critical thinking
Plant Cycling Production Planning and Supply Chain
- Bollate
- Supply Chain
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
Join the Plant Cycling Production Planning and Supply Chain Team and immerse yourself in a dynamic environment, in which, from day one, you are involved in overseeing the sourcing from raw materials to final products, the scheduling and planning, the material flow coordination of production activities to ensure efficient operations and the timely delivery of products, according to Business Unit Cycling Supply Chain request.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
Resource Management:
• Ensure timely availability of materials and components based on forecasted production plan, working with both Pirelli intercompany material flow and external supplier.
• Develop and execute mid/long-term strategic material/components demand forecasting plans, ensuring there will be no constraints when needed.
• Coordinate materials for INDU with the local/central R&D teams.
Production Scheduling and Delivery:
• Develop and maintain detailed weekly/daily/shiftly production plans to meet logistic demands.
• Adjust schedules as needed to address changes in demand, resource availability, or production issues.
• Coordinate with central logistics for finish product consignment and ensure adherence to the monthly delivery plan.
Inventory Control:
• Manage inventory levels to balance production requirements with cost efficiency by working closely with other functions (Production, Quality, R&D and Process).
• Maintain accurate inventory records and conduct regular audits.
• Degree: Master's Degree preferred in Management or Manufacturing Engineering
• Fluent in English
Internship Operational Technology Specialist
- Milan
- Information Technology
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
Join the Operational Technology team within the Manufacturing Intelligence department and immerse yourself in a dynamic, youthful environment. From day one, you will gain hands-on experience and grow your skills in the digitalization of factories focusing on connectivity, data collection, and ensuring data accessibility within designated company systems. Under the guidance of your tutor, you'll be empowered to take on increasing responsibilities, develop autonomy, and gain insights into strategic decision-making processes in a fast-evolving industry.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Managing the analysis, technical definition, planning, subsequent development, and release of systems aimed at integrating machinery into Pirelli’s processes;
• Managing sharing and alignment meetings with internal stakeholders;
• Handling external software suppliers from both a technical and organizational standpoint;
• Maintaining and monitoring the currently installed OT software within the company and formally validating the data;
• Preparing technical documentation, activity reports, functional and technical specifications (software).
• Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science (or Computer Engineering) or similar engineering fields (Automation, Mechatronics, Electronics, Telecommunications).
• Fluency in Italian and English.
• Knowledge of operating systems: Windows, Windows Server, Ubuntu, Linux.
• Basic knowledge of the main programming languages: C#, Java, Python.
• Knowledge of DBMS systems (relational and non-relational) and their implementations: SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, AWS Cloud (S3).
• Basic knowledge of the main PLC programming systems: Siemens, Allen Bradley.
• Knowledge of communication protocols with PLCs: OPC, S7, OPC-UA, TCP.
Complementary characteristics:
• Knowledge of IIOT platforms: Ignition, Kepware.
• Knowledge of network-related topics.
• Basic knowledge of AWS cloud.
• Basic knowledge of dashboarding systems: QlikView.
Produktionsmitarbeiter (m/w/d)
- Breuberg
- Operation
- no experience
Produktionsmitarbeiter (m/w/d)
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Bedienen, Bestücken und Überwachung der jeweiligen Produktionsmaschinen
- Herstellung von Mischungen, Halbzeugen, Karkassen und Rohlingen entsprechend den Arbeits- und Qualitätsvorschriften
- Durchführung der notwendigen Kontrollen im Fertigungsprozess anhand vorgegebenen Standards und Kriterien
- Sichtkontrolle der Fertigprodukte
Ihr Profil:
- Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
- Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
- Flexibilität und Bereitschaft für Schichtarbeit
- Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung von Vorteil
- Staplerführerschein von Vorteil
Wir bieten:
- Bezahlung nach dem BAP-DGB Tarifvertrag sowie übertarifliche Zulagen
- Hohe Übernahmechancen durch unsere Kunden
- Hohe Planbarkeit durch geregelten Schichtrhythmus
Ihre Kontakte:
Esther Heinisch
Pirelli Personal Service
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 78
Kristina Neumann
Pirelli Personal Service
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 21 42
Apply Now
Enterprise Integration Specialist
- Bari
- Digital Solutions Center Bari
- 1 - 3 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
In 2022 Pirelli opened Pirelli Digital Solutions Center in Bari, the first development centre entirely focused on digital innovation, born with the goal of enriching internal skills in the most strategic areas for Pirelli. Pirelli Digital Center employees are involved in the development of software and algorithms destined for the most advanced processes of planning, manufacturing and marketing of the group’s tyres throughout the world.
Among the key projects being developed at the Pirelli Digital Solutions Center, there is the further strengthening of the Big Data platform for the collection, transformation and analysis of all the data from the company’s various ecosystems. This instrument enables the processing of algorithms to speed up product development times, further improve its quality, maximize machine efficiency, optimize commercial effectiveness and create new digital services. In addition, thanks to the new algorithms – supporting all company and factory functions – Pirelli will be able to conduct studies directly on the tyre’s “Digital Twin”, the digital replica of the physical product that enables the design and development of new performance analyses on virtual prototypes. In addition, thanks to the Industrial Internet of Things it will be possible to optimize the supply chain through predictive modelling of demand and improve production processes, predict maintenance of machinery with benefits in terms of cost and development times and savings of energy consumption and transformation costs.
The centre can count on a number of technologies including those of the Innovation room, a space which allows true digital co-working between employees in Bari and the around 500 people of the Pirelli Digital Team worldwide. It will also permit interaction with Pirelli Headquarters, Pirelli’s 18 plants in the world, suppliers, clients and the various university hubs with which the company collaborates in open innovation projects and skills’ exchange.
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
*Hybrid and flexible working hours;
*Corporate benefits portal;
*Great impact in terms of digital innovation;
*Young and stimulating environment;
*Working with a global and international team.
The Enterprise Integration Specialist will be part of the Pirelli Enterprise Integration team, having the purpose to design, implement and maintain the company core integration processes. According to the newest technology standards, you will have the goal to contribute realizing the most suitable technical solutions following the projects requirements and the business needs.
*Integration flow analysis and definition (real-time or batch);
*Integration processes implementation using the most recent TIBCO technology;
*ETL processes development mainly based on Talend Data Integration technology;
*Common integration pattern adherence (SOA, EDA and microservices architecture);
*Best practices definition and sharing.
*Extensive understanding of key integration patterns and protocols (SOAP, REST, oData, GrapgQL);
*In-depth knowledge of service descriptors such as WSDL, Swagger, OpenAPI and their making;
*Deep knowledge on Tibco BW5/BW6, Tibco BWCE (container-edition) and iPaas TCI;
*Expertise in Tibco EMS and Messaging systems;
*Familiarity with Talend Data Integration platform;
*Linux OS and container orchestration with docker/Kubernetes competency;
*Familiarity with OAuth, SAML, JWT, and additional auth protocols;
*Knowledge of cloud computing services, especially AWS;
*Possesses fluent English speaking and writing abilities.
*An event-driven mindset; experience with Tibco BusinessEvents is a plus;
*Awareness of EDI concepts; knowledge of Tibco BusinessConnect is a plus;
*Knowledge of other message brokers (like Kafka);
*Hands-on experience with an API management tool/platform like Tibco Mashery is preferred;
*Understanding of DevOps methodology and versioning tools (based on git) is a great plus;
*Nice to have, proficiency with SQL and NoSQL DB.
Apply Now
Praktikum/Abschlussarbeit Produktion/KVP
- Breuberg
- Operation
- no experience
Praktikum/Abschlussarbeit Produktion/KVP
Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum mit oder ohne Abschlussarbeit
Deine Verantwortlichkeiten:
- Optimierung von Produktionsabläufen durch Nutzung vorhandener Daten bzw. Schaffung von neuen Datenquellen
- Planung und Umsetzung von Kosten- /Qualitätsoptimierungsmaßnahmen
- Aktive Teilnahme an Verbesserungsprojekten und Bereitstellung tiefer Datenanalysen zu der jeweiligen Problemstellung
- Betreuung der Einführung von neuen Funktionalitäten in bestehenden Systemen (MES, …)
- Ad-hoc Analysen nach Aufkommen im Produktionsumfeld
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Erfahrungen im Datenmanagement
- IT-Kenntnisse, sowie Methoden zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung
- sicherer Umgang mit den Prozessen, sowie Fähigkeit zur Analyse und Optimierung der Prozesse
- Teamfähigkeit und organisierte Arbeitsweise, sowie effektive Problemlösung
- Gute Kenntnisse in Deutsch und Englisch
- Gute Kenntnisse in MS-Office und SAP
- Gute Kenntnisse in Python, SQL, Data-Science
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Apply Now
Internship Junior Controller
- Milan
- Administration and control
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the Administration, Finance & Controlling function and will be trained to understand the logic of monitoring the company's economic performance indicators as well as to apply reporting, consolidation, cost analysis and budgeting techniques.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Collection, consolidation and analysis of performance data;
• Maintenance and development of reporting tools;
• Definition of the company KPIs subject to monitoring;
• Final calculation of monthly data and medium- and long-term planning.
• Degree in Finance, Economics or equivalent.
• Fluency in Italian and English (B2/C1).
• Detail oriented with excellent analytical skills.
Internship Pricing Europa
- Milan
- Marketing
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• The opportunity to join a young and dynamic team;
• Collaborate with several business functions in an international engaging, and supportive working environment
The candidate will work within the Europe Marketing Department and will actively participate to the process of data analysis, order management and sales reporting
Starting from day one, under the tutor supervision, the candidate will be trained to increase his/her autonomy in the following activities:
• Determine prices according to production and logistics costs, margins, competition’s prices and positioning;
• Creation and monitoring of seasonal campaigns and monthly commercial offers;
• Management of selling conditions using SAP;
• Monthly reporting and results evaluation for strategy meetings, management team, marketing, sales and controlling;
• Support to the forecasting process.
We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Trade & Consumer candidate with:
• Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, Economics, Communication, or a related field (current students or recent graduates).
• Strong interest in marketing and sales.
• Proactive attitude and ability to work effectively in a team.
• Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
• Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
• Proficiency in English
• Passion for automotive business
• Previous experience in similar role
• Analytical attitude
Customer Support Specialist (m/w/d)
- Breuberg
- Commercial&Sales
- 1 - 3 years
Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams am zentralen Standort in Breuberg/ Odenwald suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen
Customer Support Specialist (m/w/d)
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Betreuung der Service-Hotline/ First Level Support für unsere 70 Filialen
- Forecasting, Abstimmung sowie Reporting von Geschäftsprozessen
- Enge Abstimmung mit unseren Kunden und Lieferanten
- Erstellen von Bonusabrechnungen
- Unterstützung im Management-Reporting
- Durchführung interner Schulungen
Ihr Profil:
- Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Berufsausbildung
- Berufserfahrung und versierter Umgang mit allen gängigen Computeranwendungen sowie idealerweise Erfahrungen mit SAP
- Gute kommunikative Fähigkeiten sowie ein Verständnis für den Umgang mit Zahlen
- Hohe Kunden- und Service-Orientierung
- Flexibilität, Belastbarkeit und Eigeninitiative
- Erfahrung in der Automobilbranche von Vorteil
Wir bieten:
- Zusammenarbeit mit einem fachlich qualifizierten Team und mit hoher Eigenverantwortung
- Kontinuierliche Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten und damit Aufstiegschancen innerhalb des Konzerns
- Moderner Arbeitsplatz mit professioneller Ausstattung
- Smart Working (frei wählbarer Arbeitsort) bis zu zweimal in der Woche möglich
- Flexible Arbeitszeiten durch Freizeitausgleich
- Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag
- Attraktives Vergütungspaket mit vermögenswirksamen Leistungen und Möglichkeit der Gehaltsumwandlung zur privaten Altersvorsorge
- Weihnachts- und Urlaubsgeld
- 30 Tage Urlaub
- Partner von Jobrad
- Mitarbeiterrabatte für Reifen und Reparaturen
- vergünstigte Mahlzeiten in unserer Kantine sowie kostenfreier Kaffee
Ihre Kontakte:
Anke Schönfeldt
Human Resources Manager
Telefon (0 61 63) 712856
Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung. Für Vorabfragen steht Anke Schönfeld unter T. 06163 71-2856 zur Verfügung.
Apply Now
Pricing Specialist (m/w/d)
- Breuberg
- Commercial&Sales
- 1 - 3 years
Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams am zentralen Standort in Breuberg/ Odenwald suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen
Pricing Specialist (m/w/d)
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Preisstrategien für definierte Produktgruppen und Regionen
- Durchführung von Preiswirkungs- und Preiselastizitätsanalysen
- Controlling des Preismanagements zur Sicherstellung der Profitabilität
- Betreuung der Service-Hotline/ First Level Support für unsere 70 Filialen
- Erstellen von Bonusabrechnungen
- Unterstützung Vertriebsprojekt
Ihr Profil:
- Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung mit Berufserfahrung in diesem Bereich oder ein wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium
- Berufserfahrung und versierter Umgang mit allen gängigen Computeranwendungen sowie idealerweise Erfahrungen mit SAP
- Gute kommunikative Fähigkeiten sowie ein Verständnis für den Umgang mit Zahlen
- Hohe Kunden- und Service-Orientierung
- Flexibilität, Belastbarkeit und Eigeninitiative
- Gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
- Erfahrung in der Automobilbranche von Vorteil
Wir bieten:
- Zusammenarbeit mit einem fachlich qualifizierten Team
- Hohe Eigenverantwortung
- Kontinuierliche Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten und damit Aufstiegschancen innerhalb des Konzerns
- Moderner Arbeitsplatz mit professioneller Ausstattung
- Smart Working (frei wählbarer Arbeitsort) bis zu zweimal in der Woche möglich
- Flexible Arbeitszeiten durch Freizeitausgleich
- Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag
- Attraktives Vergütungspaket mit vermögenswirksamen Leistungen und Möglichkeit der Gehaltsumwandlung zur privaten Altersvorsorge
- Weihnachts- und Urlaubsgeld
- 30 Tage Urlaub
- Partner von Jobrad
- Mitarbeiterrabatte für Reifen und Reparaturen
- vergünstigte Mahlzeiten in unserer Kantine sowie kostenfreier Kaffee
Ihre Kontakte:
Anke Schönfeld
Human Resources Manager
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 2856
Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung. Für Vorabfragen steht Anke Schönfeld unter T. 06163 71-2856 zur Verfügung.
Apply Now
Junior Industrial Controller
- Settimo Torinese
- Administration and control
- 1 - 3 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
Why Join Us
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Personal and professional development.
Drive Your Future
You will join the Controlling team of Technological Polo of Settimo Torinese-Country Italy within Administration and Control Department. You will be participating to the function’ typical activities: Planning and Reporting, industrial control, budgeting and cost control. You will work in a very result-oriented environment, and you will act as a business partner to exploit all the possible opportunities and mitigate the risks that may arise.
Your Core Activities
• Reporting: Provide actual economic figures in a timely and accurate manner
• Month end closure
• Budgeting and Forecasting: Provide accurate economics figures for Rolling Forecast, Management Plan and Strategic Plan.
• Variances Analysis
• Ad hoc analysis for Top Management.
• Product costing
• Cost controlling
• Improving the controlling process.
What We Are Looking for
• Degree: in Economics, Management Engineering, Mathematics or Statistics.
• Relevant experience in controlling
• Language: Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.
• Technical/Specific Skill: Good knowledge of Excel and PowerPoint. SAP knowledge is nice to have.
What Puts in Pole Position
• Experience in plant controlling
• SAP knowledge
• Problem solving
Team Lead UX/UI Designer
- Bari
- Digital Solutions Center Bari
- 5 - 10 years
In 2022 Pirelli opened Pirelli Digital Solutions Center in Bari, the first development centre entirely focused on digital innovation, born with the goal of enriching internal skills in the most strategic areas for Pirelli. Pirelli Digital Center employees are involved in the development of software and algorithms destined for the most advanced processes of planning, manufacturing and marketing of the group's tyres throughout the world.
