
The existing interrelationships between Pirelli and its stakeholders are based on the AA1000 Model adopted by the Company.

The Compliance of Pirelli approach with AA1000 guidelines and principles is audited each year by third party, as specified in the Assurance Letter of the integrated annual report.

Pirelli’s role in the economic and social context is inseparably tied to its capacity to create value with a multi-stakeholder approach, which means it pursues sustainable and lasting growth based as far as possible on the fair reconciliation of the interests and expectations of all those who interact with the Company with an awareness of its own global responsibilities as a Corporate Global Citizen, and in particular:

  • customers, since the Pirelli way of doing business is based on customer satisfaction;
  • employees, who are the repository of Group know-how and drive its development;
  • shareholders, investors and the financial community;
  • suppliers, with which it shares a responsible approach to business;
  • the environment, since it’s the only source of livelihood for all human activities in the present and future time;
  • institutions, governmental and non-governmental bodies, and the communities around the world where the Group operates.

The interactions that take place between stakeholders conform to the AA1000 Model adopted by the Company and are analysed in detail in order to effectively manage the relations with them and to create sustainable and shared value.

Dialogue, interaction and involvement are calibrated to meet the needs of consultation of the various types of stakeholder and include meetings, interviews, surveys, joint analyses, road-shows and focus groups.

Our local markets play a fundamental role in managing relationships with local stakeholders.

Feedback received from stakeholders contributed to the corporate evaluation of the priorities for action, influencing the Group development strategy set out in the Industrial Plan and the Group materiality matrix.

Each year the activity of Stakeholder Engagement as well as relevant feedback is reported in the Integrated Annual Report, in the chapters related to each Stakeholder.

Grievance Procedure - Whistleblowing

Pirelli provides its shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers, all its stakeholders, and the general public with a channel to report any acts or omissions adopted by any party within Pirelli, in its relations with Pirelli or on its behalf such that constitute or may constitute a violation or inducement to violate laws and/or regulations, the principles enshrined in the Pirelli Values and Ethical Code, principles of internal control, company policies, rules and procedures and/or that can either directly or indirectly give rise to economic, financial or reputational damage for Pirelli Group companies.

Grievance Procedure - Whistleblowing Policy

Last revised: 08 June 2017