Among the key projects being developed at the Pirelli Digital Solutions Center, there is the further strengthening of the Big Data platform for the collection, transformation and analysis of all the data from the company's various ecosystems. Such platform enables the creation of algorithms to speed up product development times, further improve its quality, maximize machine efficiency, optimize commercial effectiveness and create new digital services. In addition, thanks to the new algorithms - supporting all company and factory areas - Pirelli will be able to conduct studies directly on the tyre's "Digital Twin", the digital replica of the physical product that enables the design and development of new performance analyses on virtual prototypes. In addition, thanks to the Industrial Internet of Things it will be possible to optimize the supply chain through predictive modelling of demand and improve production processes, predict maintenance of machinery with benefits in terms of cost and development times and savings of energy consumption and transformation costs.
The Bari Digital centre can count on a number of technologies including those of the Innovation room, a space which allows true digital co-working between employees in Bari and the around 500 people of the Pirelli Digital Team worldwide. It will also permit interaction with Pirelli Headquarters, Pirelli's 18 plants in the world, suppliers, clients and the various university hubs with which the company collaborates in open innovation projects and skills' exchange.
For Pirelli Digital Solutions Center in Bari, we're looking for a UX Team Lead, with the aim to design and oversee the creation of cross-domain experiences, ensuring the best usability practices. A passionate and open-minded subject matter expert who can collaborate with teammates to solve design challenges, helping different Pirelli business stakeholders to define, create, and track experience-related KPIs that validate the release of excellent products and services.
The candidate will be in charge of applying design leadership skills to resolve stakeholder’s challenges through proven methodologies, translating stakeholders needs and technological capabilities into exceptional experiences for Pirelli.
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
*Ticket restaurant.
*Flexible working hours.
*Remote Working.
*Employee benefits.
The Team Lead UI/UX will be and mentor product design teams, providing guidance on best practices, design processes, and the research and analysis of stakeholders needs, goals, and pain points.
*Collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver exceptional, design-driven business solutions, embracing challenges and inspiring new ways of thinking.
*Think big and understand complex feature sets, shaping design for multidisciplinary projects.
*Act as a key contributor, analyzing design assumptions and features, and validating design recommendations.
*Promote collaborative work practices and identify opportunities to improve quality and increase efficiency through collaborative design.
*Be responsible for the final UX quality of all projects and Provide support, guidance, and mentoring to junior members of the User Experience Team.
*Use data-driven insights to inform design decisions and validate design solutions.
*Develop and communicate a strategic vision for UX that aligns with the company's overall goals.
*Stay updated with emerging technologies and trends in UX design.
*Foster a positive and collaborative team culture, ensuring alignment with the company’s values and vision.
*Bachelor’s degree in Design, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer Science, or a related field. PhD is a plus.
*8+ years of UX experience with a portfolio of UX-focused work samples.
*A passion for continuous learning and professional development.
*Knowledge of Figma, Miro, Form, Figma, Adobe Suite.
* Knowledge of Scrum development process.
*Experience conducting user research and usability testing.
*Experience working with service design and design thinking principles and practices, lean methodology and data-driven decision-making processes.
*Experience working collaboratively with Project Managers, Tech Leads, Business Stakeholders and Developers.
*Strategic thinking with the ability to develop and implement a UX vision.
*Ability to build relationships with colleagues to deliver targeted solutions and expand the scope of work.
*Proficiency in spoken and written English.
*Excellent communication, storytelling, and presentation skills, with the ability to clearly articulate design decisions to stakeholders.
*Strong problem-solving abilities communication skills to collaborate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.
*Detail-oriented with good organizational and time management skills.
Institutional Affairs Specialist- Focus Europe
- Bruxelles
- General Services
- 3 - 5 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
Why Join Us
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment
• Global onboarding process
• Bespoke training and development programs accessible to all
• Competitive welfare and benefits package (including company restaurant and on-site health clinic)
• International mobility opportunities
Drive Your Future
You will be part of the Institutional Affairs department located in Bruxelles and your focus will primarily involve the management of company’s interactions with European institutions, partners, or public bodies. You will support the definition of the Pirelli Institutional Affairs policy in accordance with the overall strategy of the company by keeping a strong continuous link with the HQ in Milan.
Your Core Activities
• Monitoring and following the European Parliament Committees’ activities of interest for the tyres and automotive Industry
• Researching and drafting background notes including drafting stakeholder’s mapping, minutes and reports of meetings
• Monitoring, gathering intelligence and providing analysis of EU policies and legislation
• Reporting from external events and institutional/political meetings
• Support and engage with relevant stakeholders, particularly in the European Parliament, to monitor and acquire political intelligence on relevant files
What We Are Looking for
• Master’s degree or equivalent
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in Italian and English
• Good knowledge of EU institutional procedures
• Availability for travel/short trips abroad
What Puts in Pole Position
• Degree preferably in political science, economics, European affairs/studies or law
• 3 to 5 years of professional experience in European affairs
• Good use of Microsoft packages, including Power Point and Excel
• Strong communication skills and problem-solving attitude
• Flexibility and ability to operate in complex organizational contexts
Internship - Planning & Reporting
- Milan
- Administration and control
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the Planning & Reporting team and will be trained to control and analyze the Group Profit and Loss Results, explaining it through variance analysis across the different periods. This internship offers hands-on experience in Planning & Reporting team, providing a unique opportunity to develop your skills in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Consolidation of the group P&L figures collecting all economic and financial data, checking data coherence and consistence across the relevant dimension of analysis;
• Support variance analysis and identify significant trends;
• Elaboration and submission of the monthly P&L reports referring to actual results and to forecasting processes in compliance with IFRS and the company accounting manual;
• Elaboration of the financial and economic summary results for top management and board of directors, providing timely and consistent reports;
• Master’s degree in Economics.
• Fluency in English and Italian.
• Analytical skills and attention to detail.
• Proactivity and Ability to work in a team communicating effectively.
• Proficiency in using Microsoft Office Suite, in particular Excel.
Internship Trade Effectiveness Specialist Geomarketing and Data Management
- Milan
- Marketing
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
Join the HQ Trade Marketing team and immerse yourself in a dynamic environment. From day one, you will gain hands-on experience and grow your skills in monitoring the quality of information in the commercial tools and identifying actions to improve data, supporting markets in applying geo-marketing local rules.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
*Implementing CRM system adoption with both quantitative and qualitative information.
*Conducting market analysis in term of evaluation of territory/dealer potential to identify market opportunities for the company.
*Improving market adoption and driving enhancements of digital tools designed to support sales and customer to define order definition in line with targets of the company and market trends.
*Supporting data analysis, preparation and individuation of key findings.
*Analyzing and tracking of potential clients.
*Structuring external data for analysis in internal systems.
*Managing best practice sharing among markets.
*Background in Quantitative Marketing/Economics or related fields.
*Numerical and analytics attitude, willingness to work with complex data.
*Knowledge of MS Office, especially Excel
*English language (B2)
*Attitude to work on projects, proactiveness.
*Good communication skills.
Data Engineer
- Bari
- Digital Solutions Center Bari
- 1 - 3 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
In 2022 Pirelli opened Pirelli Digital Solutions Center in Bari, the first development centre entirely focused on digital innovation, born with the goal of enriching internal skills in the most strategic areas for Pirelli. Pirelli Digital Center employees are involved in the development of software and algorithms destined for the most advanced processes of planning, manufacturing and marketing of the group’s tyres throughout the world.
Among the key projects being developed at the Pirelli Digital Solutions Center, there is the further strengthening of the Big Data platform for the collection, transformation and analysis of all the data from the company’s various ecosystems. This instrument enables the processing of algorithms to speed up product development times, further improve its quality, maximize machine efficiency, optimize commercial effectiveness and create new digital services. In addition, thanks to the new algorithms – supporting all company and factory functions – Pirelli will be able to conduct studies directly on the tyre’s “Digital Twin”, the digital replica of the physical product that enables the design and development of new performance analyses on virtual prototypes. In addition, thanks to the Industrial Internet of Things it will be possible to optimize the supply chain through predictive modelling of demand and improve production processes, predict maintenance of machinery with benefits in terms of cost and development times and savings of energy consumption and transformation costs.
The centre can count on a number of technologies including those of the Innovation room, a space which allows true digital co-working between employees in Bari and the around 500 people of the Pirelli Digital Team worldwide. It will also permit interaction with Pirelli Headquarters, Pirelli’s 18 plants in the world, suppliers, clients and the various university hubs with which the company collaborates in open innovation projects and skills’ exchange.
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
*Ticket restaurant.
*Flexible working hours.
*Remote Working.
*Employee benefits.
The Data Engineer will be support the architecting, implementation and optimization of data-driven solutions as part of the enablers that change how decisions are made across all business units.
*Design and implement efficient data pipelines and architectures.
*Support data science solutions end-to-end from concept to production.
*Build and manage cloud infrastructure architectures targeted to host data-driven solutions.
*Data ingestion, transformation and export pipelines, Data storage management.
*Prototype-to-product refactoring and optimization following.
development best practices.
*Cloud infrastructure management through IaaC techniques.
*Product monitoring and maintenance.
*Master in Computer Science, Engineering, or any other computer science-oriented disciplines (PhD is a plus).
*Ability to prototype and test suboptimal solutions quickly and iterate up to a final product that can be deployed in production to troubleshoot, debug and optimize existing code to develop and manage cloud-based infrastructure solutions.
*Knowledge of SQL, Python (scientific libraries: pandas, scipy, numpy, Jupyter).
*Base knowledge of OOP and design patterns of Hadoop environment (HDFS, YARN, Hive, Spark).
*Knowledge of cloud development (preferably AWS cloud) and familiarity with agile and scrum methodologies.
*Experience with GIT, CI/CD pipeline, Docker, Kubernetes and developing REST APIs.
*Knowledge of Kafka and a streaming processing framework (Spark streaming, Apache Flink, etc.) of NO-SQL (Mongo, Apache HBase) of Scala.
*Curiosity, interest of learning new technologies/new product/features.
*Strong communication skills to collaborate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.
*Detail-oriented with good organizational and time management skills.
Internship HR Analyst
- Milan
- Operation
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the HR Region Europe team and will be trained in managing the main HR processes at region level. You will work with different and peculiar countries, giving support in managing Salary Review, Sales Incentives, Short Term Incentives, Performance Management, Organizational Management, and HR related projects. This internship offers hands-on experience and a unique opportunity to develop your skills in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Supporting HR Region Europe in key HR processes (salary review, sales incentives, performance management, …).
• Contributing to data-driven analysis in different HR fields.
• Taking part in performance and people development activities.
• Master’s degree in Economics/Management Engineer.
• Fluency in English.
• Passion for analytics, people development, organization design and processes.
Digital Twin Engineer
- Milan
- Operation
- 3 - 5 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
Why Join Us
• We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Global onboarding process.
• Bespoke training and development programs accessible to all.
• Competitive welfare and benefits package.
• International mobility opportunities.
Drive Your Future
The candidate will operate within the Manufacturing Intelligence department and the focus of his/her role will primarily involve developing and refining Digital Twin models, predominantly related to factory flow simulations, with the aim of optimizing and planning various industrial scenarios through effective data management.
Your Core Activities
• Selecting and examining data that can be used to feed the digital model
• Collaborating with suppliers or scientific and academic institutions for the proper selection of Digital Twin models and jointly defining the best scenario modeling
• Working closely with business functions (such as Industrial Engineering) to gather requirements to be simulated using the adopted tools
• Collaborating with 3D design offices for the creation of virtual simulation models
• Undertaking short trips to Italian and foreign Operating Units for training activities and knowledge transfer
• Preparing technical documentation, activity reports, and process specifications
What We Are Looking For
• Master’s Degree in Industrial/Mechanical/Electronic Engineering
• Knowledge of Industrial Engineering, with a preference for subjects related to simulation models and digital twin technology
• Knowledge of Digital Twin simulation tools
• Fluency in Italian and English
• Leadership and proactivity in the relationships
What Puts You In Pole Position
• Proficiency in using Microsoft Office Suite
• Familiarity with key Industry 4.0 technologies
• Strong interpersonal relationship skills and ability to work in a team
• Strong synthesis and communication skills
• Analytical capabilities and problem-solving attitude and Proactiveness
Trade & Consumer Marketing PraktikantIn (100%) 1
- Basel
- Marketing
- < 1 year
Du möchtest in einem internationalen Konzern wachsen, das schweizweit tätig ist? Du interessierst Dich für die Autoindustrie und möchtest die vielfältigen Projekte mitgestalten, die im Verlauf von 12 Monaten in der Marketingabteilung eines führenden Reifenherstellers entwickelt und umgesetzt werden? Du suchst nach einem abwechslungsreichen und herausfordernden Praktikum, bei dem Du Dich persönlich einbringen kannst? Du bist idealerweise mehrsprachig und hast Freunde daran, Deine Sprachen täglich zu nutzen?
Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig! Pirelli Tyre (Suisse) SA ist für den Vertrieb von Pirelli Reifen in der Schweiz zuständig und bietet mit einer mittelgrossen Struktur direkte und flache Hierarchien, sowie ein angenehmes mehrsprachiges Arbeitsumfeld.
In diesem Vollzeitpraktikum unterstützt Du tatkräftig das Trade & Consumer Marketing und lernst von Events, über Promotionen und Marketing-Tools die vielfältigen Aufgabenbereiche des Teams kennen.
Deine Aufgabengebiete:
- Mitverantwortung für unsere Tyrelife Garantie und Ansprechpartner bei Kundenanfragen
- Unterstützung des Teams bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von saisonalen Promotionen
- Mithilfe bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Händlerpromotionen
- Eigenständige Erfolgskontrolle von Marketing-Aktionen, inklusive Erstellung von Reportings, Analysen und entsprechenden Präsentationen für interne und externe Meetings
- Support bei der Umsetzung von Events wie Fahrtrainings, Werksbesuche in Nachbarländern (D / I ), sowie den Besuch von Motorsport-Events mit Kunden
- Mitentwicklung und -koordinierung von POS Material & Merchandising Produktionen
- Mitgestaltung und Entwicklung von Kommunikationsmitteln wie Broschüren, Flyer usw.
- Mithilfe bei der Verfassung und Umsetzung von digitalen Kommunikationsplänen
- Eigenständige Übersetzung diverser Werbemittel und Inhalten in Deinen Sprachen
- Support bei administrativen Aufgaben
Was bringst Du mit?
- Du hast eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung (Uni / FH / HF) im Bereich BWL oder Marketing
- Du konntest idealerweise bereist erste Berufserfahrung neben dem Studium sammeln
- Du bringst sehr gute MS-Office Kenntnisse mit und hast ein Gespür für Zahlen und Daten (Schwerpunkt Excel und PowerPoint)
- Du bist ein kommunikativer Teamplayer, der sich in einem dynamischen Umfeld wohlfühlt und Motivation und Neugierde mitbringt
- Du weist eine hohe Selbständigkeit und Effizienz auf, bist zuverlässig und flexibel
- Du besitzt ein hohes Qualitäts- und Verantwortungsbewusstsein und gehst gerne die gewisse Extrameile
- Du bist belastbar, dienstleistungsorientiert und arbeitest sorgfältig und selbständig
- Du schätzt sowohl die Arbeit im Büro als auch das Anpacken bei einer Veranstaltung.
- Dein Deutsch ist stilsicher in Wort und Schrift
- Bonus : Ton français est sûr à l'oral et à l'écrit, la conoscenza dell'italiano è un plus
- Fahrausweis Kategorie B von Vorteil
Das bieten wir Dir:
- Einen 12-monatigen Berufseinstieg auf Zeit, in dem Du die Praxisseite des Marketings und alle Phasen eines Marketing-Jahres kennenlernen, mitgestalten und miterleben kannst
- Die Mitarbeit in einem jungen, mehrsprachigen und motivierten Team
- Ein abwechslungsreiches Aufgabenfeld mit hoher Eigenverantwortung
- Die Möglichkeit, Dein Aufgabenfeld bei entsprechender Eignung selbstständig mitzugestalten und weiterzuentwickeln
- Flache Hierarchien und Mitspracherecht
- 100% Pensum mit attraktiver Gehaltsentschädigung
- Gleitende Arbeitszeiten, 26 Tage Ferien und Kompensation von Überstunden
- Attraktive Zusatzleistungen wie z.B. Zuschuss zu ÖV- und Fitnessabo
- Ab 1. November 2024: Nach Vereinbarung 8 bis 16 Monate
Du kannst Dich mit den gestellten Aufgaben und Anforderungen identifizieren? Mache den ersten Schritt uns sende uns Deine vollständige Online-Bewerbung (Lebenslauf, Arbeitszeugnisse, Motivationsschreiben).
Es werden nur Online-Bewerbungen über das Bewerbungsportal berücksichtigt.
Apply NowProject Engineering Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Carlisle, UK
- Carlisle
- Operation
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli are also leaders in various forms of motorsport such as Formula 1 and the World Superbike. We supply tyres to many of the world’s major Motor brands such as Jaguar Land Rover, Porsche, Range Rover, Lamborghini, Bentley and Aston Martin to name a few.
Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 12 month placement is available within our Engineering department. The role involves working to support the Department with a variety of duties around the management of investment projects, while working under the supervision of a Senior Project Engineer on all aspects of new machinery projects, involving state of the art technologies and processes.
A project will be identified during the placement and a mentor to provide support in learning and development. Assistance will be provided in finding appropriate accommodation, but financial assistance for accommodation is not available. Students must have a valid work permit/visa for the UK.
The opportunity is based at our site in Carlisle, Cumbria.
Main duties include:
- Working as part of our Project Engineering team on New Machinery Investment projects and improvement projects to existing plant and processes.
- Management and administration of projects including HSE, Planning, dealing with suppliers, management of contractors, risk management and various Project Management tools.
- Be aware of and comply with local and statutory regulations relating to all aspects of Health and Environmental Safety, including Machinery Safety
- Working in a factory environment, coming into contact with hydraulics, pneumatics, PLC (Programme Logic Controller) control systems, automation, robotics and other mechanical and fluidic systems
- Engage and co-ordinate with colleagues in other functions such as Production, Quality, HSE, Purchasing, IT, HR to achieve successful outcomes.
- Create and manage technical designs in AutoCad
- Support the Maintenance functions.
- Technical author
Current student insight on the role:
I am really enjoying my placement with Pirelli, as it allows me to explore my creative side, while providing me with the experience and support that I need to bring my ideas to life. One of the things I am most happy with, is the level of support I am given. Part of my placement involves undertaking a work related project, with my chosen project being to look at avenues to reduce manual lifting. Stemming from this project, I looked into the utilisation of Exoskeleton Suits, to which the company paid for me and the other engineers to attend an Engineering convention in Paris, where i got to try out some Exo-suits hands on, while also exploring other options which were available in relation to my project.
Part of my main duties involves me working as part of our project engineering team to work on improvement projects, both planning and implementation. This sees me working and assisting on other projects such as the “heat loss reduction project”, where I look at the different ways and methods which could be used to reduce heat loss in the factory.
I also believe that my job at Pirelli allows me to engage and experience other facets to being an engineer such as working with contractors and builders, liaising with the production workers to find out some of their needs, with a notable example of me creating new guards for machines, after speaking with some of the workers. I did this to not only improve the safety of the production workers, but also to help the company meet the new health and safety regulation.
My role is not all hands on, you also get to explore the theory aspect of engineering too, from building design on the CAD system, to testing them and justifying why they work. You are also given the guidance from the engineers to help with this, as I have on several occasions.
These are some of the things that a placement at Pirelli can provide. Are you ready to be challenged?
Our requirements:
- Good level of general education
- Undergraduate level education (in Mechanical Engineering or Project Management)
- Good keyboard skills and proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite.
- CAD user preferable (AutoCAD LT & Solidworks)
- Organisational skills and self motivated, able to work on your own initiative in a fast-paced environment.
- Good communication skills, and able to work effectively as part of a team.
- Flexibility and adaptable to change
- Ability to turn knowledge and skills into hands on investigation and problem solving
- A full clean driving licence is desirable.
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Apply NowResearch & Development Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Carlisle, UK
- Carlisle
- R&D
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli are also leaders in various forms of motorsport such as Formula 1 and the World Superbike. We supply tyres to many of the world’s major Motor brands such as Jaguar Land Rover, Porsche, Range Rover, Lamborghini, Bentley and Aston Martin to name a few. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 12 month placement is available within our Research and Development Department. As a member of the R&D Process team, you will be involved in all aspects of process developments and improvements at a technical level in component manufacturing. You will also become familiar with the extrusion, calendering & cutting processes, equipment and software’s. You will also support the process technicians in the day to day development activities and also update process recipes and be involved in all aspects of improvement projects
A project will be identified during the placement and a mentor to provide support in learning and development. Assistance will be provided in finding appropriate accommodation, but financial assistance for accommodation will not be given. Student must have a valid work permit/visa for the UK.
The opportunity is based at our site in Carlisle, Cumbria.
Main duties include:
- Assist product development engineers in the development of new tyre specifications consisting of results analysis, tyre design using internal tyre design software, post processing of tyre section analysis after the prototype build and preparing of specifications for production where required
- Working with the prototype build team to optimise the building of the tyres for builds that you will be involved with
- Involvement in requesting tests for both indoor and outdoor tyre testing
- Project management of all types of tyre development projects using PLM (Project Lifecycle Management) software, including project timing analysis and milestone tracking, collaborating with local tyre developers and across the Pirelli group to do this
- Import operations for materials used for prototype buildings
- Export operations for prototype tyres to undertake indoor and outdoor testing in other UK locations and across the world
- Development of software specifications designed to improve the product development operation, then work with the Smart Manufacturing team to get them developed to the specification and implemented into the department
- Supporting in significant tyre mould tooling updates project to change inscriptions on the tyre sidewalls. This will involve supporting in organizing of tooling to be sent for modification, checking of technical drawings, inspection of the job done and moving through into sign off of the changes
- Development of machine tooling and components through rapid prototyping using 3D printers
Student insight on the role:
What I really enjoy about my role at Pirelli, is the opportunity which it’s presented me to learn a broad range of skills, while also presenting me with the opportunity to gain vital industry insight and experiences. From my time here, I have also gained a vast knowledge about the different stages involved in the tyre manufacturing process, as part of my responsibility involves me analysing these processes and looking at ways to improve them. I have also become quite knowledgeable about the technical aspect to tyre manufacturing, as I oversee the production of sidewalls and treads used in the tyres to ensure that they are made within the specifications.
In my time here, I have also been given the opportunity to work on in-house company software, I have been able to apply a lot of my external knowledge in the development of this software, by providing suggestions on how to improve the quality of data which we extract from the software, in order to improve the quality of products which we make. The improvements which I suggested, have also helped me in regards to my Placement project, as I have been able to extract richer data from the software and identify key issues, with one of them being our extruder screw. The extruder screw degenerates over time, with the current software, not being able to accurately predict and judge when it starts to degenerate, my improvement has helped in improving the accuracy, as I am able to get richer data to analyse, in order to predict this point better.
My role has also helped me in developing some of my skill sets such as:
- Ability to analyse data: A skill which I have developed as a result of the mini projects which are given to me by my supervisor, where I have to extract data, and analyse the data to find a trend in the result, to help support or disprove his hypothesis.
- Problem solving: Another skill which I developed further through my role, as my role involves me having regular meetings, where we discuss the factory issues, with one of the notable one being a scenario where the production operatives, were confusing the different coloured tread lines( as different tyres have different colours to represent them). So in order to resolve this, me and my team came up with a system, in which I was responsible to design a metal bracket to be attached to each machine, to assist the production operatives, by showing them the different lines and colours each tyres should have.
I would recommend this role to other students, as I find the company really supportive of the student and their personal development, as these rings true for myself, due to the different occasions where I have been supported and developed. For example, the company paid for my attendance at an Excel seminar course where I got to develop some of my excel skills and they have also allowed me to improve my knowledge by accommodating my request for other trainings relevant to my development.
Education and professional backround:
- Undertaking an engineering or science degree
- Experience within a manufacturing / automotive environment desirable
- Skilled in data analysis and interpretation
Professional and personal aptitudes (essential):
- Effective communicator, able to establish and maintain relationships at all levels
- Resilient, flexible and adaptable in approach
- Effective problem-solving skills
- Attention to detail and high level of accuracy
- Forward thinking and proactive approach to work, with excellent planning and organisation skills
- Open to new ways of working and embracing of change
- Team player – willing to share information and learn from others
- Able to demonstrate accountability
- Excellent IT skills (essential)
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Planning Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Carlisle, UK
- Carlisle
- Supply Chain
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli are also leaders in various forms of motorsport such as Formula 1 and the World Superbike. We supply tyres to many of the world’s major Motor brands such as Jaguar Land Rover, Porsche, Range Rover, Lamborghini, Bentley and Aston Martin to name a few.
Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 12 month placement is available within our Research and Development Department. As a member of the R&D Process team, you will be involved in all aspects of process developments and improvements at a technical level in component manufacturing. You will also become familiar with the extrusion, calendering & cutting processes, equipment and software’s. You will also support the process technicians in the day to day development activities and also update process recipes and be involved in all aspects of improvement projects
A project will be identified during the placement and a mentor to provide support in learning and development. Assistance will be provided in finding appropriate accommodation, but financial assistance for accommodation will not be given. Student must have a valid work permit/visa for the UK.
The opportunity is based at our site in Carlisle, Cumbria.
Main duties include:
- Plan, control & oversee the production of test components for development tyre builds as required
- Analyse test data and issue reports as appropriate
- Contribute to the development of new concepts, equipment & process techniques
- Assist in the development of the Ignition software system, working closely with external consultations to meet the requirements. Create, update and manage recipes inside this software.
- To undertake other activities as appropriate.
Student insight on the role:
What I really enjoy about my role at Pirelli, is the opportunity which it’s presented me to learn a broad range of skills, while also presenting me with the opportunity to gain vital industry insight and experiences. From my time here, I have also gained a vast knowledge about the different stages involved in the tyre manufacturing process, as part of my responsibility involves me analysing these processes and looking at ways to improve them. I have also become quite knowledgeable about the technical aspect to tyre manufacturing, as I oversee the production of sidewalls and treads used in the tyres to ensure that they are made within the specifications.
In my time here, I have also been given the opportunity to work on in-house company software, I have been able to apply a lot of my external knowledge in the development of this software, by providing suggestions on how to improve the quality of data which we extract from the software, in order to improve the quality of products which we make. The improvements which I suggested, have also helped me in regards to my Placement project, as I have been able to extract richer data from the software and identify key issues, with one of them being our extruder screw. The extruder screw degenerates over time, with the current software, not being able to accurately predict and judge when it starts to degenerate, my improvement has helped in improving the accuracy, as I am able to get richer data to analyse, in order to predict this point better.
My role has also helped me in developing some of my skill sets such as:
- Ability to analyse data: A skill which I have developed as a result of the mini projects which are given to me by my supervisor, where I have to extract data, and analyse the data to find a trend in the result, to help support or disprove his hypothesis.
- Problem solving: Another skill which I developed further through my role, as my role involves me having regular meetings, where we discuss the factory issues, with one of the notable one being a scenario where the production operatives, were confusing the different coloured tread lines( as different tyres have different colours to represent them). So in order to resolve this, me and my team came up with a system, in which I was responsible to design a metal bracket to be attached to each machine, to assist the production operatives, by showing them the different lines and colours each tyres should have.
I would recommend this role to other students, as I find the company really supportive of the student and their personal development, as these rings true for myself, due to the different occasions where I have been supported and developed. For example, the company paid for my attendance at an Excel seminar course where I got to develop some of my excel skills and they have also allowed me to improve my knowledge by accommodating my request for other trainings relevant to my development.
These are some of the things that a placement at Pirelli can provide. Are you ready to be challenged?
Our requirements:
- High level of general education, with appropriate engineering or scientific background
- Excellent IT skills
- Effective communicator
- Resilience and flexible – working in a busy, constantly changing work situation
- Data analysis & interpretation
- Problem solving
- Attention to detail
- Planning & organisation
- A full clean driving licence is desirable
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
R&D Assistant Lab (undergraduate placement) - Carlisle, UK
- Carlisle
- R&D
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli are also leaders in various forms of motorsport such as Formula 1 and the World Superbike. We supply tyres to many of the world’s major Motor brands such as Jaguar Land Rover, Porsche, Range Rover, Lamborghini, Bentley and Aston Martin to name a few.
Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 12 month placement is available within our Research and Development Department. As a member of the R&D Process team, you will be involved in all aspects of process developments and improvements at a technical level in component manufacturing. You will also become familiar with the extrusion, calendering & cutting processes, equipment and software’s. You will also support the process technicians in the day to day development activities and also update process recipes and be involved in all aspects of improvement projects
A project will be identified during the placement and a mentor to provide support in learning and development. Assistance will be provided in finding appropriate accommodation, but financial assistance for accommodation will not be given. Student must have a valid work permit/visa for the UK.
The opportunity is based at our site in Carlisle, Cumbria.
Main duties include:
- Plan, control & oversee the production of test components for development tyre builds as required
- Analyse test data and issue reports as appropriate
- Contribute to the development of new concepts, equipment & process techniques
- Assist in the development of the Ignition software system, working closely with external consultations to meet the requirements. Create, update and manage recipes inside this software.
- To undertake other activities as appropriate.
Student insight on the role:
What I really enjoy about my role at Pirelli, is the opportunity which it’s presented me to learn a broad range of skills, while also presenting me with the opportunity to gain vital industry insight and experiences. From my time here, I have also gained a vast knowledge about the different stages involved in the tyre manufacturing process, as part of my responsibility involves me analysing these processes and looking at ways to improve them. I have also become quite knowledgeable about the technical aspect to tyre manufacturing, as I oversee the production of sidewalls and treads used in the tyres to ensure that they are made within the specifications.
In my time here, I have also been given the opportunity to work on in-house company software, I have been able to apply a lot of my external knowledge in the development of this software, by providing suggestions on how to improve the quality of data which we extract from the software, in order to improve the quality of products which we make. The improvements which I suggested, have also helped me in regards to my Placement project, as I have been able to extract richer data from the software and identify key issues, with one of them being our extruder screw. The extruder screw degenerates over time, with the current software, not being able to accurately predict and judge when it starts to degenerate, my improvement has helped in improving the accuracy, as I am able to get richer data to analyse, in order to predict this point better.
My role has also helped me in developing some of my skill sets such as:
- Ability to analyse data: A skill which I have developed as a result of the mini projects which are given to me by my supervisor, where I have to extract data, and analyse the data to find a trend in the result, to help support or disprove his hypothesis.
- Problem solving: Another skill which I developed further through my role, as my role involves me having regular meetings, where we discuss the factory issues, with one of the notable one being a scenario where the production operatives, were confusing the different coloured tread lines( as different tyres have different colours to represent them). So in order to resolve this, me and my team came up with a system, in which I was responsible to design a metal bracket to be attached to each machine, to assist the production operatives, by showing them the different lines and colours each tyres should have.
I would recommend this role to other students, as I find the company really supportive of the student and their personal development, as these rings true for myself, due to the different occasions where I have been supported and developed. For example, the company paid for my attendance at an Excel seminar course where I got to develop some of my excel skills and they have also allowed me to improve my knowledge by accommodating my request for other trainings relevant to my development.
These are some of the things that a placement at Pirelli can provide. Are you ready to be challenged?
Our requirements:
- High level of general education, with appropriate engineering or scientific background
- Excellent IT skills
- Effective communicator
- Resilience and flexible – working in a busy, constantly changing work situation
- Data analysis & interpretation
- Problem solving
- Attention to detail
- Planning & organisation
- A full clean driving licence is desirable
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Quality Improvement Technician (undergraduate placement) - Carlisle, UK
- Carlisle
- Quality
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli are also leaders in various forms of motorsport such as Formula 1 and the World Superbike. We supply tyres to many of the world’s major Motor brands such as Jaguar Land Rover, Porsche, Range Rover, Lamborghini, Bentley and Aston Martin to name a few.
Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 12 month placement is available within our Quality Department. This role involves the improvement of processes to reduce waste and improve process capability.
A project will be identified during the placement and a mentor to provide support in learning and development. Assistance will be provided in finding appropriate accommodation, but financial assistance for accommodation will not be given. Student must have a valid work permit/visa for the UK.
The opportunity is based at our site in Carlisle, Cumbria.
Main duties include:
- Working as part of a team or as an individual on projects that lead to the reduction of waste across the tyre production process
- Collection and analysis of data in order to identify root causes
- Engaging with all levels of the organisation to identify opportunities for improvements
- Reporting of project status to all levels of the organisation
- Working in an office and factory environment
Student insight on the role:
My role in Pirelli is currently providing me with a great experience. Every day is different, with new challenges and problems being presented throughout numerous on-going projects. Within these projects, along with the quality team, we continually collect data and try to resolve these. One of the interesting projects, which I currently champion, involves running a variety of tests on tyres to ensure they meet the required specifications. Due to the new system I have introduced, the company is able to save these tyres; which may have been previously scrapped, and implement preventive measures, which saves the company a minimum of £500 of scrap per day.
My role has also been enjoyable, as it broadens my insight into what it means to be an engineer in the industry, especially a PQE (Process Quality Engineer). It has been very different from my course content, which was more focused on the technical calculations behind how materials are made, and now I am expanding this knowledge and learning about the capabilities of machines and process quality/ efficiency. I believe I have benefitted, because my role has developed me as a more rounded engineer, with new found skills in data collection and analysis.
My role has also been a great test and has challenged me, as it has helped me build and improve on various skill sets, such as:
- Organisational Skill: This has improved greatly, as my role requires me to keep all my separate projects running; with the data collection and analysis that has to be done. So I have to organise my time and workload efficiently, to ensure that I keep on top of all my on-going tasks.
- Prioritising skill: This has been developed as a result of my placement, as stated earlier; I have various on-going tasks, with different levels of importance, where I must decide which tasks to focus on and when, in order to get my work done in a timely and efficient manner.
In addition to all of this, I have also been taught industry standard techniques such as:
- Six sigma techniques and calculations: which I personally use in an on-going capability study with another team member. This will be expanded on throughout many different machines.
- Kaizen Methodology: Continual collection of data on foreign body, scrap produced and analysis of data to identify areas of improvement throughout the factory.
Most importantly, I have received a lot of support throughout my placement from the team with whom I am involved. Everyone is always willing to help and especially because of the team moral we have, everyone wants to help each other. So I have had as much support as I would ever need.
I would definitely recommend the role to another student, as it would enable them to acquire knowledge in various universal engineering techniques, such as six sigma and kaizen methodology. It will also give them a good head start on the professional ladder upon the completion of their placement and studies.
These are some of the things that a placement at Pirelli can provide. Are you ready to be challenged?
Our requirements:
- High level of general education, with appropriate engineering or scientific background
- Excellent IT skills, with a good level of understanding and experience of MS Office (especially Excel) - Training will be provided where required
- Self-motivated to deliver results
- Good communication, organisational and team working skills
- Flexible and adaptable to change
- Understanding of statistical analysis techniques - Training will be provided where required
- Visual Basic programming experience - Training will be provided where required
- Experience in an industrial environment
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Efficiency Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Burton on Trent, UK
- Burton on Trent
- Operation
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 12 month placement is available within the Materials Industrial Department. The role involves working in an industrial environment as part of a team that is responsible for improving operating procedures, efficiencies and overall improvement projects to support the manufacture and quality assurance of rubber compound, textile and metallic fabric components used in the production of tyres.
Main duties include:
- Collation and analysis of production data and key performance indicators and encourage continual improvement
- Liaise with some site services providers
- Aid the team in implementing and maintaining LEAN processes
- Participate in problem solving groups in order to improve efficiency
- Ensure that the relevant safety procedures and standard operating procedures are maintained
- Taking responsibility for a work based project
- Machine and method of work studies in factory for purposes of data collection/correlation for improving efficiency whilst maintaining high safety and quality standards
Our requirements:
- Studying to degree level
- Good keyboard skills and proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite.
- Willing to get ‘your hands dirty’ in re-designing more efficient lay-out etc in the factory.
- Organisational skills and self-motivated, able to work on your own initiative in a fast-paced environment.
- Good communication skills, and able to work effectively as part of a team
- A full clean driving licence is desirable, as there may be an opportunity to travel to our Carlisle site
Previous student insight on the role:
Before starting the role I wasn’t aware of just how many different tasks I would be doing and how many people from different departments I would be in communication with. This has been a good thing as it has kept the job interesting and has meant that I’m constantly learning new things and never bored.
I also didn’t realise how much involvement I’d have with the factory. Part of my job is to go into the factory for meetings, to make observations on machines and to talk to people from various roles within the factory in order to make improvements. Although this sounds daunting, I went into the job with no knowledge of the factory and was never expected to understand straight away and be thrown into the deep end. Doing this also makes the job more interesting as I’m not stuck at my desk all day!
Using Excel is a big part of the job, and one I didn’t have a huge amount of knowledge/experience with. However, having been in the job for around 8 weeks now, I am much more proficient and can successfully analyse data in lots of different ways, which I have learnt from my colleagues and the student before me. I also think that this will be useful going when I continue with my Business Degree.
Many of my tasks involve data analysis, which largely consists of creating graphs of losses we’ve had in the factory, and either collaborating with other departments to try to reduce the losses or closely monitoring the problem and trying to find the source of the problem.
Other things I have taken part in so far are weekly meetings, re-arranging layouts in the factory, and performing small tests on machines to identify the cause of a problem, just to name a few.
These are some of the things that a placement at Pirelli can provide. Are you ready to be challenged?
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Planning Assistant (Undergraduate Placement) - Burton on Trent, UK
- Burton on Trent
- Supply Chain
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli are also leaders in various forms of motorsport such as Formula 1 and the World Superbike. We supply tyres to many of the world’s major Motor brands such as Jaguar Land Rover, Porsche, Range Rover, Lamborghini, Bentley and Aston Martin to name a few.
Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 12 month placement is available within our Planning Department. This role involves supporting the department and co-ordinating activity on intercompany materials management and ingredient preparation and planning. This role will be predominantly office based, with some time spent in the factory.
Role duties include:
- Supporting the department with admin tasks such as tracking reports for raw material arrivals on both Pirelli Burton and Pirelli Carlisle sites and usage
- Booking containers arrivals for both Pirelli Burton and Pirelli Carlisle sites via agent website
- Communicating with suppliers and other Pirelli factories in order to ensure that all import/export documentation is provided to the Customs Agent through the Cudos System & submit import/export documentation into Cudos System correctly
- Supporting with creating purchase orders as required
- Extensive use of Excel, SAP etc
- Control of a work based project
The successful candidate should have:
- Excellent administrative skills and very good attention to detail
- Teamworking skills, also able to work alone and unsupervised
- Good verbal and written communication skills required for frequent use of telephone/e-mails
- MS Office proficiency (especially Microsoft Excel)
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Engineering Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Burton on Trent, UK
- Burton on Trent
- Operation
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 12 month placement is available within our Engineering department based at Burton upon Trent. The role involves working in an industrial environment as part of a team that is responsible for the manufacture and quality assurance of rubber compound, textile and metallic fabric components used in the production of tyres. Typical machines used are Calendars, Banbury Internal Mixers, 2 Roll Mills and Batch-off Machines.
Main duties include:
- Working as part of our project engineering team to work on improvement projects, both planning and implementation.
- Breakdown analysis & OEE improvement
- Working in a factory environment, coming into contact with hydraulics, pneumatics, PLC control/ automation and steam and water tempering systems, supporting the Maintenance and Engineering Department
- Taking responsibility for work related projects with the assistance of the Project Team
- Engaging with a variety of people including the Production Manager, Engineering Manager, Workshop Engineering Supervisors, Project Managers and Purchasing Department
- Liaising with our suppliers and subcontractors
Here’s what a typical day would be like:
- Adjusting, reading, and interpreting technical drawings
- Raising purchase requests, monitoring OEE and recording all details
- Electronically filing correct material documentation, for projects and technical specifications
- Assisting the Project Team with all projects, CAPEX or improvement projects from design through to commissioning stage.
- Promoting a positive health and safety culture
- Liaising with internal and external clients on technical and commercial issues
- Establish priorities in workflow, liaising with our workshop and technical staff to ensure that they have a clear and concise understanding of the jobs
- Assist Engineering Manager where required
Our requirements:
- Studying to degree level
- Good keyboard skills and proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite.
- CAD user preferable (Autocad LT & Solidworks)
- Organisational skills and self-motivated, able to work on your own initiative in a fast-paced environment.
- Good communication skills, and able to work effectively as part of a team
- Flexibility and adaptable to change
- Ability to turn knowledge and skills into hands on investigation and problem solving
- A full clean driving licence is desirable, as there may be an opportunity to travel to our Carlisle site
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Apply Now
Praktikum/Abschlussarbeit Datenhandling im betrieblichen Abfallmanagement
- Breuberg
- General Management
- no experience
Datenhandling im betrieblichen Abfallmanagement
Deine Verantwortlichkeiten:
- Erschließung neuer Datenquellen, Konsolidierung, Analyse und Darstellung relevanter Daten im Rahmen des betrieblichen Abfallmanagements
- Erstellung einer Prozessbeschreibung mit allen beteiligten Bereichen
- Planung und Erstellung eines Lastenheftes
- Unterstützung bei der Auswahl möglicher Umsetzungspartner
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- Erfahrungen im Datenmanagement
- IT-Kenntnisse, sowie Methoden zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung
- Sicherer Umgang mit den Prozessen, sowie Fähigkeit zur Analyse und Optimierung der Prozesse
- Teamfähigkeit und organisierte Arbeitsweise, sowie effektive Problemlösung
- Gute Kenntnisse in Deutsch und Englisch
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt. (Schriftgröße 14)
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Apply Now
Internship Marketing Plans & Investments Analyst
- Milan
- Marketing
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment;
• Competitive reimbursement;
• Free company restaurant;
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the Marketing Plans & Insights team, where your primary focus will be supporting the alignment and management of marketing and communication budgets across various regions and headquarters. Your role will empower you to take on increasing responsibilities, develop autonomy, and gain insights into strategic decision-making processes in a fast-evolving industry.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Support in the definition of Marketing plans & related investments, collaborating with Global departments and Local Marketing teams;
• Monitor Marketing Plans implementation progress and targets reaching & support in the coordination of Marketing investments approval process;
• Performing periodic alignment of Marketing and Communication investments with respective Team leaders & markets;
• Conducting monthly verification of reports in Pirelli systems (eg. SAP) to ensure accuracy and consistency.
• Master’s degree in Economics, Marketing, Management Engineering, or related fields;
• Fluency in Italian and English;
• Proficiency in MS Office suite, in particular MS Excel;
• Excellent analytical skills with a proactive and curious approach;
• Analytical capabilities and problem-solving attitude;
• Strong synthesis and communication skills;
• Flexibility and ability to operate in complex organizational contexts.
Materials Technology Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Carlisle, UK
- Carlisle
- Quality
- --
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 1 year placement is available within the Materials Quality Department. The role involves working in an industrial and laboratory environment as part of a team that is responsible for the manufacture and quality assurance of rubber compound, textile and metallic fabric components used in the production of tyres.
Main duties include:
- Analysis of quality data and key performance indicators and encourage continual improvement
- Participate in problem solving and waste reduction groups
- Ensure that the relevant quality procedures and control plans are maintained
- Taking responsibility for a work based project
Our requirements:
- Studying for a relevant degree (materials science preferred)
- Good keyboard skills and proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite.
- Organisational skills and self-motivated, able to work on your own initiative in a fast-paced environment.
- Good communication skills, and able to work effectively as part of a team
- Flexibility and adaptable to change
- A full clean driving licence is desirable, as there may be an opportunity to travel to our Burton site
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
Candidates must have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Salesforce Developer
- Bari
- Digital Solutions Center Bari
- 1 - 3 years
Established in 1872, Pirelli is among the world's leading tyre producers. It is the only pure consumer tyre company that includes car, motorbike, and bicycle tyres as well as associated services.
Pirelli has a distinct positioning in high value tyres, characterised by an advanced technology with more than 3,600 homologations obtained, thanks to partnerships with the most prestigious car manufacturers in the world. In order to achieve the highest levels of performance, safety and containment of environmental impact, Pirelli has always been strongly committed to research and development, in which it invested 6% of revenue from high-value products in 2020.
Involved in motorsport since 1907, Pirelli has been the exclusive official tyre partner of the Formula 1 World Championship since 2011 and has renewed the agreement until 2024.
Pirelli's commitment to the creation of sustainable value, a characteristic of the Company's responsible management and its economic, social and environmental performances has resulted in its inclusion in some of the world's most prestigious sustainability stock market indices such as the Dow Jones World and Europe Sustainability Indices and Global Compact LEAD of the United Nations.
In 2022 Pirelli opened Pirelli Digital Solutions Center in Bari, the first development centre entirely focused on digital innovation, born with the goal of enriching internal skills in the most strategic areas for Pirelli. Pirelli Digital Center employees are involved in the development of software and algorithms destined for the most advanced processes of planning, manufacturing and marketing of the group’s tyres throughout the world.
Among the key projects being developed at the Pirelli Digital Solutions Center, there is the further strengthening of the Big Data platform for the collection, transformation and analysis of all the data from the company’s various ecosystems. This instrument enables the processing of algorithms to speed up product development times, further improve its quality, maximize machine efficiency, optimize commercial effectiveness and create new digital services. In addition, thanks to the new algorithms – supporting all company and factory functions – Pirelli will be able to conduct studies directly on the tyre’s “Digital Twin”, the digital replica of the physical product that enables the design and development of new performance analyses on virtual prototypes. In addition, thanks to the Industrial Internet of Things it will be possible to optimize the supply chain through predictive modelling of demand and improve production processes, predict maintenance of machinery with benefits in terms of cost and development times and savings of energy consumption and transformation costs.
The centre can count on a number of technologies including those of the Innovation room, a space which allows true digital co-working between employees in Bari and the around 500 people of the Pirelli Digital Team worldwide. It will also permit interaction with Pirelli Headquarters, Pirelli’s 18 plants in the world, suppliers, clients and the various university hubs with which the company collaborates in open innovation projects and skills’ exchange.
Main Activities
Role description
The Salesforce Junior developer will be part Digital Solution Center in Bari and will contribute to the timely delivery of developments related to CRM capabilities in Pirelli Ecosystem.
In particular, the candidate will:
-Perform code development and related Unit testing;
-Write technical documentation;
-Perform Code versioning in GIT repository;
-Work on UAT tests defects resolutions;
-Work on production tickets escalated by the AMS 1st level Team.
Must-have Prerequisites:
-BSC/MSC Degree in Computer Science or Engineering or other STEM degree;
-1-3 years experience in web app Developments;
-Knowledge of one or more backend languages: Java/J2EE/node.js;
-Knowledge of Database query languages: MySQL, SQL/Server, PL/SQL;
-Good knowledge of English at professional level (written and spoken);
-Curiosity, interest of learning new technologies/new product/features.
Nice-to-have prerequisites:
-Experience with developments (apex Language, visualforce, Lightning/Aura components);
-Knowledge of ITIL/ITSM Process Framework;
-Knowledge of Design and integration patterns;
-Knowledge of Gitlab;
-Knowledge of HTML5/CSS.
Location: the position will be based at the new Pirelli office in Bari (BA), in a hybrid work model.
Apply NowInternship Pre Development Modelling FEA
- Milan
- Motorsport
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
Join the Motorsport Research & Development team and immerse yourself in a dynamic environment. From day one, you will gain hands-on experience and grow your skills in technical support for the development of tires to supply the main world car manufacturers in the Motorsport segment.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
*Developing finite element models with Abaqus to simulate the steady-state and dynamic properties of tires in the Motorsport environment;
*Elaborating indoor/outdoor test results;
*Developing an indoor measurement methodology for tyre profile analysis with dynamic acquisition.
*Using the main commercial KPIs and market trends indicators;
*Increasing the ability to interact with other teams across the company in order to collect and share information effectively;
*Empowering the ability to take ownership of issues and follow through to resolution.
*Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, or related fields;
*Fluency in English and Italian;
*Basic knowledge of software required for the definition of a FEM model;
*Basic knowledge of Matlab;
*Team working attitude;
*Strong problem solving skills;
*Ability to perform very well under stress;
*Experience with Abaqus is a plus.
Internship Pricing
- Milan
- Marketing
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
The candidate will be joining the HQ Pricing team and will have the opportunity to learn in a dynamic, stimulating and fast growing environment. Starting from day one, under the tutor supervision, the candidate will progressively get familiar with the Company pricing strategy and management.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
*Supporting the definition of commercial policies (price/volumes by channels);
*Collaborating with the team to determine sell-in and sell-out prices for products and services according to production and logistics costs, margins, competition prices and price positioning;
*Providing support in allocating discounts on-invoice and off-invoice components;
*Helping to create promotional campaigns and develop discount programs (channel discount, volume-ordered discount, etc.);
*Allocating different Price Lists by country, and eventually by specific customer.
*Supporting to review annual prices and commercial policies by country, channel and customer;
*Monitoring global market trends and competitors sell-in and sell-out price positioning;
*Providing inputs and feedback for new commercial policies;
*Measuring customer satisfaction based on the cost of the company’s products/services;
*Keeping a lean and precise process for price conditions maintenance in ERP system;
*Reporting, delivering business KPIs;
*Monitoring the achievement of specific sales target expressed in percentage, fixed value or quantity;
*Degree qualified – Economics/Management Engineering
*Native Italian or English, Fluent Business English or Italian
*Knowledge of Ms Office suite (esp. Ms. Excel)
*Commercial acumen with an interest for numbers and statistics.
*Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
*Detail oriented, team player with a proactive results orientation.
*Demonstrable high-end analytical and numeric skills.
Pirelli Talents Day 29 October - Supply Chain, Purchasing, Quality
- Milan
- Logistics
- no experience
Pirelli Talents Day 29 October - Supply Chain, Purchasing and Quality
Are You Ready to Drive Your Career Forward in the Automotive Industry? Join Our Talents Day! ????
Are you a recent graduate with a Master's degree in Engineering or Economics looking for an exciting opportunity to start your career in our Supply Chain, Purchasing and Quality departments?
Pirelli is thrilled to invite recent graduates to our Talents Day at our Milan headquarters!
???? What We're Looking For:
• ✔️ Master's degree in Engineering or Economics
• ✔️ Fluency in English
• ✔️ Proactivity, Curiosity, and the Desire to Make a Difference
• ✔️ Passion for the Automotive World (a plus!)
???? What to Expect: At our Talents Day, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at our innovative company with a guided tour of our Milan haedquarters. Explore our state-of-the-art facilities, meet our Team, and get a taste of the exciting projects that drive us forward!
???? The Assessment: We want to discover your potential! Show us your skills and passion during individual and group assessments, and let us know why you'd be a great addition to our Supply Chain, Purchasing or Quality Departments.
???? What We Offer:
• An initial 6-month internship
• Full-time hours from 9:00 to 18:00
• A workplace in the heart of Milan
???? Save the Date: 29 October 2024
???? Location: Milan, Italy Our Talent Acquisition Team will contact you if you’re application will be successful!
#TalentsDay #InternshipOpportunity #AutomotiveIndustry #Milan #CareerDevelopment #NewGraduates #JoinOurTeam
Internship - Real Estate
- Milan
- Operation
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the Real Estate team and will be trained to manage the company’s assets by collecting, storing and analysing information. This internship offers hands-on experience in carrying out Property Management activities, from an organizational and operative point of view, providing a unique opportunity to develop your skills in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Supporting the function in the optimization and improvement of processes in the real estate sphere at global level.
• Managing and updating information (rents, maturities, etc.) of the central database of real estate assets by interfacing with real estate colleagues in the various countries.
• Preparing periodic reports of the main KPIs identified with reference to leased assets.
• Analysing real estate asset data for the definition of corporate strategies with the business units.
• Managing and updating the "REAS" database, which collects legal documentation in the real estate field.
• Degree in building engineering/architecture or management economics.
• Fluency in Italian and English (B2/C1) and knowledge of CAD Autodesk.
• Organizational, negotiation skills and goal orientation.
Spezialist Reifentechnik Junior (m/w/d)
- Breuberg
- Motorsport
- no experience
An unserem Standort in Breuberg suchen wir
Spezialist/in Reifentechnik Junior
Ihre Aufgaben:
- technische Auskünfte für Händler, Endverbraucher und Mitarbeiter zu PKW, VAN und Offroad-Reifen
- Erstellung von Herstellerbescheinigungen/Freigaben für PKW Reifen
- Pflege der Daten für diese Produkte zur Erstellung der Herstellerfreigaben
- Telefonische Kundenbetreuung sowie Bearbeitung schriftlicher Anfragen per E-Mail von technischen Anfragen
- Kundenbetreuung/technischer Ansprechpartner und Bestellwesen für VIP-Tuner- sowie Motorsport-Kunden
Ihr Profil:
- abgeschlossene technische Berufsausbildung (Kfz-/Fahrzeugtechnik), alternativ technisches Studium im genannten Bereich
- Sie kennen sich sehr gut mit dem Produktportfolio im Bereich Pkw-Reifen aus und sind mit der Markt- und Wettbewerbssituation vertraut.
- Sie denken und handeln absolut service- und kundenorientiert.
- Sie überzeugen weiterhin durch Ihre Flexibilität, Ihre Eigeninitiative und Belastbarkeit.
- Ihre Teamfähigkeit rundet Ihr Profil ab.
- gute Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch
- sehr gute EDV-Kenntnisse (MS-Office, SAP)
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten sowie individuelle Smart Working Möglichkeiten an.
- Vereinbarkeit und Förderung von Familie und Beruf
- Faire Bezahlung, inklusive einigen Zusatzleistungen wie zum Beispiel 30 Tage Urlaub, Urlaubsgeld und Belegschaftsverkauf.
- Umfassende Sozialleistungen wie z.B. Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Sport- und Freizeitmöglichkeiten und ein eigenes Fitnessangebot
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Ihre Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 30
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 74
Geben Sie Ihrer Zukunft Profil!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre aussagefähige Bewerbung mit Angaben zu Ihrer Kündigungsfrist sowie Ihren Gehaltsvorstellungen.
Apply Now
Internship OEM Sales Cycling
- Milan
- Commercial&Sales
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
Join the Sales team of the Commercial Department within the Cycling Business Unit and immerse yourself in a dynamic, fast-growing environment. From day one, you will gain hands-on experience and grow your skills in supporting commercial activities, with a primary focus on the OEM channel. Under your tutor's guidance, you'll gain autonomy and insights into strategic decision-making in a dynamic industry.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Operational support for CYCLING commercial activities, with a primary focus on the OEM channel;
• Management of small OEM clients;
• Support for OEM channel activations;
• Handling the generic email address , including communications with the aftermarket channel customer base;
• Preparation of price lists and offers for both distribution channels;
• Analysis and preparation of presentations;
• Management of client records (new openings and maintenance).
• Master’s degree in Economics, Management Engineering, or related fields.
• Fluency in Italian and English.
• Proficiency in MS Office suite, in particular MS Excel and PowerPoint.
• Passion for bikes and outdoor sports will be considered a plus.
Internship Internal Audit
- Milan
- Administration and control
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the Internal Audit function and will be trained to support the governance of Internal Audit function and the execution of the audit interventions in order to assess company’s procedures and their adherence to internal standards and legal requirements.
You will support in:
• Defining and managing the department's governance (planning, training, KPI monitoring, etc.).
• Ensuring the use of methodologies in line with standards and implementation of the audit quality and continuous improvement program.
• Conducting interviews with audited functions.
• Writing audit reports and prepare other documentations required.
• Degree in Engineering, or other equivalent technical-management schools.
• Fluency in Italian and English (B2/C1)
• Detail oriented with excellent written communication skills
Senior Project Engineer - Automatic Handling System
- Milano
- Operation
- 3 - 5 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
•International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
•Global onboarding process.
•Bespoke training and development programs accessible to all.
•Competitive welfare and benefits package.
•International mobility opportunities.
The candidate will join the Manufacturing Engineering team at Pirelli headquarter. He/She will be involved as Senior Project Engineer in managing projects of automatic handling systems to be installed in Pirelli factories in the world. The simulation and the design of such systems is carried out in strong cooperation with OEM and partners. Depending on the category and complexity of projects, he/she may act as project member or project leader.
•Identify process paths to automate based on various factors; labor, cost, safety, performance, etc. working with Industrial Engineering, Plants and other partners
•Lead the effective and efficient delivery of complex internal automatic handling systems, working across all engineering disciplines, defining machinery.
•Draws up the specifications for the automatic handling systems for the Pirelli factories worldwide.
•Defines the project timeline and manages accordingly the design, procurement, commissioning, testing and validation of the equipment machinery supplied by Original Equipment Manufacturers. He/She may coordinate also resources in the factories with the local project team support.
•Verifies, approves and archives machinery documentation in compliance with internal procedures and Group quality standards.
•Provides technical support during installation, commissioning, start-up and following lifecycle phases in all the Pirelli factories worldwide.
•Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Automation Engineering or Electrical Engineering.
•3+ years’ demonstrated Project Engineering experience in manufacturing environment. Experience in automatic handling project is an advantage.
•Experience with AutoCAD review, develop and maintain preliminary layout drawings. High Knowledge in Machinery Directive and in industrial P&ID, layout & mechanical schematics drawings. Knowledge in Flow simulation software (as Tecnomatix plant simulation, Witness) is an advantage.
•Good communication, hands-on working style and ability to team working.
•Ability to work independently with limited supervision.
•Travelling flexibility (international and domestic).
•Fluency in English.
Internship FMEA Facilitator
- Milan
- Operation
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
Join the Manufacturing Engineering team and immerse yourself in a dynamic, youthful environment. From day one, you will gain hands-on experience and grow your skills. Under the guidance of your tutor, you'll be empowered to take on increasing responsibilities, develop autonomy, and gain insights into strategic decision-making processes in a fast-evolving industry.
The candidate will join the Processes and Engineering team, within the Manufacturing department, and will support the tutor and the team in the following activities:
• Risk analysis and mitigation plans definition on new processes development;
• Identification of points of improvement on processes and procedures;
• Coordination of continuous improvement activities derived by the previous points.
The activities will developed in constant cooperation with R&D, Quality and the other Manufacturing functions.
• Master’s degree in Mechanical/ Industrial/ Management Engineering.
• Digital / IT Skills
• Proficiency in using Microsoft Office, in particular Excel.
• Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
• Excellent capacity for synthesis and organization.
• Proactivity and strong orientation to results.
• Knowledge of ISO 9001 is considered a plus.
• Fluency in Italian and English (B2 at least).
Finance Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Burton on Trent, UK
- Burton on Trent
- Finance
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world's leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
The Finance & Accounting function is based in the Burton on Trent Head Office and is responsible for Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd and its subsidiaries.
This internship is based in the Treasury function of the Finance team, but will allow you to gain exposure to other teams within the finance function, including; Financial Accounts, Management Accounts, Industrial Accounts, Purchase Ledger, and Credit Control.
The role will entail working with a wide spectrum of people both internal and external to the company, providing the opportunity to develop essential business skills and gaining a good level of experience in the use of SAP, MS-Office and other systems.
Our requirements
- Finance related degree
- High level of attention to detail
- adaptable to change due to rotating nature of the role
- Flexible approach to work
- Excellent communication skills
- Able to build and maintain strong working relationships
- Good IT skills and proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite
- Relevant work experience is advantageous but not essential
Employee benefits include:
33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
Pension scheme with linked life insurance
Employee discount scheme
Employee assistance programme
Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Apply Now
Marketing (Moto) Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Burton on Trent, UK
- Burton on Trent
- Marketing
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world's leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 12 month placement is available within our Motorcycling Marketing Function. Main duties will include:
- Working as part of the Motorcycling Department Marketing Team
- Producing digital marketing assets for motorcycle dealers.
- Provide support to Marketing Manager and sales team to produce marketing materials.
- Create “on-brand” imagery to support sales initiatives.
- Manage Marketing assets and monthly campaigns on Pirelli “B2B” online portal
- Use of financial systems to raise purchase order requests for the department and dealing and solving related queries
- Monitor and report weekly on competitor commercial activity and social media engagement
- Organising and distributing ticket allocations for British Superbikes, World Superbikes and other motorcycling events.
- Controlling the Pirelli Moto Portfolio clothing and promo-material range, restocking, distribution and stock control
- General marketing and administration duties
- Attend and represent Pirelli at select British Superbike rounds and other consumer events.
Our requirements:
You will be in regular contact with both suppliers and customers and therefore appearance and manner is crucial to your success. A passion for marketing, strong IT skills and a flair for design will give you the advantage! A working knowledge of Photoshop, Canva or Elements (or similar) is important alongside an inquisitive mind. If you’re interested in motorcycles or are a rider yourself – even better!
Employee benefits include:
33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
Pension scheme with linked life insurance
Employee discount scheme
Employee assistance programme
Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Apply NowLogistics Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Burton on Trent, UK
- Burton on Trent
- Logistics
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 12-month placement is available within the Logistics Department working within a small, dynamic, professional and enterprising team.
Main duties include:
- Provide administrative support on the entire UK Logistics operations, accurately raising purchase orders to enable payment of warehousing, distribution and transportation invoices through SAP
- Providing support in monitoring costs and Logistics projects, aimed at proposing cost efficiency
- Preparation and maintenance of the Logistics Key Performance Indicators (KPI) dashboard and statistics (On Time Delivery, On Time Loading/Unloading, Export saturation, No. of Discrepancies, …)
- Liaise with our Marketing & Commercial Dept. to monitor customers’ distribution service level over the entire UK territory, and managing the premium channel availability statistics
- Liaise with our Quality dept. to monitor non-conformances from all delivery destinations and warehouses
- Liaise with our Italian HQ, together with international transport suppliers, to assist the invoicing process, CMRs and Logistics KPIs
- Provide direction, guidance and full support to 3rd parties to ensure clarity of requirements in order to achieve the deliverables
- Provide support to ensure stocks are aligned between Pirelli system and the 3PL.
- Assisting in the audit of the Finished Goods Warehouses twice yearly in Burton and Carlisle
- Liaise with our Finance dept. in order to monitor & ensure accuracy of accounting of purchase orders and to assist with month end accruals.
- Assist with projects & problem solving within the operational team and provide ad-hoc assistance when required
Our requirements:
- Studying for a business related degree
- Good organisational, analytical, team working and entrepreneurial skills.
- Ability to work independently using initiative in a fast-paced pressurised and target driven, environment.
- Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite including Excel and Power Point essential
- A full clean driving licence is desirable
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Purchase Ledger Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Burton on Trent, UK
- Burton on Trent
- Finance
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A year placement is available within our Purchase Ledger department. Main duties will include:
Matching and posting of invoices
Reconciliation work
Liaison with suppliers and other departments
Management of queries (payments, invoice queries, credit notes)
Management reporting
Management of specific vendor accounts
Involvement in payment runs
Exposure to intercompany reconciliations
Our requirements:
High level of attention to detail
Good planning and organizational skills
Flexible approach to work and forward thinking
Excellent communication skills
Able to build and maintain strong working relationships
Good IT skills and proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite, which must include Excel
Candidates must be studying an Accounting or Finance related degree
Employee benefits include:
33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
Pension scheme with linked life insurance
Employee discount scheme
Employee assistance programme
Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Purchasing Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Burton on Trent, UK
- Burton on Trent
- Purchasing
- no experience
Pirelli is an international group with a global brand presence, and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information please visit
A 12 month placement is available within the Purchasing Department working within a small, disciplined and professional team.
Main duties include:
- Regular reporting of purchasing activities
- Assisting with invoicing queries and pricing corrections
- Providing support during supplier audits
- Processing of information relating to new and existing suppliers, ensuring records are maintained
- Responding to requests for information from line management, purchasing colleagues in Milan and suppliers
- Supporting ongoing revision and improvement of purchasing documentation and procedures
- Supporting the overall team with administration support
- Taking responsibility for a work based project
As we consider the Purchasing Assistant to be an integral part of the team we require the following:
- Good keyboard skills and proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite
- Good organisational skills and ability to work on your own initiative in a fast-paced environment
- Good communication skills, and able to liaise with people at all levels in the organisation
- Flexibility and good analytical skills
- Valid work experience would be beneficial
- A full clean driving licence is desirable
- A business related degree is essential
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Property / Facilities Assistant (Undergraduate Placement) - Burton on Trent, UK
- Burton on Trent
- General Services
- no experience
Pirelli is a truly international group and is one of the world’s leading manufactures of high performance tyres. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information on the company please visit
A placement is available within the Property Department working within a small but disciplined and professional team.
Main duties include:
- Production, maintenance and updating of survey drawings for the site, general sections, general arrangement drawings and details
- Assist with the running of the Pirelli Burton factory site’s routine and reactive property maintenance and repair programme and service contracts
- Assist in investigating, diagnosing and specifying building work, producing designs and budget costings
- Managing small projects from inception to completion
- Support with the identification, assessment, allocation and appointment of suitable contractors, management and supervision of on-site works and undertaking audits upon completion
- Liaising with other departments to ensure information is updated on drawings when required
- Taking responsibility for a work based project
As we consider the placement student to be an integral part of the team we require the following:
- Good keyboard skills and proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite
- Working knowledge of AutoCAD/AutoCAD LT
- Knowledge of building construction and surveying to assist with the production of drawings, specifications and tender documents
- Good organisational skills and ability to work on your own initiative, in an often changing environment.
- Flexibility and to be target orientated
- Health and Safety, asbestos and CDM awareness would be an advantage along with a willingness to undertake a formal training programme
- Ability to undertake accurate measured surveys of land and buildings, and then transferring details to AutoCad.
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Apply Now
Management Accounts Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Burton on Trent, UK
- Burton on Trent
- Finance
- no experience
Pirelli is a truly international group and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more company information please visit
The Finance function is based in the Burton on Trent Head Office and is responsible for Pirelli Tyres Ltd and its subsidiaries.
This 12 month placement is based in the Management Accounts function of the Finance team, which will provide exposure to the commercial side of accounting:
- Supporting the team with expense information for reporting purposes
- Opportunity to learn about the preparation of budgets and forecasting
- Supporting with the provision of information for analysis of variances to budget within the commercial and logistics functions
- Assisting with the production and analysis of financial reports and statements
The role will entail working with a wide spectrum of people within the organisation, providing the opportunity to develop essential business skills and gaining a good level of experience in the use of SAP, MS-Office and other systems.
Our Requirements
- Finance related degree
- Some work experience within a Finance function is highly desirable
- High level of attention to detail
- Good IT skills and proficiency with Microsoft Excel.
- Adaptable to change
- Flexible approach to work
- Excellent communication skills
- Able to build and maintain strong working relationships
Employee benefits include:
33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
Pension scheme with linked life insurance
Employee discount scheme
Employee assistance programme
Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
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Purchasing Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Carlisle, UK
- Carlisle
- Purchasing
- no experience
Pirelli is a truly international group and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high performance tyres. Pirelli Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all of the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information on the company please visit
A 12 month placement is available within the Purchasing Department working within a small, disciplined and professional team.
Main duties include:
- Regular reporting of purchasing activities
- Assisting with invoicing queries and pricing corrections
- Providing support during supplier audits
- Processing of information relating to new and existing suppliers, ensuring records are maintained
- Responding to requests for information from line management, purchasing colleagues in Milan and suppliers
- Supporting ongoing revision and improvement of purchasing documentation and procedures
- Supporting the overall team with administration support
- Taking responsibility for a work based project
As we consider the Purchasing Assistant to be an integral part of the team we require the following:
- Good keyboard skills and proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite
- Good organisational skills and ability to work on your own initiative in a fast-paced environment
- Good communication skills, and able to liaise with people at all levels in the organisation
- Flexibility and good analytical skills
- Valid work experience would be beneficial
- A full clean driving licence is desirable
- A business related degree is essential (studying for)
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
IT Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Carlisle, UK
- Carlisle, UK
- Information Technology
- no experience
Pirelli is a truly international group and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-performance tyres. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. The Head Office function is based in Burton on Trent, whilst Carlisle is the main Manufacturing environment for the UK. Information Technology is now an important part of the Manufacturing process and throughout all areas of our business.
A 1 year placement is available within the IT Department in Carlisle working within a small but disciplined and professional team. Main duties will include:
- Providing 2nd line on-site support to the business
- Installation of IT Hardware and Software
- Taking responsibility for a work-based project
- Out-of-hours working (evenings / weekend) may be necessary.
This role relates to the infrastructure area of IT, it is very hands-on and requires a high percentage of communication with all areas and departments of the business. No software development or web design is incorporated into this role.
As we consider this placement role to be an integral part of the team, we require the following:
- Ability to work on own initiative is essential as you will be given a fair degree of personal responsibility.
- Good communication skills are essential due to the interaction with users at all levels.
- Good administration skills essential to ensure documentation, logs and databases are maintained.
- Knowledge of PC / Printer Hardware
- Knowledge and experience of Windows 10 /11 & Microsoft standard Office Package
- Knowledge of Networks – LAN / WAN (advantageous)
- Good organisational skills and ability to work on your own initiative, in an often-changing environment.
- Flexibility
- Previous work experience within an IT related role would be advantageous.
- A driving license, though not necessary. is advantageous.
As this is a 1 year placement, we require the successful candidate to be an undergraduate studying for a degree related to IT.
This role provides a great opportunity to gain experience and learn about IT within a busy, high pressured manufacturing environment. We therefore require the successful candidate to have a genuine and keen interest in IT.
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications will close 31.12.2024.
IT Assistant (undergraduate placement) - Burton on Trent, UK
- Burton on Trent, UK
- Information Technology
- no experience
Pirelli is a truly international group and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-performance tyres. Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd is the company responsible for all the Pirelli Tyre related operations in the UK. For more information on the company please visit
IT is an integrated part of our business. The Head Office function is based in Burton on Trent, whilst Carlisle is primarily a Manufacturing environment, the Motorsport arm of the business is based in Oxford which is supported from the Burton Site.
A 1-year placement is available within the IT Department in Burton working within a small but disciplined and professional team. Main duties will include:
- Providing 2nd line support on-site (Office and Factory environments) and to remote users (field based, Barton and Oxford)
- Supporting IT Hardware, Software, Networks & Voice Infrastructures
- Installation of IT Hardware and Software
- Ensuring Company IT Corporate standards are deployed and maintained
- Managing IT related Projects
- Out-of-hours working (Evenings / Weekend) may be necessary
To work as an integral part of the team we require the candidate to have the following:
- Ability to work on own initiative is essential as the role requires a high percentage of personal responsibility, in addition strong team working ethic is also required
- Good communication skills are essential due to the interaction with users at all levels and colleagues in other Pirelli units
- Good administration skills essential to ensure documentation, logs and databases are maintained
- Time Management skills to assist in planning working day, support & projects
- Knowledge of PC & Printer Hardware
- Knowledge and experience of Windows 1010 & Microsoft standard Office Package
- Knowledge of Server environment and Networks – LAN / WAN
- Good organisational skills and ability to work on your own initiative in an often-changing environment
- Due to the location of the sites supported, a driving license is essential for this role
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
The successful candidate must, by the commencement of employment, have the right to work in the UK.
Applications close 31.12.2024.
Impiegato/a commerciale interno (100%)
- Bioggio (Ticino)
- Commercial&Sales
- 1 - 3 years
Per il nostro Customer Support Team Agom-Driver a Bioggio (Lugano), cerchiamo una persona motivata (m/f/d) come
Impiegato/a commerciale interno (100%)
Le tue mansioni:
• Ti saranno assegnate attività per garantire la consulenza su prodotti pneumatici vettura, suv, furgone, camion, moto e accessori auto e la gestione professionale degli ordini fino alla consegna.
• La posizione è molto dinamica e promuove il supporto trasversale e la stretta collaborazione con l’area acquisti, logistica, punti vendita e marketing.
• Le attività di back-office, con reportistica e statistiche, così come i vari progetti in direzione della digitalizzazione (B2B, Marketplace, B2Fleet), porteranno varietà nella tua giornata lavorativa.
Cosa porti con te:
- Formazione commerciale completata o una qualifica equivalente
- Esperienza nel servizio clienti e/o settore automotive rappresenta un vantaggio
- Forte orientamento al cliente e ai servizi
- Ottime capacità comunicative e di negoziazione
- Metodo di lavoro strutturato e autonomo
- Capacità di lavorare in team e alta motivazione personale
- Competente analitiche e approccio orientato alla soluzione
- Sicurezza nell’uso di MS Office
- Esperienza con i sistemi gestionali Sap/Dynamics365 è un vantaggio
- Ottima conoscenza del tedesco e italiano parlato e scritto
- Buona conoscenza del francese e inglese
- Un’attività interessante in un’azienda dinamica
- Un ambiente di lavoro collegiale e rispettoso
- Partecipazione a progetti entusiasmanti e innovativi
- Supporto per lo sviluppo professionale e formazione interna
- Possibilità di home office per garantire un equilibrio ottimale tra lavoro e vita privata
- Condizioni vantaggiose per previdenza aziendale
- Contributo all’abbonamento per i trasporti pubblici e per il fitness/sport
Abbiamo suscitato il tuo interesse? Allora candidati ora tramite il nostro portale online: Crea un account candidato e carica i tuoi documenti di candidatura completi (curriculum vitae, certificati di lavoro e foto).
Si prega di notare che possiamo prendere in considerazione solo le candidature online.
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Software Engineer - Manufacturing
- Bari
- Digital Solutions Center Bari
- 5 - 10 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
In 2022 Pirelli opened Pirelli Digital Solutions Center in Bari, the first development centre entirely focused on digital innovation, born with the goal of enriching internal skills in the most strategic areas for Pirelli. Pirelli Digital Center employees are involved in the development of software and algorithms destined for the most advanced processes of planning, manufacturing and marketing of the group’s tyres throughout the world.
Among the key projects being developed at the Pirelli Digital Solutions Center, there is the further strengthening of the Big Data platform for the collection, transformation and analysis of all the data from the company’s various ecosystems. This instrument enables the processing of algorithms to speed up product development times, further improve its quality, maximize machine efficiency, optimize commercial effectiveness and create new digital services. In addition, thanks to the new algorithms – supporting all company and factory functions – Pirelli will be able to conduct studies directly on the tyre’s “Digital Twin”, the digital replica of the physical product that enables the design and development of new performance analyses on virtual prototypes. In addition, thanks to the Industrial Internet of Things it will be possible to optimize the supply chain through predictive modelling of demand and improve production processes, predict maintenance of machinery with benefits in terms of cost and development times and savings of energy consumption and transformation costs.
The centre can count on a number of technologies including those of the Innovation room, a space which allows true digital co-working between employees in Bari and the around 500 people of the Pirelli Digital Team worldwide. It will also permit interaction with Pirelli Headquarters, Pirelli’s 18 plants in the world, suppliers, clients and the various university hubs with which the company collaborates in open innovation projects and skills’ exchange.
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
*Ticket restaurant.
*Flexible working hours.
*Remote Working.
*Employee benefits.
The Software Engineer will be placed in the Digital Solution Center in Bari and will be responsible for implementing and managing solutions framed in the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software ecosystem.
* Define procedures for software management, updating and maintenance.
* Implementation and testing of solutions to business requirements.
* Source code development.
* Ability to prioritize, assigns, and executes tasks in a high-pressure, fast paced and changing environment.
* Keep the development stack up-to-date with the industry trends.
* BSC/MSC Degree in Computer Science or Engineering or other STEM degree.
* Advanced knowledge of back-end frameworks (.Net Framework, ASP.NET Web Api, Entity Framework, Sql server, Mongo DB).
* Knowledge of front end languages is a plus: Angular, AngularJS.
* At least four years of experience in a similar role.
* Experience of working in multinational companies or consultancy.
* Good knowledge of English at professional level (written and spoken).
*Curiosity, interest of learning new technologies/new product/features.
*Strong communication skills to collaborate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.
*Detail-oriented with good organizational and time management skills.
Unterstützung Debitorenbuchhaltung (Teilzeit) (m/w/d)
- Breuberg
- Finance
- 1 - 3 years
An unserem Standort in Breuberg suchen wir
Unterstüzung Debitorenbuchhaltung (m/w/d)
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Verbuchung der Zahlungseingänge (SAP/FI)
- Verbuchung Gutschriften der Fahrzeughersteller im Gutschriftverfahren
- Klärung von Zahlungsdifferenzen
- Unterstützung bei allgemeinen debitorischen Tätigkeiten
Ihr Profil:
- Sie haben eine kaufmännische Ausbildung absolviert oder erste Erfahrungen in der Buchhaltung.
- Sie verfügen über gute allgemeine EDV Kenntnisse/MS Office.
- Sie überzeugen durch Ihre Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit.
- Eigeninitiative, Flexibilität und Belastbarkeit runden Ihr Profil ab.
Für diese Aufgabe ist ein flexibler Einsatz an 3-4 Tagen pro Woche (Mo-Fr zu regulären Arbeitszeiten) vorgesehen.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten sowie individuelle Smart Working Möglichkeiten an.
- Vereinbarkeit und Förderung von Familie und Beruf
- Faire Bezahlung, inklusive einigen Zusatzleistungen wie zum Beispiel 30 Tage Urlaub, Urlaubsgeld und Belegschaftsverkauf.
- Umfassende Sozialleistungen wie z.B. Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Sport- und Freizeitmöglichkeiten und ein eigenes Fitnessangebot
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Ihre Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 30
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 26 74
Geben Sie Ihrer Zukunft Profil!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre aussagefähige Bewerbung mit Angaben zu Ihrer Kündigungsfrist sowie Ihren Gehaltsvorstellungen.
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Process & Equipment Engineer
- Milan
- Operation
- 3 - 5 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
Why Join Us
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Global onboarding process.
• Bespoke training and development programs accessible to all.
• Competitive welfare and benefits package.
• International mobility opportunities.
Drive Your Future
We are seeking a dynamic Process & Equipment Engineer to join our Manufacturing Engineering team at Pirelli’s headquarters. You will lead global machinery installation and process optimization projects across our factories, collaborating closely with OEMs and partners to ensure seamless implementation and operational excellence. Based on project scope, you may serve as a team member or project lead, driving initiatives to enhance our manufacturing capabilities.
Your Core Activities
• Project Management: You will define project timelines and manage the design, procurement, commissioning, testing, and validation of equipment supplied by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM). You will work closely with the local project team in our factories to ensure smooth and effective implementation.
• Documentation Control: You will verify, approve, and archive all machinery-related documentation, ensuring compliance with internal procedures and Group quality standards.
• Technical Support: You will play a key role during installation, commissioning, start-up, and throughout the equipment lifecycle, providing technical support in our factories worldwide.
• Innovation: You will develop creative solutions for processes and machinery to simplify factory operations and boost productivity, supporting our commitment to continuous improvement and operational excellence.
What We Are Looking For
• Mechanical Engineering or Automation Engineering or Electrical Engineering.
• 3+ years of experience in a complex industrial engineering and manufacturing environment.
• Ability to work independently with limited supervision.
• Travelling flexibility (international and domestic)
• Fluency in English.
What Puts You In Pole Position
• Experience in automation
• Project management capabilities
• Passion for innovation and continuous process improvement
• Experience with AutoCAD review, knowledge in extrusion processes is an advantage.
Sachbearbeiter(in) im Verkauf Innendienst (100%)
- Wien
- Commercial&Sales
- 1 - 3 years
Für unser Customer Support Team in Wien suchen wir per sofort eine motivierte Persönlichkeit (m/w/d) als
Sachbearbeiter(in) im Verkauf Innendienst (100%)
Deine Aufgaben:
- Dir werden interne Tätigkeiten zugewiesen, um die Produktberatung, die professionelle Abwicklung der Bestellungen bis hin zur Lieferung zu gewährleisten.
- Die Position ist sehr dynamisch und fördert die funktionsübergreifende Unterstützung und die enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Supply Chain & Logistik Abteilung, aber auch mit dem Verkaufsteam und der Operative Marketing-Abteilung.
- Die begleitenden Back-office Tätigkeiten mit Reporting und Statistik sowie die verschiedenen Projekte im Richtung Digitalisierung (B2B, CRM, B2B Order Management Hub) und Quality Management bringen Abwechslung in Deinen Arbeitsalltag.
Was bringst Du mit:
- Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation (HAK, HASCH, etc.)
- Berufserfahrung im Verkaufsinnendienst von Vorteil
- Ausgeprägte Kunden- und Dienstleistungsorientierung
- Sehr gute Kommunikations- und Verhandlungsfähigkeiten
- Strukturierte und selbstständige Arbeitsweise
- Sicherer Umgang mit MS Office. Erfahrung mit SAP und CRM-Systemen ist ein Plus
- Teamfähigkeit und eine hohe Eigenmotivation
- Analytisches Denkvermögen und eine lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise
- Sehr gute Deutsch- sowie gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
Wir bieten:
- Eine interessante Tätigkeit in einem dynamischen Unternehmen
- Ein kollegiales und wertschätzendes Arbeitsumfeld
- Mitarbeit an spannenden und innovativen Projekten
- Unterstützung bei der beruflichen Weiterentwicklung und interne Schulungen.
- die Möglichkeit, remote zu arbeiten, um eine optimale Work-Life-Balance zu gewährleisten.
- attraktiven Anstellungsbedingungen (Entlohnung ab brutto EUR 2.229 monatlich für 38,5 Stunden, KV Handel).
- Eine verkehrsgünstige Lage (U-Bahn, bzw. kostenlose Parkplätze vor dem Büro)
Haben wir Dein Interesse geweckt?
Dann bewirb dich jetzt über unser Online-Portal: Lege ein Bewerberkonto an und lade deine vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen hoch (Lebenslauf, Arbeitszeugnisse und Foto). Bitte beachte, dass wir ausschliesslich Online-Bewerbungen berücksichtigen können.
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Internship Controlled Retail - Europe
- Milan
- Marketing
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
- International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
- Competitive reimbursement.
- Free company restaurant.
- Personal and professional development.
The candidate will have the opportunity to learn about the main management processes in the retail context. The candidate will participate in the definition and implementation of reports on the key business indicators to support retail company management and will participate to the implementation of maim project dedicated to Retail channel.
- Reporting related to Driver network: weekly and monthly Reporting;
- Data analisys on Volumes and Prices, analysis on main economics KPI’S; stock analysis;
- Support on Investment for each country;
- Support to new project and existing project: driver website and digital partnership; market place; development on digital channels; in store analytics dashboard.
We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Trade & Consumer candidate with:
- Economical or Engineering degree (5 years);
- Fluent in English;
- Proficiency in MS Office suite, in particular MS Excel.
- Analytical capabilities and problem-solving attitude
Praktikum mit Abschlussarbeit "Waste Reduction Acceleration Program"
- Breuberg
- Quality
- no experience
Praktikum mit Abschlussarbeit "Waste Reduction Acceleration Program"
Deine Verantwortlichkeiten:
- Definition von messbaren KPIs für die Subprojekte des „Waste Reduction Acceleration Program“
- Erarbeitung eines dazu gehörigen Dashboards (Monitoring) mit entsprechendem KPI Reporting
Hierfür bringst Du mit:
- ingenieurwissenschaftlicher oder vergleichbarer Studiengang
- sicherer Umgang im IT Bereich
- Methodik-Kompetenz
- Know-How auf dem Gebiet der Qualität wünschenswert
- Eigeninitiative und Motivation runden dein Profil ab.
Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und werde Teil der Pirelli-Familie, einem globalen Team, das Vielfalt im Unternehmen und die Leidenschaft für Innovationen lebt.
Wir bieten:
- Abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Aufgaben in einem engagierten und motivierten Team mit zahlreichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Zur Förderung der Work-Life-Balance bieten wir flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Faire Bezahlung
- Kantine auf dem Werksgelände mit gesunder und vielfältiger Küche
- Verhaltensrichtlinien zur Vermeidung von Korruption und Diskriminierung
Deine Kontakte:
Christian Heckmann
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Lena Ostheimer
Recruiting & Employer Branding
Telefon (0 61 63) 71 20 02
Bitte füge Deiner Bewerbung die folgenden Unterlagen bei:
- Schulabschlusszeugnis
- ggf. Zeugnis Berufsausbildung
- aktuelle Notenübersicht
- bei Masterstudierenden: Bachelorzeugnis mit Notenübersicht
Vergiss bitte ebenso nicht, uns die folgenden Informationen mitzuteilen:
- gewünschter Zeitraum und Eintrittsdatum
- Pflicht- oder freiwilliges Praktikum
Apply Now
Internship Product Industrialization
- Milan
- Supply Chain
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the Supply Chain team, within the Original Equipment department, and will have the opportunity to gain an overview from both a business and a commercial perspective.
This internship offers hands-on experience in products management and original equipment projects, providing a unique opportunity to develop your skills in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Work in team environment to achieve group’s results
• Plan tires’ distribution among Pirelli’s warehouse and toward car makers
• Provide analytical support in building reports to guide the team in planning the availability for the customers
• Define strategies to cope logistic complexity and constraints.
• Interact with global network to coordinate the supply chain of finish product
• Interact with different supply chain functions such as transport, production and warehousing
• Master’s degree in management engineering or economics
• Fluency in English and Italian
• Proficiency in using Office (mainly XLS and Access)
Internship Supply Chain Intelligence
- Milan
- Supply Chain
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the Supply Chain team, within the Reporting and Systems department, and will have the opportunity to participate to the development of new data driven tools and Pirelli's Digital Transformation roadmap. This internship offers hands-on experience, providing a unique opportunity to develop your skills in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Support the implementation of a new cloud-based Data Platform (AWS) linking the Supply Chain stream of the company with the IT team
• Spearhead the development of the Supply Chain features of a new Integrated Business Planning system powered by o9 platform that will allow the creation of a new planning process for mid- and long-term production and export flows
• Maintaining data policy and guidelines, giving support to data users serving as a Data Steward
• Generation of reports and business intelligence apps to support the supply chain planning and execution
• Medium- and Long-term Planning analysis related with intercompany flows management and inventory target stock
• Master’s degree in in STEM disciplines
• Fluency in English and Italian
• Proficiency in using Office
• Knowledge of other programming languages such as SQL, Python or R are considered a plus
Internship Automation Engineer For Tyre Industry
- Milan
- Operation
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
- International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
- Competitive reimbursement.
- Free company restaurant.
- Personal and professional development.
Join the Manufacturing Engineering team and immerse yourself in a dynamic, youthful environment. From day one, you will gain hands-on experience and grow your skills in in managing projects of automatic handling systems to be installed in Pirelli factories in the world. Under the guidance of your tutor, you'll be empowered to take on increasing responsibilities, develop autonomy, and gain insights into strategic decision-making processes in a fast-evolving industry.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
- CAM SW design and standardization to integrate product/process design into a machine application SW: development of project concept according to product needs, definition of technical specifications for SW development, project management
- Automation SW design and standardization for new machine and existing machine upgrade
- Technical scouting related to new processes and technologies
- Master degree in Automation/Robotics Engineering or similar study degree program with equivalent required technical competencies.
- Automation and robotics basic competence
- Good knowledge of 2D-3D CAD and basic knowledge C# and GIT
- Fluency in English.
Internship Automation Engineer
- Milan
- Information Technology
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
- International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
- Global onboarding process.
- Bespoke training and development programs accessible to all.
- Competitive welfare and benefits package.
- International mobility opportunities.
The candidate will join the Manufacturing Engineering team at Pirelli headquarter. He/She will be involved as Automation Engineer in managing projects, designing, simulation and testing automated machinery for all the Pirelli factories in the world.
- Assists project leaders in managing automation projects, setting timelines and overseeing design, procurement, commissioning, testing, and validation of electrical equipment for machinery.
- Defines data structures and interfaces with M.E.S. and higher systems.
- Specifies electrical equipment (hardware and software) for machinery, collaborating with internal and external stakeholders.
- Standardizes PLC and SCADA/HMI software.
- Drafts electrical equipment specifications for all Pirelli factories globally.
- Master’s Degree in Automation Engineering or Electrical Engineering.
- Fluency in English.
- Strong interest in innovation and in managing automation projects.
- Knowledge of industrial automation: PLC, sensors, servo controls, robotics, industrial networks, and related application.
- Basic knowledge of: data analysis, DB management tools (query, script, etc.), programming and electrical design SW.
Internship Quality Product Evaluation
- Milan
- Quality
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the Quality team, within the Market and Supply Chain Quality department, and will have the opportunity to be involved in analyzing quality data and participate in all the activities related to strategy definition and standardization at global level. This internship offers hands-on experience, providing a unique opportunity to develop your skills in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• evaluate the performance of products in terms of Design, Manufacture, Delivery and Service in all world markets
• conducting customer interviews using local resources
• performing benchmarking activities
• conducting analysis of claims statistics and monitoring all market information sources
• collaborate with other internal functions within the company (e.g., R&D, Production, Process, Factory, Marketing, Logistics) in case of any issues which require detailed investigation and / or improvement actions.
• Master’s degree in engineering
• Fluency in English and Italian
• Proficiency in using Office.
Product Manager Cycling - Road & Gravel
- Milano
- Marketing
- 3 - 5 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
•International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
•Global onboarding process.
•Bespoke training and development programs accessible to all.
•Competitive welfare and benefits package.
•International mobility opportunities.
The candidate will join the Cycling Marketing team at Pirelli headquarter. She/He will be responsible for Pirelli Cycling product strategy, positioning and development, with focus on the entire road and gravel product range.
She/He will be responsible for all the road and gravel product lines, from performance to endurance including sub-segments, to be balanced in the market from an offer point of view, according to market trends, historical data, competitors’ actions, dealers’ requests, consumers’ needs and racing teams requirements.
The resource has to increase the profitability of existing products, she/he will be technical reference for Sales team (including OE) and in contact with customers and external stakeholders in order to spread-out company technological know-how and clearly propose range and products but also to get market information and needs.
•Managing the entire product line life-cycle from strategic planning to tactical activities: what to develop, why, when, with whom and everything connected to product marketing (labels, packaging, literature)
•Specifying market requirements for current and future products by conducting market research supported by on-going visits to customers and non-customers.
•Driving a solution set across development teams (Marketing, R&D, Production, Communications) through market requirements, internal trade-off, production flows and positioning.
•Developing and implementing a company-wide go-to-market plan, working with all departments to execute.
•Driving a solution set across development teams (Marketing, R&D, Production, Communications) through market requirements, internal trade-off, production flows and positioning.
•Connecting the Racing Department, Field Testing and Product Development looking after Professional Teams requests and needs and translating them into product requirements for profitable products.
•3+ years of product management experience in the Cycling Industry
•Knowledgeable in technology as well as communication
•Keen on bicycle in general, from consumer habits to racing trends. Preferred if active cyclist.
•Available to travel and attend outdoor events quite frequently
•Fluent in English both spoken and written language
Pirelli Talents Day 19 November - Marketing
- Milan
- Marketing
- no experience
Pirelli Talents Day 19 November - Marketing
Are You Ready to Drive Your Career Forward in the Automotive Industry? Join Our Talents Day! ????
Are you a recent graduate with a Master's degree in Engineering/Statistics/Marketing or Economics looking for an exciting opportunity to start your career in our Marketing Function?
Pirelli is thrilled to invite recent graduates to our Talents Day at our Milan headquarters!
???? What We're Looking For:
• ✔️ Master's degree in Engineering/Statistics/Marketing or Economics
• ✔️ Fluency in English
• ✔️ Proactivity, Curiosity, and the Desire to Make a Difference
• ✔️ Passion for the Automotive World (a plus!)
???? What to Expect: At our Talents Day, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at our innovative company with a guided tour of our Milan haedquarters. Explore our state-of-the-art facilities, meet our Team, and get a taste of the exciting projects that drive us forward!
???? The Assessment: We want to discover your potential! Show us your skills and passion during individual and group assessments, and let us know why you'd be a great addition to our Marketing Function.
???? What We Offer:
• An initial 6-month internship
• Full-time hours from 9:00 to 18:00
• A workplace in the heart of Milan
???? Save the Date: 19 November 2024
???? Location: Milan, Italy
Our Talent Acquisition Team will contact you if you’re application will be successful!
#TalentsDay #InternshipOpportunity #Marketing #AutomotiveIndustry #Milan #CareerDevelopment #NewGraduates #JoinOurTeam
Apply NowInternship Network Planning Cycling
- Milan
- Supply Chain
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment. • Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the Cycling Business Unit, in the Supply Chain function, supporting the team in network planning, logistics activities, and stock distribution.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Order entry for specific centralized customers; • Sharing of Supply Chain reports;
• Guarantee the correct balance of stocks and guarantee the set objectives of product availability;
• Management of international flows (intercompany, direct delivery to Original Equipment, etc.) of monthly and weekly planning;
• Slot loading / unloading management, for issuing orders and for loading optimization;
• Product availability analysis and monthly result estimate;
• Management of supply plans from factory warehouses (FW) to regional distribution warehouse (RDW).
• Master’s Degree in Management Engineering, Economics, or related fields.
• Strong interpersonal skills, teamwork, and organizational capabilities; • Passion for the two wheels world.
• Fluency in English and Italian
UK - Mechanical Maintenance Fitter, Burton on Trent
- Burton-on-Trent
- Operation
- --
Mechanical Maintenance Fitter
Pirelli UK Tyres Ltd – Burton–on-Trent
We’re looking for an enthusiastic Mechanical Maintenance Fitter to join our Maintenance team in Burton.
The successful applicant will work 40 hours per week, from 08:00-16:00 Monday to Friday.
Basic salary will be £43,931 per annum.
Working within the Maintenance Department, and with the support and direction of the Maintenance Leadership Team, the Mechanical Maintenance Fitter will ensure all equipment is operating to the required standards to ensure safe operation and to maintain production.
The ideal candidate will be a time served Mechanical Fitter with the appropriate Technical qualification. They will have a strong understanding of hydraulic and pneumatic principles, with the ability to read and understand complicated schematic drawings. Candidates must have a good aptitude for mechanical repairs including manual machining, bench fitting, welding and fabrication skills. IPAF 3a and 3b license and accredited counterbalance FLT license is desirable, along with the willingness to undertake training and put this into practice.
Main duties include (but are not limited to):
- The repair and maintenance of tyre building and rubber processing machinery and supporting services including mechanical transmissions, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment and components as required
- Diagnosis/Fault Finding of malfunctioning mechanical systems, equipment and components
- Routine maintenance, lubrication schedules and safety related parts of machinery checks
- Assist other electrical and mechanical team members to complete required maintenance work
- Effect repairs using techniques including MIG/MMA/TIG welding of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, fabrication skills and manual machinist skills (lathe and vertical/horizontal milling and bench fitting and assembly)
- Carrying out safe lifting operations using overhead cranes, hoists and other lifting appliances
- Complying with all safety norms and regulations of working
- Completing all tasks as assigned by the supervisor
- Following all standard operating procedures of working
- Attending relevant training and development activities
There is a requirement for the individual to have good communication skills and a sound problem solving ability. They will also have sound technical knowledge of the processes and machinery. Candidates will be self-motivated, focussed and able to work on their own initiative. A high level of resilience and the ability to work effectively under pressure is also essential.
The successful candidate should be able to demonstrate the following abilities:
Education and professional background:
- Time served Mechanical Fitter with appropriate Technical qualification (NVQ Level 3)
- Strong understanding of hydraulic and pneumatic principles and ability to read and understand complicated schematic drawings
- Good aptitude for mechanical repairs including manual machining, bench fitting, welding and fabrication skills
- IPAF 3a and 3b license and accredited counterbalance FLT license desirable, willingness to undertake training and put into practice essential
Professional and personal aptitudes:
- A sound problem solving ability
- Good communication
- Sound technical knowledge of the processes and machinery
- Self-motivated, focussed and able to work on own initiative
- High level of resilience and able to work effectively under pressure
Employee benefits include:
- 33 days holiday per year (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Pension scheme with linked life insurance
- Service related payment
- Employee discount scheme
- Employee assistance programme
- Discounted tyre vouchers
- Bike to work scheme (salary sacrifice)
- Car scheme (salary sacrifice)
If you would like to apply for this role, please visit the Careers section of our website:
The closing deadline for receipt of all applications is Sunday 24 November 2024.
Apply Now
- Slatina
- Industrial Property
- 1 - 3 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
Since 2005, Pirelli has chosen to invest in Romania and developed a project in Slatina that created over 4,500 jobs. The local factory has become one of the most advanced production facilities in the Pirelli group to produce car tires. Pirelli also owns a motorsport unit in Slatina, where it also produces tires for Formula 1.
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Global onboarding process.
• Bespoke training and development programs accessible to all.
• Competitive welfare and benefits package.
This role is well-suited for individuals with a strong technical background, particularly in Technical Services /Industrial Project management. The ideal candidate should be analytical, detail-oriented, and capable of handling complex data. While experience is preferred, the role also welcomes motivated and adaptable recent graduates who are ready to contribute to process improvement and optimization in a dynamic industrial setting.
• Be the Stream leader of Maintenance & Energy, two of the most important pillars of World Class Manufacturing methodology, actively leading projects and coordinating the roadmap of all activities in the factory that fall within this scope.
• Increase the efficiency of the machines (increase MTBF – reduction MTTR) and reduce the scrap generation through the increased skills of maintainers and the use of Failure Analysis techniques.
• Support Maintenance department in the definition of a systematic Preventive Maintenance activity (change of approach from reactive to preventive).
• Identify and attack the main energy losses in the plants through the diffusion of standard machine management models and prevent energy losses through an effective control system.
• Monitoring the progress of continuous improvement implementation and projects achievements.
• Calculate potential cost savings and resource optimizations based on production volume changes.
• Collaborate with department managers to plan and execute approved projects.
• A degree in a technical field, such as Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, or a related discipline.
• Strong ability to work with complex datasets and manipulate numerical information reliably.
• Analytical skills to evaluate processes and identify improvement opportunities
• High attention to detail to ensure accuracy in analysis and reporting.
• Creativity and Innovation - ability to generate innovative ideas and solutions to improve processes and workflows.
• Flexibility: adaptable to changing work environments and varying project requirements proficiency in written and spoken English.
• Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office.
• Analytical capabilities and problem-solving attitude
Internship - Supply Chain Motorsport
- Milan
- Supply Chain
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
- International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
- Competitive reimbursement.
- Free company restaurant.
- Personal and professional development.
Join the Motorsport Supply Chain team and immerse yourself in a dynamic environment. From day one, you will gain hands-on experience and grow your skills in technical support in the field of Logistics, planning the supply of tyres to the main championships worldwide.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
* Checking requirements from markets and customers and giving availability;
* Supporting in shipments organization, including prototypes shipment;
* Monitoring KPI and backorders analysis;
* Analysing Stocks;
* Budget definition and monitoring;
*Master’s Degree in Economics or Management Engineering, or related fields;
*Fluency in English and Italian;
*Basic knowledge of Excel
Requirement Engineer Cyber Tyre Product Management
- Milano
- Operation
- 3 - 5 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing withou t our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
•Flexible working hours.
•On site health clinic.
•Remote Working.
•Employee benefits.
Within the Product Management team into the Cyber department , the Requirement Engineer will play a key role in defining Cyber Tyre products, focusing on translating high level functionalities into detailed system requirements and architecture. The Cyber Tyre is a groundbreaking mechatronic system with sensorized tires that communicate wirelessly with the vehicle. These systems provide data processed by Pirelli's proprietary algorithms, contributing to enhanced vehicle safety and performance.
•Develop and manage product requirements for Cyber Tyre, from high level features down to system architecture.
•Collaborate closely with cross functional teams to ensure comprehensive requirement coverage and alignment.
•Ensure all requirements align with Pirelli's safety and performance standards.
•Master’s degree.
•Good knowledge of English.
•3-5 years of experience in System Engineering with a strong background in requirement writing an additional experience as a Developer or Tester is considered an asset.
•Proficiency in ALM tools (knowledge of Polarion will be considered a plus).
•Experience in automotive safety critical projects, specifically aligned with ISO 26262 Functional Safety.
•Proven experience with Automotive SPICE projects at a minimum of level 1.
•Familiarity with automotive cybersecurity standards (ISO Familiarity with automotive cybersecurity standards (ISO 21434) and and with Bluetooth protocol.
•Ability to work independently.
•Strong organizational skills to handle customer deadlines effectively.
•Conflict management skills to find resolutions in the face of internal disagreements.
Internship - International Tax
- Milan
- Legal
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the International Tax team within the tax department and will be trained to support the company managing its tax planning, compliance and transactions across multiple countries. This internship offers hands-on experience in providing advisory to the top management to find the best solutions and take business choices consciously of threats and opportunities related to the tax field.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Managing extraordinary, domestic and cross-border corporate transactions, reviewing contracts and compliance activities for Pillar 2 and CbCR purposes
• Analyzing and applying Double Taxation Conventions and European Directives, calculating Group tax rate and cash-out forecast and supporting quarterly tax reconciliation.
• Assisting affiliates with Tax Reporting and preparing Transfer Pricing documentation in compliance with domestic and OECD regulations
• Planning and defining intra-group flows and reviewing economic analyses of intercompany transactions.
• Dialoguing with the tax authorities for disputes and/or preventive agreements (APA-BAPA)
• Degree in a legal-economic subject, preferably with a focus on taxation.
• Fluency in Italian and English (B2/C1)
• Detail oriented with excellent written communication skills
Internship - Product Development Technologist
- Milan
- R&D
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
The candidate will join the Cycling team at Pirelli headquarter. In particular, she/He will be a support for Cycling R&D team. We are looking for a candidate with creativity and a desire to know.
• Analyze the requirements of the assigned customer Project and develop the related product specifications
• Define the tests planning to evaluate new materials / compounds or product variations
• Evaluate the test results on the product performances and define and implement the needed variations
• Plan, coordinate and assure development and industrialization activities
• Analyze the complexity of the products in the factories to improve the efficiency
• Master's degree in Engineering
• English fluent
• Effectiveness, Teamwork
• Customer orientation
• Knowledge of cycling field is considered a plus
Quality Manager - Cyber Tyre
- Milano
- Quality
- 5 - 10 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
•International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
•Global onboarding process.
•Bespoke training and development programs accessible to all.
•Competitive welfare and benefits package.
•International mobility opportunities.
Within the Quality team, the Quality Engineer will be responsible for the activities related to Cyber Tyre product quality. This role offers hands-on experience, providing a unique opportunity to develop your skills in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
•Verify the accuracy and solidity of the design and industrialization phases.
•Implement control plans of the production based on FMEA provided by R&D and suppliers.
•Check the correct implementation of FMEA through auditing activities.
•Activate and monitor the implementation of continuous improvement actions both in product design and in the production process in collaboration with R&D Cyber and Suppliers.
•Monitor the quality in the field, in the sensor’s market and SW.
•Collaborate in certification activities when required (ex SPICE or ISO 26262).
•Master’s degree in Electronics.
•7 years’ experience in electronics field.
•Specialization in electronic design and quality control with a focus on automotive.
•In-depth knowledge of electronic standards applied to the automotive sector.
•Knowledge of Core tools Quality.
•Knowledge of ISO 9001 / IATF 16949 / VDA.
•Expertise in automotive sector.
•Certified Auditor and 6 Sigma certificate (green or black belt).
•Knowledge of SW Python.
•Knowledge of the main approaches to problem solving.
Internship Marketing Cycling
- Milan
- Marketing
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
- International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
- Competitive reimbursement.
- Free company restaurant.
- Personal and professional development.
The candidate will join the Cycling team at Pirelli headquarter. In particular, she/He will be a support for Cycling Marketing team. We are looking for a candidate with creativity and a desire to know.
- Implementation of product graphics (label, packaging, product literature), POS graphics and in-shop banners, Digital and Social banner creativity, presentations (internal and external)
- FOC operational order management and reporting
- Trade & Digital Marketing back-office support (POS and/or digital material order fulfillment of distributors/dealers and digital material support for Ambassadors/Athletes/Teams)
- Ongoing project management/materials with corporate creative agency
- Master’s degree in Graphic Design or related fields.
- Fluency in Italian and English (at least B2 level).
- Proficiency in MS Office suite
Internship Supply Chain International Transport
- Milan
- Supply Chain
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the Supply Chain team, within the International Transport department, and will have the opportunity to gain an overview from both a business and an industrial perspective. This internship offers hands-on experience, providing a unique opportunity to develop your skills in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Collaborate with other planning department and local team in order to define transport requirements
• Evaluating, analyzing and controlling suppliers performances, their KPIs and transportation costs.
• Identifying the suppliers for international transport services and manage the tenders process
• Managing the relationships with the supplier in order to guarantee the service level agreed in the contract
• Inside the company’s Transportation Management System define an efficient and optimized transport plan
• Support the international transportation team in managing daily criticalities.
• Master’s degree in management engineering or economics
• Fluency in English and Italian
• Proficiency in using Office (mainly XLS and Access)
Internship - Tax Italy
- Milan
- Finance
- no experience
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• International, engaging, and supportive working environment.
• Competitive reimbursement.
• Free company restaurant.
• Personal and professional development.
You will join the Tax Italy team within the tax department and will be trained to support the company managing its tax planning, compliance and incentives projects. This internship offers hands-on experience in providing advisory to the top management to find the best solutions and take business choices consciously of threats and opportunities related to the tax field.
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
• Support extraordinary, domestic and cross-border corporate transactions, reviewing contracts and compliance activities from a direct and indirect tax purposes;
• Support in Analyzing and applying Double Taxation Conventions and European Directives, calculating tax rate and cash-out forecast and supporting quarterly tax reconciliation of Italian companies.
• Support in managing the continuous dialogue with Tax Authorities within the Italian cooperative compliance regime (filing of formal request and risk communications on the main tax matters);
• Support in management of Pirelli Italian incentives: i.e. Patent Box, Industria 4.0, Transizione 5.0, Credito R&S;
• Degree in an economic subject, preferably with a focus on taxation.
• Fluency in Italian and English (B2/C1)
• Problem solving oriented with excellent communication skills.
Coordinador Técnico Comercial
- Olivos, Provincia de Buenos Aires
- Commercial&Sales
- 1 - 3 years
Coordinador Técnico Comercial
Buscamos tu talento!
Sumate a nuestro equipo comercial participando de nuestra búsqueda de Coordinador Técnico Comercial.
esta posición tiene a su cargo la gestión técnica y comercial de la zona asignada, realiza visitas programadas a nuestros Clientes por la empresa, releva los precios de la región, realiza informes, atiende reclamos de producto, identifica oportunidades comerciales, analiza y supervisa el desempeño de los puntos de ventas y capacita a la fuerza de ventas de los clientes y distribuidores.
Si sos profesional graduado de carreras como Ing. Industrial, Administración de Empresas, Comercialización o similares, tenés entre 25 y 35 años, tu idioma inglés es avanzado, posees una experiencia de 2 años en posiciones comerciales técnicas de grandes Compañías y trabajas en equipo, con autonomía, proactividad y con excelentes relaciones interpersonales estás listo para participar!
Salí a las pistas! Aplicá a ésta búsqueda.
Apply NowPasante Pirelli
- Merlo y Olivos. Zona Oeste y Norte GBA
- General Services
- < 1 year
Tu Carrera comienza acá!
No te pierdas ésta oportunidad, sumate a nuestro Programa de Pasantías.
Las áreas donde podrás desarrollarte son:
Industrial, Calidad, Mantenimiento, Seguridad e Higiene, Comercial, Marketing, HR, Logística, Finanzas.
Los Lugares donde podrás realizar tu pasantía son:
Nuestra planta productiva en Merlo (GBA Oeste) y nuestras oficinas en Olivos (GBA Norte).
Para sumarte tenés que:
- Ser estudiante universitario de las carreras de Ingeniería, Administración de empresas, HR, Comercialización, Marketing, Contador público o afines.
- Tener entre 20 y 25 años.
- Contar con conocimiento avanzado de idioma inglés y paquete office.
- Vivir en Capital Federal, GBA Norte, GBA Oeste.
- Tener muchas ganas de aprender, desarrollarte profesionalmente y comprometerte con tu futuro.
Sumate a nuestro equipo, aplicá a esta búsqueda!
Apply NowSales Support/Order Management Intern
- Commercial&Sales
- < 1 year
6 to 12 months INTERNSHIP program strictly for fresh graduates or graduating students, with 0 to <1 year work experience only
Holds a valid residence VISA throughout the internship period
You will collaborate with your tutor in:
1. Timely and Efficient Order Management
- Ensure smooth handling of orders and flows to assigned customers.
- Track orders from recording to product consignment and invoicing.
- Maintain communication with local logistics to ensure adherence to customer specifications.
2. Optimize Logistics flows Between Production Plants and Customers
- Streamlined communication with producers and HQ logistics to improve efficiency.
- Ensure coordination between production plants and customer markets to reduce delivery times and optimize costs.
3. Monitor and Support Administrative Processes
- Oversee invoicing, payments, and other financial processes.
- Collaborate closely with administrative offices to resolve invoicing and payment issues quickly.
4. Provide Technical Support and Consultancy
- Offer / share product information to customers as needed.
- Coordinate with technical teams to ensure high-quality assistance and product-related consultancy to customers.
5. Periodic Monitoring and Proactive Customer Engagement
- Regularly review customer status and progress toward targets.
- Initiate actions to engage customers and address any gaps, aiming to meet the assigned sales or service goals.
Working towards ensuring that customers receive high-quality service, efficient logistics support, technical guidance, and continuous attention to their needs while also aligning internal teams to achieve overall business targets.
- Master’s degree in Business Administration, Logistics, Management Engineering, or related fields.
- Fluency in English
- Proficiency in MS Office suite, in particular MS Excel
- Systems experience in SAP & ERP systems is a plus
- Trustworthy, Committed and Self-motivated.
Purchasing Intern
- Purchasing
- < 1 year
We are currently seeking a motivated individual for the position of Purchasing Intern at our office in Dubai. The following tasks will be assigned to the Purchasing Intern:
- Assist the procurement team in sourcing and selecting suppliers.
- Support the procurement manager in conducting market research and analyzing vendor performance.
- Assist in preparing purchase orders and ensuring timely delivery of goods.
- Help maintain accurate records of procurement activities and update the inventory management system.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure smooth procurement processes.
6 to 12 months INTERNSHIP program strictly for fresh graduates or graduating students, with 0 to <1 year work experience only
Holds a valid residence VISA throughout the internship period
- Master’s degree in Economics, Logistics, Management Engineering, or related fields.
- Proficiency in MS Office suite, in particular MS Excel
- Systems experience in SAP & ERP systems is a plus
- Trustworthy, Committed and Self-motivated.
- Fluent in English (proficiency in Italian, Arabic, or Russian is a plus);
- Holds a valid residence VISA throughout the internship period.
South Africa - Area Sales Manager
- Johannesburg
- Commercial&Sales
- 5 - 10 years
We are a global leader in the tire industry, specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing high-performance tires for cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. With a presence in over 160 countries and around 18 production facilities, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, and it is fueled by our commitment to the inclusion of unique perspectives and different experiences. Because power is nothing without our people!
Pirelli Tyre South Africa is a full subsidiary of the global holding company with its headquarters in Milan, Italy and is responsible for the importation and distribution of Passenger Car and Light Truck tyres in the Southern Africa region.With its local headquarters based in Waterfall City, Midrand, Pirelli Tyre South Africa is a well-known and respected Premium and Prestige brand in the Southern Africa market.
We are offering a rewarding role with scope for career progression along with:
• A dynamic working environment with a leading international company
• Continuous development and training in a fast-paced environment
• International and best practice exposure with an iconic brand
• To build relationships with an existing customer base and to grow market share through gaining new customers across your region (Current presence in all provinces across South Africa)
• Self-starter who has an Owner/business culture
• Have a personal sales target to actively search, pursue and engage potential clients and Set up and maintaining a daily calling programme in advance
• Development of sales budgets in accordance with marketing and sales strategy while achieving sales targets
• Implement and manage strategic sales to increase the company’s market share and identifying new growth opportunities by market segments.
• Manage customer relationships through a consultative approach / solution selling and understanding the customer’s needs (current and upcoming)
• Presentations showing decline or increase in purchases and comprehensive sales report on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis
• Bachelor’s Degree/National Diploma in Sales/Business Development/Marketing preferred
• Matric (Senior Certificate)
• Valid Driver’s License
• Min 5 Years’ Solid Experience In Business Development
• Strong Sales experience (Ideally In the Tyre Industry), Negotiations Skills, Commercial Acumen,
• MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Outlook
• Working experience with a Tier 1 tyre manufacturer in a regional role
• A passionate and self-driven attitude
• A problem solving and energetic mindset
• Team player with a hunger for success!